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Why are so many survivors DC'ing lately?

It seems to be no matter what killer I play, what addons I use, what offerings I bring. Survivors seem to DC and I can understand the occasional disconnect - but it's every single game 1-2 if not more disconnect and it's becoming a regular occurrence, what is going on?

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  • Member Posts: 5,069
    edited April 2019

    Don't bother with them. They're always trying to have fun by annoy the players.

  • Member Posts: 221

    Because Moonwalking legions still exist. ALso if you dc you dont lose pips so there is next to no reason not to

  • Member Posts: 5,069

    Than the devs should finally punish them for DC, instead of nerfing killers.

  • Member Posts: 198

    thereโ€™s also a bug that forces people to dc. Also it mostly survivors who canโ€™t handle being downed or killed. They have to be oh-so-good even tho all they do is loop and thatโ€™s it

  • Member Posts: 131
    edited April 2019

    i dc with a smile in those and only those. if i don't have mettle of man, ds and dead hard, that is. used exlusively for such occasions.

  • Member Posts: 1,101
    edited April 2019

    The forced DC and lack punishment for legit RQ's is why the dc rate is so high.

    When community representatives DC regularly on their streams and nothing happens to them it sets a precedent that it's ok to do so for the rest of us.

    Does anyone know someone who was punished for DCing too much? Prob. not--- because of these imaginary "thresholds"

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    DC penality is weighed against total amount of games played. So if someone dc's say 5% of their games purposely, but they play 15 or 20 games a session then they will never really get dinged by the system. The game is also problematic in terms of stability. You can be force dc'd while loading in or even mid game due to the game just losing its mind for a moment. So getting hit for it is going to be rare. Also the devs don't really put out metrics on negative behavior and punishments to said bad actors so it makes the issue seem that much more under handled.

  • Member Posts: 1

    I am a fairly new player. I see that about half my games there is at least 1 and sometimes up to 3 d/c's as soon as they are hooked and have a point score of 0. Of course I don't know all the technicalities of the situation, but I do know that it is frustrating for a newish player and I have to think Something can be done.... something, please??

    Is it possible the designers don't know the extent of this happening? Surely, they must. It is ruining the game for me and I feel like allot of others like myself.

  • Member Posts: 1,962

    Because there's no real punishment for doing so.

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    @Jesya @ReikoMori There is a threshold, but those who go over the threshold won't get banned automatically. AFAIK, the devs still have to ban manually, which they do in "ban waves". When there is a ban wave, we will very likely notice it. (The forum would get flooded with "I've gotten banned"-threads.)

  • Member Posts: 531

    Becose ther is no punishment for this so fk you you dont sacrafice me you dont deserv after all.

  • Member Posts: 3,615

    Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

  • Member Posts: 1,463

    Because they suck

  • Member Posts: 819

    Because killer suck.

  • Member Posts: 5,069

    Yes, because every Legion main was abusing it. I'm okay with this change to get rid off this exploit, but not OVERLY nerfing this killers! I swear to god... how many times I need to say that...

  • Member Posts: 1,604

    That's a dumb statement, people DC regardless if its legion or not

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    Excluding the times DBD just disconnects people for no reason?

    There's plenty of reasons people DC from games intentionally (on both sides mind you)

    Survivor side: Being camped, being tunneled, moonwalking Legion (thank God they're changing that bullshite), if a killer is slugging like a try hard and I know my partner found hatch, ridiculous lag and getting hit by things that are nowhere near you, etc.

    Killer side: Survivor looped them for 3 gens, they got a map they didn't want (yes that has happened), the whole group is about to get their escape points, they get hit by ds or a flashlight, their ruin gets destroyed after like 15 seconds, etc.

    On both sides, there's a bunch of bs but overall, survivors have more legit reasons to DC because SOME killers make the game not fun. The match is a waste of time if you die in less than 2 minutes because some no skill killer decides to tunnel you off hook and camp you.

  • Member Posts: 726

    nowadays you get safety pip when you DC so if someone is carring about rank he is DCing when he know he will de-rank, remember when killers cried ppl DC to de-rank? now DCing isnt making you lose pips and WHAT HAPPENED? more survs DCing EZ clap

    and BTW about DCing there is bug that pretty much is kicking you out of match (i was kicked like that 2 or 3 times) so thats 1, when game is 3vs1 i let killer instantly kill me there is no point in playing 3vs1, so when 1st surv is DCing in 30 sec there is no point in playing 3vs1 on 5 gens. tell me reason to do that

  • Member Posts: 641

    it's not every game, but it's happening more than usual, because.. you can. every single reason or set back it ok for killer or survivor to just give up. Let's not only focus survivors here, i've had plenty of killers dc during the match too.

  • Member Posts: 296

    I took a break till 1 week ago. So far in all but 3 games 3 or more people dced. And only in 1 noone dced. Survivors get owned they dc.

  • Member Posts: 994

    @MasonMyers69 when are they DCing? Is it prior to the match starting? Or after the match has started?

    Prior to the match starting, there are 2 valid reasons for disconnects: 1) The game crashed. 2) They actually left before the offerings page due to an extremely high latency, which you wonโ€™t see until the match starts. If you are consistently seeing this, it may be your Internet connection.

  • Member Posts: 246

    They leave during the game - once they have been downed - they'll loop for a bit, usually get mindgamed or just chase until they go down, then leave the moment they go down or before I hook them

  • Member Posts: 726

    @MasonMyers69 TBH i enjoy making OoO survs DC because they didnt found bad killer :D

  • Member Posts: 1,972

    Is it based on Lifetime matches? So if I played a grand total of 500 matches and never once disconnected, how many times could I disconnect before action was taken? I'm just trying to understand the system.

  • Member Posts: 294
    edited April 2019

    I sometimes do that when I see survivors that stay in the corners of the map or crouch walk continously or if the hitboxes are godlike like they usually are if I'm tunneled or 100% if it's legion.

    Also the first few apply if the killer isn't chasing me or smth to have that other way out

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    They don't give a hard threshold number, but it has been stated on the forum in another thread that it is looking at the total number of matches you've ever played. So if you've played 500 matches then you could get away with possibly as many as 90 or 100 dcs before the game or devs decide something is off. Maybe even more.

  • Member Posts: 97

    There is so many reasons of DC:

    1. just legion
    2. Survivors are tired of playing against the same killer few matches in a row
    3. they dont like to play against some kind of killers
    4. trash hitboxes
    5. campers
    6. tunnelers
    7. noob team (all players, for example team who crouch and do nothing entire match)
    8. troll
    9. braindead person in team (unhooking in front of killer etc.)
    10. lagger killer
    11. high ping
    12. 3vs1 or 2vs1 in the beginning of match
    13. "great" rank balance (survivors 10-17 vs killer 1-6)
    14. The best add ones, offerings (few times in a row, for example mori etc.)
    15. Boring match
    16. Bugs, glitches
    17. Cheaters, hackers
    18. unfunny game

    I could mention more and more examples, but the this list is already long. The most important is that all of them are caused by anger, behavior of killer or survivor, game bugs etc. All survivors are just tired of this... Just look how you play and try to make game funny for all players, not only for yourself.

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