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Why you d/c vs Legion? Can't handle it?

Member Posts: 27

In all seriousness, why bother dc-ing vs a killer just because you don't like to face them? I've dc'd from some of my games when it got to a frustrating point but that is usually because of a specific behavior from one or more players, tunneling, Insidious camping, etc.

Not just because I don't like facing a certain killer. Coming from someone who mostly plays survivor, I get it, Legion is very frustrating to go against because of their tunnel-y nature. But really? How childish are you that you can't just play out the game?

Even if the game goes as badly as you clearly think it's gonna go, you'll still get points and you may even get to safety pip (if you care about that kind of thing).

Why ruin the game for everyone else just to avoid 10minutes of discomfort? Can't hack it when everything doesn't go your way?

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  • Member Posts: 183

    Because Legion is boring and anyone who plays it is ruining the fun of others.

  • Member Posts: 1,519

    yes, they both ignore game mechanics, but at least you have to be somewhat decent to get hits with nurse. I'd argue that legion is ruining the game far more than the people that dc from him

  • Member Posts: 316

    At the end of the day some killers are just not fun to vs. Legion is really annoying. I play vs him and dont't DC but thats why most people DC vs him.

    Sometimes I DC vs franks mix tape if the dude is tunneleing because I cbf.

  • Member Posts: 3,293

    I dc from him because they either exploit or use broken add-ons

    And no, I don't mean that dirt-tape combo.

  • Member Posts: 198

    i never get why people think legion is unfun to play against. I always have a fairly alright game when I go against him. He gives a new type of play to the game instead of just looping and stuff. Idk that’s why I like the plague and nurse because typical survivor “jukes” ie looping don’t work with them.

    idk that’s just my two cents

  • Member Posts: 3,154

    I never DC unless I am playing so bad I need a break or something IRL comes up. (One more time I DCd because the killer was targeting only me, avoiding all other survivors even if they where injured. I couldn't do anything about it, I couldn't even chill on a gen or have the time to heal FFS. He didn't go far from the hook, he just waited for me to be rescued and went back).

    I think that people DC against Legion because they simply have no counter-play. They can ignore pallets and windows, with the right add-ons they can end a chase very quickly, but the problem is that the survivors can do absolutely nothing about it. If a Legion want's to down you they will, you can't escape, at least not for long. You could say the same thing about Nurse, but at least she takes skill to use effectively.

  • Member Posts: 1,256

    I don't, but I can understand why people do. Thankfully, I've yet to face a moonwalking Legion, but they have made such an impression on Legion players that everyone assumes that's what all Legion players are. And they are nearly impossible to deal with, if all of the complaints are any indication.

    Legion is one of my favorite Killers (I'd say only three or four are ahead of them), but I play them the way I see them. A speedy, chaos-inducing killer that is amazing at getting Brutality points. Moonwalking is bland, uninteresting, and if I was so desperate for kills, I would play Rin or Sally, not Legion.

  • Member Posts: 1,256

    I don't, but I can understand why people do. Thankfully, I've yet to face a moonwalking Legion, but they have made such an impression on Legion players that everyone assumes that's what all Legion players are. And they are nearly impossible to deal with, if all of the complaints are any indication.

    Legion is one of my favorite Killers (I'd say only three or four are ahead of them), but I play them the way I see them. A speedy, chaos-inducing killer that is amazing at getting Brutality points. Moonwalking is bland, uninteresting, and if I was so desperate for kills, I would play Rin or Sally, not Legion.

  • Member Posts: 460

    I only dc against ones who hold the game hostage to force people to farm by killing whoever doesn't play altruistic for them. Not fair and Legions like that never let us live anyway in my exp. Ive only seen 3 legions like that but I recognize the signs so I'll dc

  • Member Posts: 38

    I feel like it's considered "unfun" to go against him because looping is the primary way of dealing with survivors. Stealth imo is a wonderful option against legion.

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    Stealth doesn't work when he can see your heartbeat though and even if you're in a locker he can see you.

  • Member Posts: 125

    I don't see that many disconnects against Legion on PS4. At least not more frequently than with any other killers.

  • Member Posts: 316

    When he hits someone and you are close enough he knows where you are. Stealth isn't an option then.

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    If you don't want people to play legion then the best way is to discourage it. DCing doesn't discourage crap as the Killer benefit's from that. Instead CRUSH HIM. SHOW HIM WHY HE'S CONSIDERED BOTTOM TIER AND DEPIP HIM INTO OBLIVION. I mean seriously, why should I care if you are to salty to play the game? More points for me! If I see that a Killer I'm playing is always ending in a 2-0k however then I'm going to switch Killers hoping for better results. If you DC I'm going to get a 4k and end the game happy, this is counterproductive to the goal of discouraging unfun play.

  • Member Posts: 464

    Dcing because you don't like the killer you got is selfish and you deserve to be banned.

