Could confirmation for the PS4 DLCs be today?

BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615
edited July 2018 in General Discussions

This announcement isn't very clear to me is this something to be excited about?

Will it be done today/tomorrow or are we back to waiting indefinitely under a new reason? It sounds to me like we are still in a position of uncertainty but everyone is celebrating?

What if it takes a week to get this DLC confirmation/Final Approval?


  • Daniel101773
    Daniel101773 Member Posts: 277

    @Bbbrian2013 said:
    This announcement isn't very clear to me is this something to be excited about?

    Will it be done today/tomorrow or are we back to waiting indefinitely under a new reason? It sounds to me like we are still in a position of uncertainty but everyone is celebrating?

    What if it takes a week to get this DLC confirmation/Final Approval?

    When they made a similar announcement for Xbox it was released the very next day, and that was because they had to fix some issues first. From the sounds of it we'll receive the update in
    A) A few hours when PS store updates
    B) Tomorrow

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    Very likely we'll get the patch today along with the DLC, but the DLC might be tomorrow.

    Which is completely fine. I just want the new changes, store stuff going.

    Thank you @not_Queen, DEVS.

  • Asssthetic
    Asssthetic Member Posts: 203

    From what the tweet said, it seems as though the patch is ready to be released but they're waiting to release it alongside the DLC, so I'm assuming they're just waiting on the DLC to get in the shop

  • Noodle
    Noodle Member Posts: 103

    If it rolls out like it did on Xbox we should have everything within the next 24-48 hours. The 2.0 patch, access to the store and the new Curtain Call DLC. Also the Shrine should hopefully be turned back on for everyone.

  • Stormdogfire
    Stormdogfire Member Posts: 137

    when is the curtain call update coming out?

  • bortami
    bortami Member Posts: 91
    Not today.
  • Mashtyx1
    Mashtyx1 Member Posts: 188

    If its not today it will be Thursday due to the fact that tomorrow is the 4th.

  • BoxingRouge
    BoxingRouge Member Posts: 606
    Noodle said:

    If it rolls out like it did on Xbox we should have everything within the next 24-48 hours. The 2.0 patch, access to the store and the new Curtain Call DLC. Also the Shrine should hopefully be turned back on for everyone.

    I’m taking your word. :+1:
  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,816
    Feeling superior now, @Runiver?
  • lyric
    lyric Member Posts: 611
    Mashtyx1 said:

    If its not today it will be Thursday due to the fact that tomorrow is the 4th.

    You could possibly be right but then again that is mainly a federal holiday and there are plenty of places that don’t even give you the day off for the fourth so who knows? We’ve had dlc drop at midnight before so business hours must not have much to do with how they operate 
  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @brokedownpalace said:
    Feeling superior now, @Runiver?

    Superior about what exactly ?
    About being able to resist the urge to post the 18th thread of the day about the same subject, that is swarming (I could actually say Plaguing) the forums for a few days now ?
    I guess so.

    I mean, I understand you guys cannot wait, but this is getting redundant, especially now that there is a huge green announcement talking about it on the main page.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    Runiver said:

    @brokedownpalace said:
    Feeling superior now, @Runiver?

    Superior about what exactly ?
    About being able to resist the urge to post the 18th thread of the day about the same subject, that is swarming (I could actually say Plaguing) the forums for a few days now ?
    I guess so.

    I mean, I understand you guys cannot wait, but this is getting redundant, especially now that there is a huge green announcement talking about it on the main page.

    whoa. stop baiting them runiver.

    see what i did there? :)
  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @Lowbei said:
    whoa. stop baiting them runiver.

    see what i did there? :)

    It's not baiting since I didn't create a thread for the sole purpose of getting people around.
    I actually want the opposite : these threads to stop.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    Runiver said:

    @Lowbei said:
    whoa. stop baiting them runiver.

    see what i did there? :)

    It's not baiting since I didn't create a thread for the sole purpose of getting people around.
    I actually want the opposite : these threads to stop.

    yeah me too. winkwink
  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,816
    Runiver said:

    @brokedownpalace said:
    Feeling superior now, @Runiver?

    Superior about what exactly ?
    About being able to resist the urge to post the 18th thread of the day about the same subject, that is swarming (I could actually say Plaguing) the forums for a few days now ?
    I guess so.

    I mean, I understand you guys cannot wait, but this is getting redundant, especially now that there is a huge green announcement talking about it on the main page.

    Why come into the topic? Just keep your eyes moving and you will find something you like. And stop with the dramatic bs about your poor forum being plagued.
  • Brenon1106
    Brenon1106 Member Posts: 30

    @Bbbrian2013 said:
    This announcement isn't very clear to me is this something to be excited about?

    Will it be done today/tomorrow or are we back to waiting indefinitely under a new reason? It sounds to me like we are still in a position of uncertainty but everyone is celebrating?

    What if it takes a week to get this DLC confirmation/Final Approval?

    Sorry if this makes anyone sad, but it took weeks JUST for them to confirm bug fixes and the store. I imagine it will be another week or two for them to confirm The Clown and Kate to receive confirmation.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    Runiver said:

    @brokedownpalace said:
    Feeling superior now, @Runiver?

