Selfcare for everybody

Let's be honest, everybody, who knows only a little bit the Game have always Selfcare in their perk built but how about making it as a Ability for everyone and not a Perk? Because it just takes a very useful space.
People who saying now: And whats with the Medkits? Well they just speed it faster.
only if it's 25% speed without the perk for balance reasons.
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I just use Adrena, but I don't really think SC needs to be built in
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If you wanna waste time self-caring then put it in a perk slot.
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No. It's already an overrated perk and with the current gen rush meta it is better to not bring selfcare because it takes too much time to heal when you could be on a gen it doesn't need to be basekit.
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And for People which saying now: Than bring a Medikit and make a useful space.
Well sometimes you have to heal you multiple times which even the purple Medikit + add-ons doesnt help a lot
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Ik but especially im a runner, medkits doesnt have enough to heal you like 7 Times. Sometimes it happens.
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I actually don't usually run SC.
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So you want to be an one hit than, when the Killer finds you?
How about you playing solo and ur team is to stupid to bring small game perk and you have to loop all totems by yourself while your team cant handle ruin and your team still searching for the totem for like 3 mins and your team is about hanging on the Hook all the Time? Sorry for that salt BUT this happened to me like 20 Times in a row.
What i want to say with this is, theres than no Genrushing at all. Idk if it only happens on PSN but im so close to Rank 8 and always really fk always my team is to stupid to handle Ruin. And you loop with your own Risk with small game the Ruin by yourself allone. When Selfcare would be a ability there would be so more useful perk builts on others + People wouldnt complain about a 5th Perk Slot.
Maybe its stupid jeah, but its going so hard on my nerves searching ruin allone. I think Dbd is not built for Solo Survivors.
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When y'all dont run Selfcare and the ruin still excist with 5 Gens remaining, how your healing yourself than? Or when the Killer finds you again or you have to heal, to save a Mate on the Basement? Just don't get caught huh?
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I don't run SC, I use medkits or just try to last out till adrena activates. and I survive rather well. too many people rely on SC
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I wouldn't mind. Would be better when its a Ability. Specially those folks on my thread saying they dont have it on their perk built, but often (Especially when your a Runner) you HAVE JUST to heal yourself. Or they maybe all running claudettes perk to see injured Survivors and healing them but it cost even more time than selfcare actually does.
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Sure, as long as NOtskillED is also made built-in since it's in killer builds just as often.
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Or maybe I'm a Nea with Adrenaline, Balanced Landing, Urban Evasion, Spine Chill and Stealth Play
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Stealth play, well so you saying the Killer never finds you or what? Nice when your a stealthy player, but why adrenaline on your perk built? I was guessing you play stealth? :-)
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Even if I play stealth well I may still get hit, and adrena picks me up for that
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Tell that those tryhard Killers on R8 Ps4 with monitor & abuse perk in. Very, very rarely saw since launch of this game people, which doesn't have SC on their perk built.
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Me and Treeman are both avid ps4 players
So are @NoodleLegs and @PhantomMask20763
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And ingame? So when there are some Gens left? Let me guess killer dont find you huh? Keep baiting.
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I have Bond and DH. DH helps if I'm found to loop the killer more. Bond has the benefit of finding someone to heal me faster than I can heal myself AND knowing where teammates are to avoid sandbagging, etc. It's possible to play while injured. SC isn't the only perk that can help you. Most games, I just have someone else heal me. I've found it far more detrimental to not have Bond. I like to know what people are doing, where they chased person is heading, etc.
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Wait...tryhard? At rank 8? And did you just call m&a a try hard perk? (indirectly but that's how I understood it)
Anyways, about built in self care, I think it's fine as is. You waste time healing yourself but you can be more efficient if you bring in a medkit or bond or something else to help you get healed. Also if you're getting hit like 7 times in a match, you may be doing something wrong
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If I'm alone, then I'm prolly gonna die. big whoop, I died. The perk still shouldn't be built in
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Ok so your the forum gangs here and swf on PS4. Can i maybe become a Screenshot of your Rank right now?
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It's a gang because I called in some ps4 players to judge? and I'm not the one on my console right now
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Or maybe i trying to become iridescent Emblem? Well on Myers it isnt bad at all.
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You can still rank up by doing other things like gens, saving friends ect. I can see where your coming from with built in self care, but the perk is in an alright spot. If you want to heal as much as you want, you bring self care, that's the whole purpose of the perk. And if you think self care isnt worth the slot, people just bring a medkit with extra charge addons and faster healing speed. The perks alright in it's current state
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How about KYF lobby anytime?
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Me and tree share a ps4, so you won't see us both on it
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Phantom has a buddy he may be able to bring though
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I don't use self care. It is actually a trap perk.
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So when your a Swf group i woulded like to see you Guys in Action. Player ID is the same as here.
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I'll @. them to see if they're down for it later
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self care is a killer perk, Yes you read it right! a killer perk
how ?
well,it helps the killer slowing the game down hella lot.
in red ranks now only bots use it.. you wont regularly find ppl using this perk in high ranks
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@KiraElijah I'm in bed right now lol, I cant play, I'm a sleepy boi
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Well, we'd have to wait until noodle can play anyway
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@KiraElijah U right
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@PhantomMask20763 And sadly, we can't just point at eachother in this serious match
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@KiraElijah Aw, does that mean we would have to actually...*gulp* play?
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Yep, we have to prove SC isn't needed or something like that @PhantomMask20763
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@KiraElijah but I like self care, i think its worth the slot, which is why I run it (I do like medkits tho)
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Yea, but he's saying basekit @PhantomMask20763
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@KiraElijah ye, but I already gave my thoughts on it being basekit on the last page. I think it's fine where it is. It's a personal thing, if you want infinite heals you run it, if you dont then you dont run it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Yep, also we gotta deathsquad Genrush this @PhantomMask20763
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why am i here and what am i doing?
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@KiraElijah alright, I'll get my cloak mode claudette ready with all the gen rush perks XD
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@PhantomMask20763 I'll do the same
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We're proving SC doesn't need to be basekit :P wanna join us? @NoodleLegs
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sure, i play on weekends though D: @KiraElijah
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Alright, >:) Deathsquad Genrush perks @NoodleLegs