Anyone else just DONE playing killer?

Incirion Member Posts: 612

I've not got TOO much time into this game. Maybe around 600 hours. But 500 of that has been as killer. But with all the buffs survivors are getting, and the nerfs the killers get for no reason. (That's a Plague nerf reference, I know WHY Legion got nerfed, I just don't agree with the results.) Playing killer is no longer appealing to me. I supposed if I mained nurse then it would be fine, but I don't play nurse. I guess that's all the survivors want to see. They just want to keep going against Nurses and Billys and call it a day. So I'm done with killer, I may still play Survivor occasionally because i have friends that play. But besides that, I'm done with this game. The devs seem intent on ruining everything about the killer side of the game. Bye guys. o/



  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612

    Besides ten thousand survivor mains whining and crying, can you explain to me the justification behind nerfing Legion so hard into the ground after the last rework of his was almost a buff? (Last Mid-Chapter PTB if you don't recall)

  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    They don't.

    Survivors were buffed en masse.

    I will keep playing survivor, but not killer.

  • basicpitch
    basicpitch Member Posts: 101

    I like playing both sides, but I'm sort of over the long queue as Killer.

    I literally had time to unload my dryer, reload it, put a fresh load in the wash and come back to standing around with my little hag thumb up my hag behind. :(

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Well, I got almost 3k hours in the game (played 50/50 for the most part) and recently I've been more of a sporadic player who plays a lot one day and not at all the other day. Playing killer isn't really fun at the moment because gens pop faster than ever forcing you to play lame.

    Hopefully the new end game will change things up and make the game fun again.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @Incirion legion was that most people (even killer mains) thought he was boring to play against. Not just “whiny” survivors. @mcNuggets if this were true then we’d still have old DS and pallet vacuum.

  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612

    I'd rather have old DS than MoM to be fair. And I agree Legion DID need some changes. But they've more than changed him. They have nerfed him into the ground and put him in with the rest of the trash tier killers.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @Incirion it might be better than we think though. Only way to tell is waiting for the ptb. I ran ten matches with MoM and most matches it didn’t even trigger. I would strongly prefer MoM than old DS. But this is my opinion.

  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612

    At least old DS had counter play. Juggle them to the hook. MoM has no counter play except using a one hit down. Which is NOT valid counter play.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @Incirion hatchets and vile/corrupt purge counter it as well.

  • TheVVitch
    TheVVitch Member Posts: 224

    I'm loving playing as killer right now. Plague has been so fun as well! She's such a fun addition to the game. 🤢

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    Mmmm no.

    Still prefer it way more than Survivor.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043

    @Incirion I love how you changed your icon to a survivor too 😂 In all seriousness I stopped playing killer since last update and I played it casually then, it's a mess, hopefully the midchapter patch might fix some of the issues. Survivor isn't great right now either, haven't played with the most recent surv emblem changes (increased by one point, reminds me when they increased lunar event to +1 point for killers) but trying again tomorrow night with one friend, we've been avoiding like the plague for a month (no pun intended)

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737
    edited April 2019

    For now I'm just done playing loopable clowns and I'm going full-time Nurse. I'll see, though.

  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612

    @Kiskashi Thanks. =D Thanks for noticing. I've pretty much not played since last update either. Just to do dailies and the occasional match to get a little bit of BP. But it's just not fun anymore. I either get a 4k and it wasn't fun because it was too easy. Or all 4 escape and it wasn't fun because the survivors were #########. I'm not going to keep playing a game that isn't fun.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043
    edited April 2019

    @Incirion That pretty much sums it up, I wasn't enjoying the graphics/sound changes (particularly on console) and the fact the really good survs who can't (or can't be bothered to, not going to assume they were SWF) pip trash me as I'm a casual killer (might play a couple hours back to back switching killers or playing one to learn etc) and highest rank I played was at 5 as Freddy prior to season reset, so in no way do I bother playing it competitively, more for fun when I get sick of survivor (which I play both solo and with one friend). Just isn't fun when it's too easy or way too stressful and this has been only as of this update that I've found killer immensely stressful, more than usual.

