Live Q&A: Post your End Game Collapse questions here!



  • aarongai
    aarongai Member Posts: 155
    edited April 2019

    Say the killer is the Wraith or Pig, or is using Insidious. If only 2 generators get completed and the hatch opens, what's to stop these killers from simply standing on top of the hatch until the survivor finds it, then closing it and chasing them immediately after?

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

    Can the killer Open a gate at any time during the match regardless of how many gens have been repaired?

    Reason I ask is because giving the killer the option to open a gate basically means that they are conceding the trial. On top of that "All gens are blocked by the entity during the endgame collapse." insinuates that there is a possibility for unfinished generators in the endgame aside from the sole survivor hatch-game scenario.

  • Mujtaba
    Mujtaba Member Posts: 1

    Should we expect any changes coming later for the end game collapse such as the locker kill animation, timer speed, etc?

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    Can you make it so that end game timer starts when survivors finish last gen then they have to rush to open gates as it counts down? That would be cool.

  • Liamwithautopilot
    Liamwithautopilot Member Posts: 4

    Why did you make so that the endgame collapse starts when you open an exit gate instead of when the last gen is completed?

  • Won't there be a Timer that triggers End Game Collapse?

  • mettee
    mettee Member Posts: 190

    It is good idea, but please think again about followings.

    1.Knowing the moment that gate is opened will become big advantage for survivors. So I think the timer must be seen after a while.(for example, after 1 minute(2 minutes left))

    2.Red goround make following scrath difficult. I also wonder it makes frame rate bad. Please do not change ground.

    And I also have question.

    Do blood wooden & reverse bear make slow timer?

  • MrGolden32467
    MrGolden32467 Member Posts: 99

    I don't quite understand how the new hatch mechanic will work.

    Before : if you were the last one alive and the exit gates weren't powered, the killer could close the hatch (when you tested the killer hatch closing) and you could just repair one generator to open it again.

    Now : if you are the last one alive and the exit gates aren't powered, the killer can close the hatch (starting endgame), and you cannot repair generators because the will be blocked.

    So : Do you ABSOLUTELY need a key to reopen it ? Can it be reopened another way ? In that case : What way is the new way ?

    (General question is "Can you please give us more information on how the new hatch will work ?") :3

  • miachan22
    miachan22 Member Posts: 36

    The only problem I've seen so far is that the killer will just wait to close the hatch when a survivor is almost there, there is no point in doing that sooner. Right now its instant to close, maybe add an long animation or maybe some progression bar to close it.

  • Misery
    Misery Member Posts: 2

    If the killer closes the hatch, will the hatch be closed for ever or only for some time?

  • Fnatic47
    Fnatic47 Member Posts: 396

    Why not add a timer or a animation for killer close both the hatch and the exit gates ?

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167

    What happens if you’re on the killers shoulder when you the end game, ends? Does it just drop you and do the animation? Or will the survivor have a chance to wiggle off and escape?

  • TryMeBoi
    TryMeBoi Member Posts: 4

    If a survivor's on a hook, will the entity still kill the survivor?

  • TheGameZpro3
    TheGameZpro3 Member Posts: 699

    How did y'all get the sound effects for the survivors bones breaking?

  • Salteon
    Salteon Member Posts: 1

    Once the endgame feature is implemented, how do you plan to balance out the pig when they’ve placed a reversible bear trap on the last survivor’s head and closed the hatch? The idea is good in theory, but now the pig can slug everyone and place the trap on their heads and make a door escape impossible. Then with only three minutes and six possible boxes... doesn’t really seem to pan out well.

  • ToxicityIsSKILL92
    ToxicityIsSKILL92 Member Posts: 29

    Yes, I was wondering the same thing!! Like say, you are the last survivor in end game and killer has closed the hatch, can that survivor open the hatch back up with a key to escape? Because otherwise they are screwed and its unfair because the gens will be blocked therefore they cannot power up the exit gates.

  • ToxicityIsSKILL92
    ToxicityIsSKILL92 Member Posts: 29

    My MAIN concern is the last survivor in the End Game phase, What options will they have if the hatch gets closed and the gens are blocked? You Devs didn't think that is just a little too UNBALANCED considering how UNBALANCED you guys have already made this game since its release. Also, Why should the killer get the sacrifice if entity kills the survivor, now killers can just be lazy and camp and tunnel and then let the entity do the rest, kind of lame if you ask any of us survivors actually doing work in the game. Just saying. Ya'll just keep making killing easier for the cry baby killers more and more every update, SMH. This game use to be so fun to play now its a drag. Long wait times and camping losers!!!!! And its even worse that you all are allowing it. Yeah you guys have " Done a great JOB so far " HA....

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919
    edited April 2019

    Why are you promoting that killers slug more thanks to the Hatch appearing no matter how many generators have been repaired?

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    What will happen to Left Behind? I didn't see the changes to perks they're making, so maybe they already answered it.

  • MommyShark
    MommyShark Member Posts: 23

    If there is only one survivor left, can they still repair last generators? Why would entity block the generators, makes left behind useless.

    Does end game perks (adrenaline+hope) activate instantly when endgame starts?

  • ProtectDwight
    ProtectDwight Member Posts: 46

    Are your intention to change the end game with the End Game Collapse update? Or is this update meant to take away hatch stand offs and survivors holding the game hostage? I've seen a lot of people taking this update as a way to actually change the end game, so a clarification on this would be great, thank you!

  • BayBounty
    BayBounty Member Posts: 29

    After a long pondering on the changes made to the game in this ptb and community feedback along with your track-record of the nature of your changes over time I came to this consensus to form this question...

    • As far as orientation of the preferred way your developer team tends to balance this game, these changes followed a specific pattern which was for every positive(i.e hatch closing mechanic, and the literal collapse itself) to the killer you gave you introduced certain balance changes that negatively affected the killer's ability to capitalize on the collapse itself;(i.e lowering gate opening time, collapse beginning when the gate's are opened, remember me change) knowing this... was your dev team worried that end game collapse itself along with the hatch closing mechanic would benefit killer's too greatly, thus making counter-measures to insure this large change to the game would be softened?

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Foreword: I’m on mobile and can’t figure out how to delete the above quotations (sorry for the notification to those two people.

    My question: why did you decide to prevent survivors from doing gens once the end game collapse started from a closed hatch? Allowing the completion of a gen would seem like a great way to give the last survivor more ways of dealing with his/her predicament (distraction, maybe it pauses the EGC for a time?)

  • Pirscher
    Pirscher Member Posts: 604

    The end game would be more fun and suspenseful if we only had the gong and the lava indicating the time running out - would you consider removing the timer-progress-bar from the top of the screen?

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