A proposal to solve the looping issue

gantes Member Posts: 1,611

Firstly, a disclaimer: I don't think looping breaks the game. There is counterplay, I know. I just think that both thematically and gameplay-wise it is a dull, unfun mechanic that has no room in the game.

However, it is well and truly the only reliable way for Survivors to deal with the Killer. Stealth is viable if you play it right, but it is WAY more counterable than looping, and much more punishing when you mess up. That's why my proposal involves nerfing looping and elongated chases while buffing stealth and making it easier to actually lose killers.

I propose a rework to the Bloodlust system. Another disclaimer: I'm not one of the old school gamers in DBD. I don't know how the game was before Bloodlust, or how it affected the chase dynamics. I think, however, there is a way to make it more meaningful and satisfying, encouraging a high-risk/high-reward playstyle for both sides.

  1. Add another Bloodlust tier, at 60s in the same chase.
  2. Slightly reduce the movement speed bonuses, in a way that the bonus for the fourth tier is roughly the same as the max bonus is currently
  3. Bloodlust is no longer reset after destroying a pallet (only on stun and losing the chase)

And how would it work? Well, not losing Bloodlust on pallet breaks is a considerable buff. What I propose is that with each tier, scratch marks become less and less visible, and in the final tier, there are no scratch marks at all. In exchange for that, after 60s in a chase, the Survivor gains the Exposed status effect.

I believe it would solve a lot of the game's problems in multiple ways. First of all, it would become a lot easier to effectively lose the killer as the chase goes on, which should, in my opinion, be the primary objective of survivors during a chase. Secondly, it increases both the risk and the reward for both sides in long chases. On the killer's side, if you're commiting to a single chase, you have the Exposed effect to aim for. If you lose the survivor (which would become a lot easier with no scratch marks), however, you just lost a massive amount of time and have to reset the chase from square one.

In the survivor's side, it becomes easier to waste a considerable amount of the killer's time, while losing them in the end. If you get caught after a long chase, though, you're screwed.

Of course, in order for that to work, a lot of the wonky chase registering mechanics would need to be tweaked. The speed boost numbers are up for debate as well, especially with an Exposed effect to back it up.

Also, these changes would be a lot juicier with some updates to the stealth perks, and increased Evader bonuses for stealth.

In my opinion, this game should have a healthy balance between stealth and intense chases, and currently stealth is nearly dead (except for some singular cases like Blendette). I believe these changes would make this balance healthier, and encourage more fun and engaging gameplay from both sides.

Tell me what you guys think.


  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    I'm generally in favor of promoting changes thay discourage toxic behaviur, I think that looping encourages camping and tunneling (securing kills) and vice versa, and I'm all for changes that encourage people to play differently.

  • MistressChara
    MistressChara Member Posts: 112

    I don't think it would be any less frustrating. Maybe I'm just used to looping but if I was constantly losing survivors instead of being looped I'd feel like an idiot and be more frustrated.

    It's a lot more fun being able to see your opponent and having that interaction with them. If losing someone in the chase becomes the primary strat you're removing a large portion of player to player interaction as the survivor wouldn't get to see the Killers reaction to getting outplayed and the Killer would never truly "outplay" the survivor, only be rewarded for the survivor failing to hide.

    As it stands successfully ending a loop early either through perks or technical skill is very satisfying even though in contrast being looped is a little frustrating. Being good at tracking a survivor is also satisfying but it dosen't carry the same weight and feel.

  • IAmFlownominal
    IAmFlownominal Member Posts: 16

    I do think it would be interesting to have a point in bloodlust where the killer is so intent they stop seeing the scratch marks. Maybe even add seeing scratch marks at top tier Bloodlust to Beast of Prey on top of hiding the red stain to make it even more viable. I've seen some hardcore tunneling (especially in hopes of triggering Dying Light) that went on for insane amounts of time, and I feel like any survivor that can go several minutes at a time in a chase deserve an escape and that killer deserve a punishment for being too focused, but there does need to be a reward for the killer too otherwise it's just another killer nerf. And as a Survivor main, I acknowledge that survivor (especially SWF) is already too strong in what's supposed to be the weaker role. But exposed might be a bit too much. Maybe keep bloodlust on hit? Still definitely not a good balance, but I think it's a solid point to discuss.

  • kabarekabal
    kabarekabal Member Posts: 57

    >In exchange for that, after 60s in a chase, the Survivor gains the Exposed status effect.

    You had me until this.

    You propose stealth, and then suggest the opposite of that? No thanks. There are way too many perks/addons that remove stealth option for survivors already.

  • BillyIII
    BillyIII Member Posts: 365

    Exposed is oneshot, not reveal.

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456
    edited April 2019

    As much as fun looping can be (On both side actually, i do think mindgaming loops is fun as a killer) they will need to fix some stuff at one point,especially since they keep making M1 killers wich are heavily hindered by it.

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685

    You do know exposed means one shot? Not revealed, right?

  • Spectro
    Spectro Member Posts: 42
    edited April 2019

    I'm not really a fan of artificially ending chases just because the killer is supposed to be stronger. If the survivor is just simply better than the killer and does not fall for their mind games then that survivor should not be punished by the game. Imagine the game forcing you to go down just because the killer is an idiot and keeps chasing you for minutes and doesn't try to do any mind games. It's up to the killer to be smart enough to abandon chases if they become too long and go after an easier target.

    Had a wraith once that kept running around a pallet and refused to do any mind games whatsoever. Then he DC'd and probably thought survivors were supposed to run in a straight line. Like seriously, what do you expect?

    The only thing that does have to change though is some "infinites" on maps that don't offer much mind game potential for the killer. And the coldwind see-through tiles need to be changed as well.