Is Legion really dead?

Alright guys while this is a giant nerf to his ability he himself is getting buffed, 115% is much better than 110% than it looks. Killers with 110% and lower are made like that to specifically make them rely on their ability like Huntress and Spirit, he will no longer have to solely rely on that ability to win chases rather he should use it to hit multiple people like at a gen and then go after one of them like normal but now you won't have to frenzy spam or moonwalk to get good players, 115% is enough to end a chase. Not to mention you are wasting everyone else you hits time by making them mend and heal again (because now you need to heal against him because 115%). Yes he will be more of a M1 killer but he will not be near the level of Freddy (I Hope). The days of moonwalking and Frank's mixtape spam and being looped at killer shack forever are over, we now have a more fair killer for both sides. However I disagree with 2 changes heavily, one miss and your done is garbage and you will be punished on Console, it should at least take out a chunk not everything, and the other change of a 32 meter terror radius which removes a lot of the stealth aspect of him in my eyes.
There are some typos please try to ignore them, thanks.
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If 115% is enough to end a chase, why aren't any of the M1 Killers tearing up the meta then? Why do Trapper, Wraith, Pig, Doctor, Leatherface, Freddy, and Clown all suck?
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nah. Legion is'nt dead.
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Trapper still isn't abysmal but his ability is very mediocre against good players and if you don't play your cards right you may only get one trap or even none but if done right you can easily clean house. I don't have/play Pig, Wraith, or Clown so I wouldn't know, Leatherface is easy mode for me I stomp the ######### out of people with him I played him yesterday and the day before trying new killers and just having that speed really made the difference, it made games a lot more fun compared to playing Legion at the same rank. We already know why Freddy is abysmal that's not even a question. Don't forget about Micheal at T2, he's pretty strong I played him without teachables (because he was my first killer I played) and stomped my way up to rank 5 in a few days but that's just me, he's great because he has the ability to end chases very quickly by popping T3 Myers at a good time and downing one or two people at least. Thing is M1 killers that I enjoy have ways to make chases go by fast, Myers can instadown after a lot of buildup, Leather can instadown with the chainsaw in the open/with no pallets left, and even trapper can lead people into them and if they hit one it's gg for them. While Legion won't have a way to insta down he can however when he sees multiple people together injure multiple in very quick succession, down the last guy he hit, and come back for the other guy's. I think his ability will be worth something is because they will have to mend and now that he can more easily catch people in chase they will have to heal up to full otherwise if he finds them again with let's say BBQ or Stridor they're kinda screwed where as before they could easily last a good while by looping you.
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Maybe test him out when it comes.
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They are about to became useless. Use up every add-on you have and say goodbye
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Not dead but they killed the fun 28 stab wounds playstyle and made only the M1 chase after applying deep wounds viable (Wich is stupid, restricting characters to 1 playstyle is stupid)
But in general it seems that the rework makes Legion better for the game and less frustrating to deal with, so it's fine, hell he might even be better if the pins reworks are that good.
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In a weird way, I kind of like the changes as a whole.
The developers definitely closed the gap between The Legion and other killers. Their playstyle was SO drastically different from the rest. I like how they still have their own thing but are also more akin to the rest of the roster now.
Their power is pretty much 1 guaranteed hit on one person + any bonus ones on anyone else around. Then chase normally to down the survivor (possible due to increased movement speed). Pallet vaulting strategies in chases still remain the same - if not near a pallet, just frenzy and immediately hit; if near a pallet, force them to drop it, then vault the pallet ---> hit. You just have to be more careful about whiffing if the survivor goes to vault back, but other than that, whiffing isn't a super big issue unless they can 360 like a god. Even then, with the changes, it's not as shameful to double M1 if the wait for your power to come back is too long.
I like that they have significantly more counterplay, and people won't DC as soon as they see you anymore!
Deep Wound definitely becomes more of a time-waster than something that can actually down survivors, but it's still useful for that purpose.
Legion will be better than some M1 killers since he is guaranteed a first hit, while several of the ones you mentioned are not. The chase never really starts if the first hit isn't easy to get off. 'Ending the chase' is downing them, but if you have to fight for the first hit, it's a whole lot harder to do so.
