Another New player Killer Main experience. Need some advice.

Zefier Member Posts: 23

Pfew... Man do I feel bad about this last match I had. I probably shouldn't, I know "grow thick skin" is some of the advice I got but-- Man... That wasn't enjoyable. I'm starting to see why people don't like Survive With Friends.

So, I started a match with Hag. I could kinda tell immediately this was a coordinated team that knew what they were doing. Their Ash was immediately up in my face, and two of them were T-bagging on the other side of pallets, each one jumping in the moment I was on someone else, gens went down so fast I could have blinked and missed it, barely got to get all my traps up before I was down to one gen.

There was one gen they *really* wanted to do, and I held them off of it for a while until they just did the other one on the map. Managed to farm a decent enough amount of BP, they hadn't taken care of my NOED, and I managed to down the Ash.

But by this point I felt so outplayed I just carried him to the exit myself instead of a hook, I kinda just wanted it over with and I wasn't about to face camp them for a cheap kill. I don't do that sort of thing.

I think if that had been that I would have been fine, but it was the post game smack talk that kinda stung.

"ggez baby hag"



"baby hag"

I was just kinda dumbfounded, I pointed out that, yes... Yes I am new, I just started playing last week. Didn't really dissuade them though, only one of them afterwards apologized and was kind enough to give me a tip on how to play Hag better.

But, man... I know I stopped playing Legion despite liking their aesthetic because of the in-game hate getting thrown at me, but now I'm getting it for the perks too?

I guess I can cut NOED, I don't really have any other perks to use but... I'll throw on Thrill of the Hunt or something, maybe catch some people doing totems by accident.

BBQ though? I worked hard getting that off of the shrine, and I really need the bonus BPs. . .

Like, I don't even care that I got bullied around in game, it was the harassment post game that kinda made me feel like #########.

What do you all think? Cut the NOED and BBQ? I've been getting a lot of hate for using those.


  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069
    edited April 2019

    Buddy, if I would stop playing the Legion, because some salty apes are whining to me, than I would need to completely uninstall this game. Choose the perks which you like and just play! You can also close this useless chatbox, so you will not see the other player's messages!

    Post edited by Ihatelife on
  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101

    Cut NOTHING. Survivors want to dissuade you from using those perks/killers etc to benefit themselves. You play how you want and what perks you want. Keep end game chat off since you're on pc and live a happy DBD life.

  • Unnamed_Freak
    Unnamed_Freak Member Posts: 570

    Buddy, pal. Don't hear to those people, they'll moan and ######### about everything you do as a killer, it doesn't matter if you are nice, if you don't tunnel, if you don't camp, they will still ######### about you. Of course there are some people that are nice, but you won't find them that much. Play how you want to, don't follow made up rules. And don't let their insults get through you, that's what they want.

    Good luck in the fog, buddy.

  • Fres0c0
    Fres0c0 Member Posts: 115

    You are new I get it but I'm gonna tell you this now hag isn't a good killer to start with

    1. She has to manage traps

    2. She moves 5% slower than base speed

    3. She is short

    I recommend leatherface because you get a feel at base movement speed you get to learn how to punish survivors when catching them make mistakes and you always have access to bbq, I'm gonna say this but leatherface isn't that good either

    If you want to stick with hag then I run ruin,bbq,make your choice, and nurses calling

    I know your new so you wont have 2 of those perks so instead ruin,bbq,bitter murmer, and noed

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    no matter what happens, open the chat box really quick, hit gg, and close it back up. 6/10 times you wont like what you see in there.

    The majority of the time the survivor's aren't mad at you, just the situation they were put in to make them feel that way, this game brings a lot of emotion out of people so don't take anything someone says to you to heart.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    Use anything you want. You can close the endgame chat with the little arrow on the bottom. This game is full of toxic, as*hole survivors who will treat you like #########. My first killer round I got so bullied and upset, I swore to never play killer and I didn't for months. Watch videos and keep trying killer, try not to let those people ruin your fun.

    Welcome to Dead By Daylight

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    You're gonna experience that a ton. You can either turn the chat off or just pay them no attention. Though, if you're playing killer you'll be trashed on no matter what you do or don't do. Don't play people's "honor" rules? Trashed. 4k them quickly? Trashed. Give them free wins? Trashed. Use off meta perks? Trashed. Play the meta? Trashed.

