An underrated film that i would love to see as a licensed chapter or just a standalone killer.

naw rather see some VG slasher get added in before some lowkey horror movie
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Hey, when we're talking 80's slashers, The Prowler is well up there.
Not heard any mention of Cropsy either...
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I would wonder of they tried to get liscence for "The Thing" either. While for sure more popular it would be a nice addition.
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I think they're going to opt for more recognizable licensed characters. Look at all the ones we've gotten so far. All quite iconic in the horror genre. They want players to buy them because they're fan favorites.
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I know it isn't under rated, but Alien would be pretty cool with the eggs and face huggers and stuff
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Oh yeah! The Burning would be awesome too!
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yeah, that's true
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Hell yeah, he's a really good pick as well.
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I think there's a new candyman film coming soon. So quite a good likelihood of pursuing the license. I'm still supporting the prowler tho. Maybe he can blow his own head off if he gets looped too much!
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Evolver. I bet the license would be on the cheap, it's a B movie but a B movie a lot of people saw, and the devs could do something fun with the Killer's vision giving us the old early 90s robot tracking style of vision.