Trapper is not very good because he needs 'set-up time', as in, his power does not exist unless he takes time to activate it. Players with map knowledge as good as the average Trapper will never step in traps unless forced into them, too. He has no chasing ability other than pushing people into loops he's trapped and really, praying. Wraith is not too bad because he has fairly good mobility and pretty good stealth. Again, however, vigilant survivors will see you coming and you will not be able to secure the first hit too easily, as Legion can. Especially since you are slowed down while you uncloak. Legion's power can be used as a movement ability too, if done so wisely. I'd go on to explain for the others but I find it unneccessary, unless you really want me to.
This is the exact reason Huntress, Nurse and Hillbilly are considered 'top tier'. Huntress and Nurse can end chases incredibly quickly. With the Huntress, either hit 'em twice with hatchets (you don't even need to be near the survivor!) or melee hatchet into an M1. With the Nurse - blink + hit, blink + hit. With Hillbilly, the chase does not need to be dragged on; in fact in some cases it never begins. He can cross-map chainsaw you, and you're down, no chase. Or, he can cut the chase short by chainsawing, never needing multiple hit opportunities.
But yeah, I'm excited to see the new changes. Without a doubt, I'll still play them. The only sad thing for me is that they won't be good for bloodpoint farming any more. I guess there's always Doctor.
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@Tzeentchling9 Clown is good. Just that his base is not too good. He's fine though. Pig is good too, she counters loops. Trapper is too situational for me to comment. He can be either god tier sometimes or garbage.
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Trapper don't suck, you just need to place the traps properly and make your playground, when they fall it's a huge reward specially if you hook them in the basement.
But i agree with the thing that a 115% it's not what makes a killer good. A trapper is good by his power not his speed.
The less skilled killers like leatherface, freddy, wraith and pig suffer more from that because their power isn't very good. And all this ones suffer great from looping.
So back to the topic, a legion with an increased speed but a nerfed power is guaranted to be a trash killer sadly. The devs needs to re-think the changes a lot.
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Legion is deader than the Wraith after his cube, but still less dead than Freddy.
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Legion is far from dead, literally play legion the same, bodyblock anything survivors need in the chase after hitting them, and you can catch up to the 5% faster than before
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They're not dead silly, Behaviour said they wouldnt make zombies.
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They don't suck. I'm a leatherface,clown,freddy,doctor and a pig main as I play as all of em. AND I Get LIKE 3 To 4 Kills with them in Some games. So I don't know way you think they suck?
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Also trapper does not suck as well.
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Clown does not "suck."
He isn't the best, but he is not bad.
Along with Leatherface he does have his moments of been a great killer.
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Yeah, he's dead guys, I'll just copy+paste my full rant on why and you can make the decision for yourself.
Wow, it was worse than I anticipated, I was expecting at best a killer that could get a free hit(s) and then begin the real chase, those pin buffs looked promising at first but instead we got a dogshit, unfun, unsatisfying killer that makes Freddy look competitive. Where do I even begin, cooldown is broken it resets all the way to 0 and it takes a ######### eternity to be able to use it again, pins are counter intuitive as you should not be hitting survivors twice, I coulda swore this is what you were trying to fix. Vault speed is absolutely pathetic, may as well break the ######### and move on (kinda like everyone will to other killers), the power ending is beyond painful, can't see ######### and it lasts longer than Nurse's cooldown. Your power lasts a long time too bad dead hard means you just wasted anywhere from 34 seconds to 24 (time spent in power+cooldown+recharge to try again). And why on Earth would you increase his terror radius, his whole purpose is to hit multiple people, nobody is stupid enough to sit together on a gen in terror radius and especially not when they find out it's Legion. You better actually balance this killer before you put this disgrace on the live server.
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The new Legion is amazing unless you play him like the current live version of legion. If you spammed FF hits, and tunneled one survivor then you're going to have a bad time. If you actually play Legion how it's intended you are going to slay. I've been getting consistent 4Ks on PTB all day, and the changes feel absolutely amazing. The map pressure is very real my friends....
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The new Legion is not that bad in terms of power. Yes, you get a free hit and its easy to keep people injured with Killer Instinct's tracking, but Frenzy has become so sluggish that he just feels like any other M1 killer now. He's not nearly as fun as he once was. That's the biggest issue.