    Also I remember icons for some reason, gives them an association for me mentally 😂 Throws me when a person who has had an icon for a long time changes until I readapt.

  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612

    @Kiskashi Yea, if it's someone I've seen around a lot, I'll recognize their icon also. I'm giving up on killer completely. I've got a group that i SWF with most nights. 3 of us, sometimes 4. Not toxic SWFs to make the game hard for the killer. We just go in to have fun. and we all kinda suck so it balances out that we get all the extra info we shouldn't have.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043

    @Incirion Yeah, I don't know if I'll give up completely, I like playing killer just not right now, I'll hold some hope that things do get fixed soon. Pulling people off gens as nurse or Mikey is beautiful, I'll never forget that first surv I jumpscared bc he was hiding in the basement and I had vanity mirror and watched him walk up the stairs wounded and just flew around the corner of the shack and wrecked him, apparently scared him good (and spent most of my time after apologising 😂) or the fun of winning a tight mindgame I don't think I'd give that up completely. I get SWF isn't always the bad guy it's made out to be, I find it harder with friends sometimes, especially a while ago when I was teaching a new friend to play. It's just those toxic hitsquads with horrible builds and instaheals that we can all agree are horrible to face. You can usually tell 4 man SWF squad when they all have the same meta perks 😂

  • Jaarthan
    Jaarthan Member Posts: 47

    Considering survivor queues and killer queues, I think the general consensus is that there is a higher ratio of people playing killer than 4 people playing survivor. Which makes sense since it's safe right now to play killer. Versus playing survivor, you throw the dice to load in with all 4 people and not a 3(or less) man match, and on top of that, have nobody DC(intentional or a bug from the game), and then you still have the chance of having a tunneling killer who goes try hard no matter if it's 1 survivor or all 4 in the game. So no, I don't think people are done playing killer.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    I would recommend playing both sides! c: It'll help you understand the nerfs and buffs that happen to certain sides and the changes. Playing both sides will also improve your overall game abilities. Understanding what you opponent may do and why is important.

    They've done quite a bit to make killer a more enjoyable experience and they're still working on it. It's just a balance act between Survivors and Killers and this sort of game is hard to balance. They're doing what they can.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    @Incirion The reason Legion was "nerfed" was because he had too many flaws.

    All of the changes where done to counter the exploits.

    Deep Wounds not draining in TR was to fix the moonwalking exploit.

    A missed frenzy attack canceling Feral Frenzy was to fix the "spam attack to move faster in Feral Frenzy" exploit.

    The "cannot activate Feral Frenzy unless power meter is full" was to make pallet stuns more rewarding.

    Finally, Feral Frenzy not draining the Deep Wounds timer was done to counter the garbage Legions who only spammed Feral Frenzy and never even tried to m1.

    The changes to Legion were to make playing against them more tolerable and not an exploit fest.

    Though I will agree that the Plague's nerfs were pure BS.

  • ApeOfMazor
    ApeOfMazor Member Posts: 471

    Ps4 queues as killer are instant. It's even worse playing killer there then on PC.

  • Taelance
    Taelance Member Posts: 100

    I disagree. I find it easier on killer than survivor. I also find it way more fun.

    You talk about survivors always getting buffed. Yet they had their so called "biggest crutches," removed. Ironic that you moan about killers still been underpowered. I did and always have believed removing the "crutches" would do nothing.

    Think about it, survivors lost vacuum to pallets. Yet killers have got a vacuum towards survivors, especially nurse and huntress. Lets not discuss them hitboxes.

    Decisive is nerfed into the ground. You can be like. Oh but it counters tunnelling. Ummm. No it does not. You just leave them on the floor.

    Borrowed time is absolutely useless. It does nothing more than place the survivor that is using that perk in the other survivors position.

    You may think Mettle of Man is op. But it really isn't as most killers are not M1 warriors. if you use a killer that has a decent M2 ability and you use M1. You are probably just bad with your M2.

    As a spirit main, the only thing I would say is turning up the sound of survivors. As you actually cant hear them.