    Think i DC everytime i get Lerys, or Stupidwind farm on a huntress? no.

    Sure i might ######### and moan a bit and i know im gonna have a bad time (see-through walls are such a good idea) but i don't see how inconveniencing the 4 survivors that spent time waiting for a queues fault.

  • Member Posts: 16,594

    I have way more fun vs Nurse. I get crushed by a good Nurse, I will probably depip and not get a lot of BPs. But it is still fun, because I can actually TRY to get rid of her in a chase. This does not happen with Legion. Sure, the chases are long, but they are frustrating and boring.

    I DCed two times vs Legion. Both times they were using Franks Mixtape.

    1st time I had a bad evening already and I knew I wont touch this game for a long time if I would really play vs Legion at this point. So I DCed to save my mood.

    2nd time it was a 3v1 with 5 Gens (the player did not DC because of Legion, basically the game loaded in with him DCed), Legion hit me and started moonwalking. And no, I wont play a 3v1 with 5 Gens vs a Moonwalking Legion. One of the other people also DCed, and the player let the last Survivor do two Gens (I mean, when he has enough empathy for this, he could also have enough Empathy to not his stupid Exploits in a 3v1 with 5 Gens..)

    But I can understand and dont blame anyone not playing vs Legion. I also want the game to be over as soon as possible. Even if they leave me behind, yeah, its ok. I can get behind this.

  • Member Posts: 234

    I ran into a Moonwalking Legion the other day... did every think I could to not DC.

    So I did what I could and worked on a few gens, spammed vaulted windows... just to "annoy" him.

    Believe it or not, he ended up meeting his match with some P3 Claudette who moonwalked herself... LMAO.

    I survived. I'm glad I didn't DC.

  • Member Posts: 1,371

    The Legions power is that they stab you so hard they make you disconect. With the right addons they can make you unistall the game with one well placed stab.

  • Member Posts: 2,188

    I'm looking forward to playing as him and I'll most likely get alot of salt after game lol. But yea I understand he can be sometimes annoying. But way do you have to DC agenst him just play the game plan and simple.

  • Member Posts: 2,213
    edited April 2019

    The number of people in this thread attempting to defend why they DC or defending those that DC is kind of gross.

    Everyone already knows why players dislike playing against Legion but it doesn't dismiss or make the fact that they DC any better. And, really, it doesn't explain why they DC.

    The only real reason they DC is because they don't care about anyone else and, if they DC any later than the beginning of the match, don't understand math.

  • Member Posts: 2,188

    Ikr way can't they just play through it. But I'll still play as legion and it makes us win the game anyways xd. Soo way do they DC?

  • Member Posts: 504

    Because bandwagons!

  • Member Posts: 7,156

    I don't dc, but I will die on first hook. I play the game for fun. Legion is not fun to face at all. I'm not wasting my precious free time doing something I find tedious.

  • Member Posts: 612

    hopefully this one actually sticks. the last one got too many complaints.

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    They never said anything about reworking him. Just updating him a bit.

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    To the op, why play Legion, can't handle playing a real killer? Now see I used your same argument against you. Legion has several problems beyond just the moonwalk, he has an addon exploit that makes it pretty much impossible.

    To all those saying just loop him, not everyone is a pro caliber looper nor will they ever be, Legion can also just spam Frenzy attacks with no downsides. Oh you missed well that's ok you can swing a whole bunch more times to hit them.

    Play stealthy, whoops he can see your heartbeat even if hiding in a locker, oh you're further away oh look my Distressing says hi.

  • Member Posts: 27

    @powerbats I mostly play survivor actually I just haven't really understood the need for people to d/c against Legion versus any other killer playing a frustrating build. I'm a terrible killer personally even without Legion and I only ever play them if I have a ritual for it.

    The way I see it, there are plenty of other frustrating builds to go against, not just the Legion, so why not just be a trooper and play through the game with everyone else?

    I don't consider myself good enough to loop Legion forever just like I'm not good enough to juke a nurse forever or effectively deal with a Scratched Mirror Myers on Lery's without swf.

    Just stay in the game and deal with the hand you're dealt like the rest of us lol. d/cing because "I don't wanna deal with it" is childish imo

    And yes, I know this is hot on the heels of the rework being announced so this thread will soon become a very different thing but still. Why d/c when you can just accept that you're not always going to have a good game or win constantly? Try to have fun where you can

  • Member Posts: 767

    Because most people dont know how weak legion really is.

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    Legion is a snoozefest. Incredibly boring, I hate going against a Legion, I would go against five Nurses before one Legion. Who genuinely enjoys going against a Legion? Better yet, who gets enjoyment playing as Legion?

    That being said, I won’t DC unless another survivor DC’s first (I will never do a 3V1 against Legion).

