Looking for opinions from both Killers and Survivors


I have recently been in several matches on Console were the dead survivors have DM'D the Killer or other remaining Survivors telling them where i am. Therefore causing me to get massively trolled and or killed. I would like to know others opinions about how to handle the situation. I have been told by other players to write down said players names and avoid them in lobby or just sandbag and troll them in return. So what would you do?


  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    On Xbox I just block the person (which decreases the chance you run into them again, not guaranteed though), report them through Xbox for cheating or unsporting (leaving a note to explain they were helping the other team win), then report them through the like/dislike button in DBD's endgame screen as a farmer.

    Then when I join a lobby I check everyone's profile. If I have you blocked already I leave the room and find another. Doesn't really help to stop playing against toxic killers since you can't see them until the end, but that's the best you can do. If you are on PS4 though IDK what report options you have.

    Only thing I will say is DO NOT MESSAGE THESE PEOPLE. At least not on Xbox because they can report you for communications. Just block/report and move on.

  • Azakura
    Azakura Member Posts: 68
    That has never happened to me at least not to my knowledge. Are you hiding constantly without contributing much to the match? That's the only reason I could see them doing that to you.
  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101

    Are you sandbagging or farming people off hooks?
    This hasn't happened to me, yet I can see people getting angry for either other teammates always hiding or giving the the impression you are farming or sandbagging.
    Or you just have had really poopy teammates.

  • Tsukirose31
    Tsukirose31 Member Posts: 53
    A few times I played killer I had survivors messaging me doing the same thing.  I consider it cheating so I told them no.  There's nothing really that can be done on game side for this.  You just have to hope the killer you're up against doesn't want to win the game through cheats.  
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @Tsukirose31 said:
    A few times I played killer I had survivors messaging me doing the same thing.  I consider it cheating so I told them no.  There's nothing really that can be done on game side for this.  You just have to hope the killer you're up against doesn't want to win the game through cheats.  

    Yea I've joined rooms and then got a message from the killer that just says "farm". I just leave and find another room. I also get party invites from other survivors, which I usually ignore. Funny part is the one that sent the inv almost always gets caught and hook first 30 seconds of the game.

  • foxofthestars
    foxofthestars Member Posts: 157
    edited July 2018

    @Azakura said:
    That has never happened to me at least not to my knowledge. Are you hiding constantly without contributing much to the match? That's the only reason I could see them doing that to you.

    @Jesya said:
    Are you sandbagging or farming people off hooks?
    This hasn't happened to me, yet I can see people getting angry for either other teammates always hiding or giving the the impression you are farming or sandbagging.
    Or you just have had really poopy teammates.

    No i have not sandbagged or farmed anyone. I try and unhook when it is safe and even follow to heal the person. I do not hide in lockers or troll other survivors trying to get them caught. I have being playing the game since it's release on xbox and have not experianced this issue.This started happening recently with the new 2.0 release. There was a game clip posted on a DBD club forum on xbox. It showed this player getting sandbagged repeatedly by the same 3 survivors ( one of which who trolls me consistently).
    The trolling survivor replied to the clip with a: LOL this is how i roll comment and said they would keep doing it.
    I just do't understand that kind of mentality when playing a game that depends on Cooperation with one another.

    Thank you everyone for the replies

    Post edited by foxofthestars on
  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,201

    Just block the bm'ing players and check everyone's profile in the lobby. So you can see that you've blocked the person and that he's done something bad to you before. Its like warning yourself.