Texas chainsaw massacre

Slayer Member Posts: 1,148

I really liked first movie and the second was fine to watch what about the rest? Are those about the same story and are they worth to watch? Which one is the best?


  • RWoodrow
    RWoodrow Member Posts: 270
    edited April 2019

    The original 2 are the best ones honestly.

    3 was pretty bad from what I remember. I mostly remember my friend commenting that a combustion engine will not continue to run once it's been completely submerged in water.

    The Next Generation was an abomination of a remake. Even the big names attached couldn't save it.

    The other remake was okay as was the prequel to that remake. Not great. Not terrible. Just meh.

    Texas Chainsaw and the other prequel...I'd rather eat shards of glass and drink a laxative than watch them again.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    I think I only ever watched the 2003 or 2006 one. I vaguely remember not being particularly impressed and only disturbed by the part were Leatherface cuts his father's (?) legs.

  • riderz077
    riderz077 Member Posts: 3

    The 2003, 2006 and 2012 ones are pretty good from what I remember