    You act surprised by the Legion nerfs. well this is what happens when an entire community of killers play him with no skill. The whole chasing backwards thing means that you have got multiple swings, with insane cooldown and good speed. With all this you need to get 1 hit. Just no skill. Long awaited nerf and I saw this coming all the time. Every legion I came across that used this tactic i said "you are the reason that legion will be nerfed into the ground." I knew it would happen.

  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612

    @Taelance So the way to counter MoM is to play Huntress or Billy...? #seemslegit

    EVERY other perk in the game has a counter. EVEN THE OLD DS HAS A COUNTER. Know what has absolutely no real counter? MoM.

    As for the Legion nerf, he didn't need a NERF. We don't need more D tier killers. We need more killers that are actually viable and usable against high ranks. Which Legion already wasn't. They could have fixed him with less than half of the nerfs they gave him. Why did they lower his movement speed? Why did they make you need a fully charged frenzy if hitting someone in frenzy a second time does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING except give the survivor a speed boost? The only thing Legion needed was for Deep Wound to not tick down when you're less than X meters away from the killer. Not still inside the terror radius, because they INCREASED HIS TERROR RADIUS. They also stopped the timer when mending. Why? Just in case you get found while you're mending. These are NOT "fixes." They COULD have fixed them. They nerfed them. Flat out. The last time they tried to change Legion it was almost a buff. Know why? Because even though Legion was "braindead frenzy attacks" THEY WERE STILL LOW TIER. And this nerf makes them EVEN LOWER.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    I main pig, and have been playing a lot of spirit and plague. And it, honestly feels pretty bad playing killer right now. The scoring system is all jacked up. The perks we get are...about the strangest thing to synergize with new killers. AKA plague has near no synergy with perks outside of gen guard. Spirit felt the same way trying to utilize tracking perks until they buffed spies from the shadows then turned around and nerfed it again for no reason.....Legion nerfs are coming and just at a time where I felt regretful enough about plague to second guess buying legion, good thing I didnt cause legion is getting gutted.

    A lot of these changes that hinder killer gameplay remind me all too much of Evolve. Which if anyone doesn't know why its dead, its dead for multiple reasons but one of the largest is the monster gameplay was gutted, they overbuffed the hunters and the asymmetrical style of the game was no longer Asymmetrical. Most monsters eventually became jokes, most monster players eventually quit, queues got longer, and people got impatient to wait for lobbies etc and eventually a large portion of the hunters also quit, more quitter=less population, game eventually went to hell. Now the games shut down.

    I really hope its not the same energy I feel here, but I know that smell all too familiar....

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    I'll probably get back into the game after the collapse update if they fix the Spirit bug

  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612

    @NuclearBurrito McLean said on his stream that he's already wrote the code to fix the Spirit sound bug. He said this before Ash even released. So they HAVE the code, they just haven't implemented it yet. For some reason.

    @PigMainBigBrain I'm overly terrified to see what "logical" change Pig's RBTs are receiving because of this new End Game. I main Spirit and Pig when I do play killer, and until the end game her traps are almost useless anyway. Just slow down gen progress a tiny bit. But they were great End Game. So I'm scared they're going to overly nerf Pig because of the new timer.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    Honestly? I am for the most part. I just don't find it as fun as playing Survivor. And its way more stressful.

    Hell, the last game I played as a Killer the Survivors popped 4 gens in less than 2 minutes and then spent most of the game teabagging me. Super fun.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Sweet! <3

  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612

    The toxic survivors just want to be able to bully the killer. And in the current game state, they can.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Ehhhhh... A majority of killers in this game are M1 killers who's M2 either doesn't help them in a chase, or cannot truly down a survivor, or where using M2 is actually a detriment to your ability to down and hook survivors in decent time.

    Trapper M1

    Wraith M1

    Myers M1

    Hag M1

    Freddy M1

    Pig M1

    Doc M1

    And I'd argue plague is M1 with the process and time involved in making her M2 deadly you could have just hit them and ended the damn chase....her vile purge has 0 threat and offers a free heal who needs self care? You get a giant ping sound when she activates corrupt and you can easily hide from her towering viewpoint wasting the timer on it, or just wade around a pallet loop till she runs out. (And this is coming from someone who sucks at survivor.)

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919

    Hag is an M1 killer but her ability helps her A LOT in a chase.

