Corrupt Intervention or Hex:Ruin

Which one of these perks are generally better? Am leaning towards Intervention due to my dislike of hex perks but do not have the perk nor killer to decide for myself at the moment, and am curious of what builds generally work for these two.


  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069
    edited April 2019

    Hex: Ruin still though. Corrupt is not really that great.

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    Ruin deals more damage imo, depending on the totem placement ofc and because of the weird placebo effect it creates for some survivors wich will make them obsessed with it and never works on gens until the totem is downed.

    It's really just a coin toss when you use Ruin, but i would say corrupt is more consistent overall.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Why not both?

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Ruin is better than corrupt, but I wouldn’t use either.

  • Rickard971
    Rickard971 Member Posts: 9

    Without Ruin, the survivors usually find a gen and starts to work. However with Ruin, few survivors might start running around the map looking for it while the remaining try to power up the gens. Lets say you get 1 downed the moment the Ruin is removed. The running survivors mindset might be "lets go for a save" instead of beginning to work on a gen. Delaying progress even further.

    Corrupt Intervention just makes most survivor go for the 4 generators that are still able to be progressed. You could have few times where ppl hide and wait for the timer, which in turn would buy you valuable time but from my experience, it doesn't happen often.

    Overall I prefer Ruin, but try them out and see which one you prefer the most!

    As for a build. As a m1 killer, I really enjoy Sloppy + Thanatophobia + Ruin + Bamboozle. Reducing chase timer is REALLY important, which makes Bamboozle great. Sloppy + Thanatophobia is great for slowing down the game (especially if you are a killer good at spreading pressure). A lot of ppl underestimate Thanatophobia since it is just "a few %" but it impacts most actions that the survivors do. Over the whole game, those seconds you gain will add up.

  • PeepingPeacock
    PeepingPeacock Member Posts: 354

    Ruin is miles better than corrupt.

  • Unnamed_Freak
    Unnamed_Freak Member Posts: 570

    Both are bandaid fixes that don't help in nothing, I wouldn't recommend either, but ruin is better.

  • Rickard971
    Rickard971 Member Posts: 9

    Without ruin, the survivors just start to work on whatever gen they can find. However with the Ruin effect, some survivors will usually go away and try to find it. If you are able to get 1 down by the time the hex is cleansed, those survivors might be thinking about going for the save, instead of starting their work on gens. Which would buy you even more time

    From my own experience, Corrupt Intervention will have the survivors just go for the remaining 4 generators that are able to be powered. And you will only be able to chase one. Sometimes few will be hiding, therefore buying you lots of time but it is quite rare.

    However I would say you should try them both and see what you prefer the most!

    As for the build. I really enjoy Bamboozle + Sloppy + Thanatophobia + Ruin (for m1 killer). Time is the most essential thing for a killer, and reducing chase timer with Bamboozle is really great. Pallet breaking perks are good but pallets are limited. Sloppy + Thana combo works wonders, especially for killers that can easily injure a lot of ppl. A lot of ppl underestimate Thanatophobia, saying it won't matter much with a few %. But it impacts most survivor actions. And over the course of the trial, the seconds you gain will add up.

  • Rie
    Rie Member Posts: 86

    Case 1: play billy/nurse neither needs ruin if ur good with them

    Case 2: play any of the others, ruin is the best gen delaying perk hands down

    You could also try out Pop goes the Weasel, and see if it fits your playstile

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,941

    When I see someone uses Corrupt, I start looking for totems. So using both would be the worst idea actually.