Endgame Collapse

I'd like to have a debate about the Endgame Collapse, to see what everyone's concerns and opinions are. Of course, I gotta get some things out of the way that unfortunately are apparently necessary to talk about anything in Dead by Daylight anymore.

I play killer more than I play survivor, though I do play them both quite a bit.

I play whatever killer the daily tells me to, but if I get to choose I normally play either Hillbilly or Nurse.

I am in favour of the Endgame Collapse, with the exception of; I think that it should start when the last generator is finished, not when the gate is open.

Ok with that out of the way, can I get some opinions


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Basement (if a killer is near which he probs is) is basically a suicide trap

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    You have 3 minutes to leave after you've repaired the last gen. That's not difficult.

    Survivors also are NOT supposed to get anything out of it, that's the entire point of the Endgame Collapse. Maybe you should remember the Game's Lore premise.

  • Crythor
    Crythor Member Posts: 296

    No you have 3 min after you open the exit gate. I wish it was startig after the gens were done... and it also goes slower when someone is downed it basically does only something against people that hold the game hostage. Would be cool if it was a real phase in the normal game aswell.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Yeah, totally that Legion update is not survivor sided lol

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    So the entire game, the killer is under time pressure - but it's not okay for the tables to be flipped for 3 minutes?

    This is actually the change I was waiting for to come back to the game. I may actually start streaming it again.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    It's not even flipping the tables for 3 minutes; it's flipping the tables after almost 3 minutes. During those 3 minutes, survivors still have the upper hand - one of the exits is powered and open.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    True - but at least the hatch standoff is gone now.

  • PeepingPeacock
    PeepingPeacock Member Posts: 354

    I wish slugging for the 4 man was gone too, its terrible to have to crawl around for 4 mins while you stare at some dude 5 miles away in a locker.

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    My concern is that they have put alot of work into something that once the novelty wares off will hardly be seen. I am one of those survivors that does not hang around unless saves need to be made once exit gates are active and I can honestly say it happens once in like 8 games i play. I don't hang around to taunt or anything never will. I doubt a three minute timer will stop that behavior especially as the timer slows down when offensive actions are taken not really giving that sense of get out in all honesty.

    I like that the hatch changes and killer resign is optional.

    I think it will change aspects but I think the great effort they put in won't be witnessed as much once the novelty wares off. Itvseems crazy to go to all this spectacular for it never to be muchly utilised.

    Am I the only person that thinks this about the collapse?

  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433

    I like it.

    But now killer are going to use basemetns MORE NOW.. so if you are in the basement with a hooked survivor, it's a suicide..

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    True that does add some basement plays for end game but your gonna have to be lucky or be running perks to make that work and to be honest most people should be aware of how risky basement saves are regardless of end game or not.

  • BillSimmons
    BillSimmons Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 74

    It's a change in the right direction to make the game smoother on the killer's side. With this change you'll have a better chance at securing at least one kill/sacrifice per game as killer.

    It was never fun to sit through the almost perpetual save -> down -> body block -> down -> hit on borrowed time -> tbag in exits gates song and dance. Now that process will be shortened down to whatever time is left in the end game collapse if it has started; and hopefully your 10-15 minute killer game will be not for nothing as all 4 survivors slip out the exit gates.

    This update is not gamechanging IMO, almost all the current end game killer strats can be applied to the update.

    • You hook someone and then camp/proxy camp them, because leaving them would open the possiblity that they get saved and you lose out on that kill. (You could try and bait survivors when you believe there wouldn't be enough time to escape the entity in end game collapse, if they go for the unhook)
    • Checking exit gates to find survivors before they escape to get that last chance hook.

    Starting the end game collapse as killer could be argued as way to make the killer stop camping someone that's on hook. But the game hasn't changed where you need to start the end game collapse as killer. You can continue to play the game the same way you've played before.

    Ultimately we're all going need to see what it's like on PTB later next week to make a true assessment.

  • Zefier
    Zefier Member Posts: 23

    As a new killer main who's been playing less than a month? I welcome this change, I have to admit the game's very enjoyable right up until the end game where survivors dance and T-bag at the exit gate instead of just -ending it-.

    Also closing the hatch sounds incredible, half the time when it's down to one survivor, even if I know where the hatch is, I just tend to let it go. It's more of a pain then it's worth.

  • konspiri
    konspiri Member Posts: 11

    First I want to say that I really like Endgame Collapse and absolutely love design of consuming survivors by entity :)

    But I will hate it in current state.

    As killer - I hope that will be some mechanics that will slower opening gates as much as fast are gens repaired - anti-genrush. Or another anti-genrush mechanics.

    As survivor - I'm slightly scared of carebears who will leave match as soon as gates are opened, leaving everybody in trial or hook(s).

    My major issue is that these days are lot of rage quitters and suiciders. After EgC when everybody quit, you are literally f'ed. In case the killer will find hatch before you of course. Gens are blocked and time is ticking. So if you don't have a key you may wait for entity or start looking for killer. Why? Because you have rage quitters in match.