    Point is. You can't truly feel good about anything you do in this game as killer until you stop listening to other people and stop trying to play the game in a specific way to please other. Focus on the win or just having fun.

  • Sythalin
    Sythalin Member Posts: 280

    If you're going to play killer main, you may want to brush up on the rules survivors have created for killers.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    And what perks did they have? 'Cause I highly doubt they weren't running meta perks. Generally speaking, a lot of survivors have an issue with NOED since it can feel like a cheap win. People who complain about BBQ are generally trolling, though, or vastly unaware of what they're arguing for.

    It's like they want every killer to camp.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    While I personally dislike Noed, it's fine to run it. As for bbq, definitely keep it. It will reduce your grind massively. I just got it off the shrine myself and can hardly wait to use it.

  • ColgateAdvancedWhite
    ColgateAdvancedWhite Member Posts: 616

    As a new player, never play survivor. Only play killer and then push for 4k under 3min. (We're getting there!)

    Killers mains who made the mistake of trying survivor ended up quitting quite quickly. If you want to continue to play, don't make the same mistake as they did.

  • Lemming
    Lemming Member Posts: 103

    Ignore the post game chat. It's pointless bravado 90% of the time from someone upset at the turn out. Use whatever perk you want, not like the survivors aren't, and play to win.

    For dealing with SWF, normally they are highly committed to saving each other. They will swarm you to try to keep you away from their teammate or to prevent you from hooking him and will generally be aggressive in saving each other. Abuse this knowledge. Walk about 6-7 seconds from the hook and do a circle around the backside of the terrain facing toward the hook. Anyone waiting to save will be there. As a Hag you are really good at defensive plays as well as punishing primary looping spots. This means map knowledge is highly important for you and will come with time.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @Lemming Not everyone is toxic/mean in end game chat, but yes. In this instance, they were obviously set on being mean to someone. They'd be toxic, regardless of the outcome.

  • mutabletiger4
    mutabletiger4 Member Posts: 185

    Just play how you want, some people are jerks just for the sake of being jerks. Do what you can to make the experience fun for yourself, sometimes I go with their insults, I find it hilarious that they wasted time out of their day to message me to insult me. If you find yourself getting frustrated/upset, take a short break before moving on to the next game. Most players aren't like that, you just got a bad bunch

  • Lemming
    Lemming Member Posts: 103

    I'd argue at least 1/4 is pretty toxic.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Close the post-game chat by pressing the two >> arrows next to the box where you type and never open it again.

    It'll save you a GLOBAL SHITLOAD of sanity.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,523

    As a new player myself and with only a dozen games as killer the new killer experience is a bit harrowing, you'll get teabagged and toxic comments even when they all escape because you're learning the game. I've even had websites suggested to me to learn how to play better that are just porn or gore sites. It's like they want the game to slowly die due to new players giving up.

    On the other hand, you will also find some survivors giving you encouragement when they know you're new and that's pretty nice, it's like they realize the game needs new players.

    Play the perks you want, play the way you want, some survivors will be toxic no matter what you do.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Please play what you want. Choose the killers, perks, add-ons and offerings you like. You are not the fun provider for survivors. Do your thing.

    And close the after-game chat permanently.

    Unfortunately, there are some people that would always insult you, no matter how you play. If they win, it's "ez baby noob" and if they lose, it's "tryhard camper tunnler".

  • kamisen
    kamisen Member Posts: 794

    This really takes me back. Do not let this get to you! Here’s a few tips that got me through:

    1. Ignore pips, play for fun. This game will never be fair.
    2. Treat SWF’s as peak challenges, not standard games.
    3. Don’t feed the trolls in post game chat!!
    4. Play around with different perks and have your own goals for the game.

    Use all the perks you want and don’t buy into the made up rules of some survivors. About the hag:

    1. Don’t engage in long chases with her unless you can force the survivor to a trapped area. She is slow!
    2. Her nimble size makes Her hard to see in loops with higher obstacles. Mind games possible!
    3. Don’t trap IN pallets unless you do the body-block build. You need time to teleport and strike the survivor before they can put the pallet down.
    4. Play survivor!

    Good luck and spread love! <3