    You also forgot Clown as an M1 killer. Sure his ability helps him but no more than Hag’s ability helps her in a chase.

    Plague is mostly an M1 killer. She spends most of the round downing survivors with her weapon. Corrupt Purge is only a temporary power but survivors can fall like dominos if they are grouped up.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Completely agreed.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @Dabrownman1812 We know Remember Me and Left Behind are getting changed. We'll see how they play out

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    I'm taking a break for a bit.

  • Saint_Ukraine
    Saint_Ukraine Member Posts: 942


    not in the slightest


  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i usually play like 3 or 4 killer matches a day at max.

    its just super stressfull and extremely frustrating if you cant win, just because the general game design is working against you (wraith on haddonfield...)

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,055

    It honestly just sounds you've had a few bad games and trust me, I feel you. I have 1.7k hours split onto both sides, killer can be stressful, but usually I just take a small break and go at it again, some times maybe take a day or 2 away from killer if I find it that stressful. But what Im most curious about is the survivor buffs you mentioned.. when exactly did the survivors get buffed..? And you do realize that The Plague got more of a buff than a nerf right? She got way more upsides than downsides with her change from the PTB.

  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433

    No :)

    Just played 2 days ONLY as killer, and i find it really fun and a farm of bp too

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,055

    Also you seem to jump straight to conclusions don't you? Legion didn't get nerfed.. He wasn't very strong in the first place, him being an M1 killer is much better than what he had before, without franks mixtape or moonwalking Legion took too long to down some one, this fix made him now have counter play, while still keeping his main focus: Able to go to survivor to survivor as a crazed maniac with a knife. With this change he'll now be one of if not the best tracking killer in the game, with mobility and mind game potential because of his height, he'll also be able to stall the game. Survivors mend timer not going down in the terror radius isn't a nerf, it doesn't change him at all in fact. Because hitting a survivor in frenzy and leaving them will have the exact same effect as it use to be. Also Survivors will have to heal against Legion because he now has 115%. If they stay injured they risk becoming an easy down. And because of his tracking he'll have an easier time finding said injured survivors. Missing an attack while in frenzy shouldn't be an issue, if you miss attacks in frenzy you should be punished for it, not rewarded (Gaining extra distance). His larger terror radius plays in to him having Killer Instinct, combine Distressing and Monitor and Abuse and you got yourself an ability that can pin point the exact location of survivors 48m away. (Thats the same distance as T1 Whispers, or T3 Spies From the Shadows) so with all these changes.. If you look further. Legion will become stronger, not by much, but he'll be stronger.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    All the end game does is force survivors out the door after 3 minutes. They will tbag and troll you for 2 minutes and 59 seconds instead.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    Right now kliller feels more fun to play; feels more powerful. So whatever. Definitely not done playing killer...survivor, though? To hell with that outside of the odd game session with friends.

  • QwrtyMan213
    QwrtyMan213 Member Posts: 243

    Playing killer is definitely much more stressful & unfun compared to survivor.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    That 'nerf' was a fix for the crow spam that we complained about when using that perk; it works just fine now.

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    With the new Legion changes announced, I put him down for now so I can wait for them later. I've been playing a lot more survivor (Jeff and Nea) because I've been meaning to level them up. I've even gotten the hang of the Nurse while doing so!

    Ultimately, going Survivor has been a little easier when it comes to stress, but lacks in BP. At least I got BBQ and Chili from the shrine.

  • Jaarthan
    Jaarthan Member Posts: 47

    Going survivor is less stressful, but I would argue more aggravating when you are the target of tunnel/camping, or bad teammates who don't do anything or just DC. At least killer you can only depend on yourself.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    I tried putting down killer for a while and switched to survivor. I got really bored very fast playing survivor. I have less to do and less overall challenge. Once I got used to the survivor side of chases that sort of lost its thrill for me as well. Went back to killer and was better able to understand what was happening with the games. Though, I generally just have less fun overall with the game. Playing killer is pure time management and that I can live with. I don't enjoy constantly getting talked down to or clicked at or teabagged. That is what makes killer most unenjoyable is that you can't enjoy playing the game without someone trying to get under your skin.