    Superior about what exactly ?
    About being able to resist the urge to post the 18th thread of the day about the same subject, that is swarming (I could actually say Plaguing) the forums for a few days now ?
    I guess so.

    I mean, I understand you guys cannot wait, but this is getting redundant, especially now that there is a huge green announcement talking about it on the main page.

    Why come into the topic? Just keep your eyes moving and you will find something you like. And stop with the dramatic bs about your poor forum being plagued.
    stop plaguing our forum with your garbage
  • Brenon1106
    Brenon1106 Member Posts: 30

    @Brenon1106 said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:
    This announcement isn't very clear to me is this something to be excited about?

    Will it be done today/tomorrow or are we back to waiting indefinitely under a new reason? It sounds to me like we are still in a position of uncertainty but everyone is celebrating?

    What if it takes a week to get this DLC confirmation/Final Approval?

    Sorry if this makes anyone sad, but it took weeks JUST for them to confirm bug fixes and the store. I imagine it will be another week or two for them to confirm The Clown and Kate to receive confirmation.

    This is just a guess though, don't quote me, pls ;-;

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,816
    @Runiver Oh, and between releases of patches, new content, and balance changes discussed during dev streams.. there really isn't much to talk about that hasn't already been discussed to death. And when PS4 players haven't received new content in 6 months or even an update in like 2 months, what else is there for us to talk about? If you've got some ideas for topics then feel free to post them. But coming into this topic for the sole purpose of dumping on someone accomplishes nothing. And, congrats, this topic just got boosted up to the top of the page again.
  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    i'm just posting to keep the topic active.... apparently if it doesn't stay at the very top of the page, a new thred gets made....

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637

    i'm just posting to keep the topic active.... apparently if it doesn't stay at the very top of the page, a new thred gets made....

  • Stormdogfire
    Stormdogfire Member Posts: 137

    when is the curtain call dlc coming out

  • RWoodrow
    RWoodrow Member Posts: 270
    No one knows. Could be today...could be this week...judging from the post Not_Queen posted earlier, I'm thinking next week but it's anybodies guess at this point.
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637

    when is the curtain call dlc coming out

    next monday
  • PinkEricka
    PinkEricka Member Posts: 1,042
    Lowbei said:

    when is the curtain call dlc coming out

    next monday
  • BoxingRouge
    BoxingRouge Member Posts: 606
    Lowbei said:

    when is the curtain call dlc coming out

    next monday
  • Well_Placed_HexTotem
    Well_Placed_HexTotem Member Posts: 824
    So it might not be out for the double BP event? Wonder if they postpone the event in that case?
  • RWoodrow
    RWoodrow Member Posts: 270
    So it might not be out for the double BP event? Wonder if they postpone the event in that case?
    Not_Queen said if the dlc was delayed, they would postpone the event for Ps4 only.
  • Russ76
    Russ76 Member Posts: 306
    yes it is easy for those of us who have the DLCs to say wait, but it is frustrating for the guys who want to play and are capped with shards.   Imagine if you knew a new killer was coming out but you didn't know when.  This soon crap isn't cutting it.  I know they maybe at the mercy of Sony, but at the same time I don't see why BHVR couldn't say that patch 2.0 has been accepted.  We are activating it and will get the DLC in the store as soon as it is ready.  or at least try to give a timeframe for the DLC.  Honestly part of me thinks that BHVR is still hiding something.  I mean they have to know more than they are saying.
  • Broccoli_Jaeger
    Broccoli_Jaeger Member Posts: 252
    Tizzle said:

    I could care less about the DLC and cosmetics at this point.

    Just release the update, uncap my damn shards, and let PS4 users get double bloodpoints instead of waiting yet another week.

  • Stormdogfire
    Stormdogfire Member Posts: 137

    the curtain call update will come out on july 5th at 1pm

  • Stormdogfire
    Stormdogfire Member Posts: 137

    the curtain call dlc comes out on july 9th at midnight because of ps4 na and ps4 eu r different entities

  • Stormdogfire
    Stormdogfire Member Posts: 137

    but the curtain call update comes out july 5th at 1pm

  • Stormdogfire
    Stormdogfire Member Posts: 137

    when the curtain call update comes out than we will have the store and auric cells

  • Stormdogfire
    Stormdogfire Member Posts: 137


  • livingofdead
    livingofdead Member Posts: 7

    Is there anyone who has got a curtain call DLC of PS4 at a NAPS store?
    Isn't it sold yet?
    It's so, what time, release?

  • MinusTheBillie
    MinusTheBillie Member Posts: 349

    Is there anyone who has got a curtain call DLC of PS4 at a NAPS store?
    Isn't it sold yet?
    It's so, what time, release?

    It was supposed to be midnight, but it's not there. Check tomorrow. 
  • Twizted
    Twizted Member Posts: 25
    Pretty much assumed it wouldn't release at midnight judging by the past timelines
  • Mr_Jay_Stark
    Mr_Jay_Stark Member Posts: 539
    Guess you could say they are CLOWNING around? We’re all in their CIRCUS now! (ok I’ll just leave)