so what do you guys think about a buff to iron will?

this perk is a life saver and it is very underrated, but i don’t see why it doesn’t work in dying state since i’m still injured. killers will say “no just deal with it” but deerstalker is a direct counter, so there isn’t any reason why this should be a thing. survivors are so loud in dying state, and i think without the killer having a perk that they should have a more difficult time finding us. kind of makes deerstalker useless without a iron will buff.
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I think Iron will is strong enough. Besides, deerstalker has limited range but survivor Empathy has unlimited.
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Having used Iron Will since release, I think it's fine.
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It used to be that way, but it mostly lead to 4 minute bleedouts at the end. Iron Will is a strong perk and a staple already
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Theres no point in that, as it would just lead to a gigantic time waster on certain maps if you look for certain survivors (for example, a p3 claude tte on sheltered woods.) Iron will is fine as it is right now.
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@Blue_Diamond you must not play survivor much. Empathy no longer has unlimited range.
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Show me a map where Empathy doesn't have unlimited range. 128 meters is just putting a number to "unlimited".
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It's fine the way it is, maybe buff so you don't hear downed survivor as a killer but other than that, it's fine the way it is.
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You want to wait on the ground for 4 minutes? Because that is how you end up waiting on the ground for 4 minutes.
Iron Will is great already. This would be an unnecessary change.
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They would also need to bring Knock Out to hide your aura from your teammates, which they get for free with no perks needed. I don't think you can really make that argument in earnest, especially when sound is so amazingly important to killers when tall grass is involved.
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@Orion but some of the maps are bigger?
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128 meter radius is equal to roughly 51500 square meters. The biggest map is less than 25% of that. 128 is unlimited, even if it doesn't say "unlimited" on the perk.
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Seems more like Unbreakable could use some silencing.
Iron Will is a Perk which i'd say is in a near-perfect spot.
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Ah ok, thanks.
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Yeh but you can't really compare those perks at all
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Show me where unlimited and 128 meters are the same math whizz
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When every single map is so small by comparison that 128 meters can reach everywhere on every map, which is the case right now.
It was never "infinite" before either; it just had a large radius (of, you guessed it, 128 meters).
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Me, literally just explaining how the perk works and why 128 meters is indistinguishable from "infinite".
I take it Newton was also complaining about objects falling down when he came up with the law of universal gravitation, right?
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Orion doesn’t bait. He just had a different opinion. Also @Speshul_Kitten it was always 128 meters.
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Tell me, if Empathy is nerfed, then what would be the point of running it over Bond?
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No bait, and just because you want something doesn't mean we have to come to some middle ground. Sometimes, you're just getting a "no". You sound like UK citizens who want to leave the EU and now also expect the EU to capitulate on all their demands.
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For a relevant comparison. I thought that was clear by me literally comparing you to them.
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You've read all 9123 of my comments (9124 including this one), plus my suggestions on Steam?
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Or I just disagree with certain buff/nerf ideas because I think they're bad for the game. If you were to actually go through my posting history, you'd find stuff like this:
(That's the most recent example I could think of because even I don't have the patience to go through my entire posting history)
That change would be powerful and would benefit me as killer, while not affecting me as survivor (I don't use items). Yet I opposed it. Why? Because I think it'd be bad for the game.
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According to you (and many others), I support any killer buffs, no matter how absurdly OP, even though I play both sides.
Here's another example that comes to mind. It's older, back when they still used the Steam forum, so I don't have a link. I was the first one to propose a nerf to A Nurse's Calling; specifically in the range it had. This was despite the fact that I used it a lot.
I'm not biased toward or against anything. I oppose ideas I think are bad and support/propose ideas I think are good. And I think your idea is bad.