    Just like @Dwight_Fairfield stated...I might kill myself when I get hooked though. I play the game to have fun and Legion is never fun, ever. I don’t wanna play mend simulator.

    I don’t mind going against any of the higher tier killers though

  • Member Posts: 942

    I don't d/c against Legion. :/

  • Member Posts: 1,123

    There are places that you can abuse nurses blink and out predict her. Against a decent legion you are 100% going to lose in a chase.

  • Member Posts: 79
    edited April 2019

    DC against legion same reason I used to DC against Billy way back in the old days.Veterans that actually play play this game will know.

    Accursed: Begriming chain bug.

    I just assume every Legion I face is an exploiter and DC to find someone that isn't exploiting, just like the old days of assume every Billy was an exploiter. back then the Billy's generally where.

    Faced a mend bug, moonwalking legion, then faced another moonwalking legion right after. So never again.

    It's like the days where survivors could knock the killer under the map, or intentionally bug them into objects. Not okay.

    Exploiters aren't entitled to my time.

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    If I dc against legion then it is because I spawned with a wiggle bar.

  • Member Posts: 26

    cant handle? lmao, you really think you're strong playing legion? a killer that has no counter in chase? a killer that requies no skill?

    i dc against every legion because he's broken. not op, he's a weak killer (only if he doesnt exploit the game moonwalking or uses frank's mixtape) and most of those dcs were probabily won games. but i dont play for win, i play for having fun. and legion is the totally opposite of fun. legion is a killer that when you face him you cant do NOTHING. and dont tell me jukes are counter to him, because at rank 1 killers are not stupid and you cant base your game plan on windows juke or 360s. a game against legion is like this:

    -hit by frenzy (inevitable)



    -hit by frenzy and being chased"

    -go to a window, he vault it faster than you and hit you again

    -go to a pallet. he respect it and then vault it and it you again

    -use dead hard, he miss a hit but it hit you 1 second after

    -he taked a long to down you with frenzy, your team is winning, but... you did the role of a meat shield, actually not using any kind of skill because you cant


    would you play a game like this?

    and is not childish leaving a game for being bored, its childish to cry because no one wants to play with you. i wonder why ^^

  • Member Posts: 27

    I find it funny that you assume I'm talking about this as a Legion player. I mentioned already in this thread that I mostly play Survivor, not Killer. I'll only play Legion for a daily and that's it. Not super validating to win when it takes no skill to do so

    I do get where the frustration with facing the same repetitive process comes from but I stand by my comment that it's childish to d/c because of that. Especially when this is still meant to be a team game. It cheapens the experience for everyone when you abandon the rest of the team

    To answer the question of "would I play a game like this?" though: yes. Yes I'll play it and I'll find my own way to have fun with facing a Legion. I'm content with the knowledge that I'm probably going up against someone who is too lazy or cowardly to play the game without a handicap.

    And if they're just doing a daily with Legion the same way I do? Then we can say gg at the end, take our points, and move on

  • Member Posts: 685

    You deserve an awesome for that~

    We've only had 3 years too prove survivors hate the idea of adapting too any form of new gameplay and legion was just someone who forced it.

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    Yes let's blame this on survivors refusing to adapt and not Legion having not 1 but 2 exploits which caused the major rework. Did you get your degree in logic from Trump U because it certainly seems like it.

    Now to give you some actual facts.

    Fact: killers whined for a SC nerf and got an overall healing nerf and gasp survivors adapted to it and now killers whine about survivors adapting to it.

    Fact: Killers whined about exhaustion so they got nerfed which was needed, so now survivors adapted and killers whine about them adapting.

    Fact: killers whined about the endgame and now it's being changed and killers are whining because they still don't get a 4k handed to them.

    Fact: After every change to survivors that nerfed them they've adapted, but whiny killers like you whine even more about them adapting.

    Fact: The only ones that refuse to adapt are the whiny entitled killer mains like you while the rest of us manage to do just fine.

    You're just mad the devs took away you're free easy no skill exploiting killer and now you're back to your same tired whiny rant about adapting. Which is ironic because you like quite a few others on here on both sides refuse to adapt and instead whine.

    Oh and reality called they wanted to warn you that continued delusions caused by living in fantasy world devoid of facts are bad for you.

  • Member Posts: 781

    Because I play the game for fun and Legion is not fun to go against.

    I usually just deal with it, but if they are moonwalking or using Frank's, I just move on to the next game.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    Why do killers dodge lobbies? Because there's something they don't want to deal with.

  • Member Posts: 1,358
    edited April 2019

    1.-legion hes cancer and im serious i dont know why ppl defend it

    2.-no counterplay against him

    3.- no risk on him its just ez

    4.- moonwalk exploit

    5.- stab the same guy over and over again with another exploit that its lunge attack to get a huge speed to catch him

    you want more?

    Post edited by Tru3Lemon on

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