Susie from Legion is.... Cringe

Why do y'all like her? She is the type of girl who sat on Tumblr all day, who ate too much cause boys she fangirled over didn't like her and had a pudgy stomach as a consequence. She was the type to self diagnose herself with cute uwu mental illnesses because she was just quirky like that, she probably talked too much and not in a way that communicated that she was just artistic and repressed by society. She cried when forced to stab that man because she didn't want to, only being friends with the other members of legion because nobody else liked her, including her parents. She is literally uninteresting, not visually appealing, she is basic and boring and ugly and overrated and over used. She is by far the least inspiring member of the Legion. Why do y'all like her?
A weeb's ideal girl.
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What are you talking about? None of that is true, and she has the best cosmetics.
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Between Frank/Julie's "tough guy" default outfits and Joey's "too edgy for school" gettup, Susie's the only one who feels like she has a personality in her outfit.
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It's because of her outfits.
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Most personality? I am saddened that anyone is intrigued by that personality.
Not after seeing that new neon legion skin lmao
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u know I would have no issues with her.
shes nicer then most the people I have to deal with on here.
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What? XD
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Exactly my point....
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shes most definitely a Yandere , idk how you got all that other nonsense
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ewww, that is the most disgusting thing i have ever heard about her and the most disgusting term in existence. its basically harley quinn if she was emo, cringe, not mentally ill but just freakin idiotic. im so sorry you think this about her.
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Weaboo description for crazy girl bad, western example for that description not bad...
OP is an idiot.
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i want her to sit on my face
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Almost as cringe as this thread
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1 she is cute.
2 she is the only one in the legion gang that doesn't particularly like to kill.
3 she is relatable : the typical shy girl who would do anything to fit in a group.
4 her mask is cool af.
5 the other legion members are too edgy.
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this guy knows what's good
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How is the old saying? Dont put your love stick in crazy.
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She's 15 years old or at the most 16 years old
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And how old are those two?
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*fbi sirens*
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I like neon colorations. I generally love Cyberpunk and Tron style aesthetics, so the neon red / blue hair is something I like. Same with the new neon skin.
Also, whether you like the personality or not, the skin -does- show personality. It's not as edgy as the other skins which makes it more interesting by default. When you have three red things and one orange, you're gonna be interested in that orange thing even if you don't like the color you know?
But yeah I know how you feel, haha, I hate the "GAME OVER" sweater the one survivor wears. Generally I hate any 'gamer girl' aknowleding stuff in games, that's why, despite loving mechs, I'd want to throw D.Va from Overwatch in the nearest bonfire.
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Legal in my country.
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if she 16 im 16
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i think someone is envious of Susie....bare in mind, she is just a character and some people do actually deal with things you others have said she seems the best one out the bunch
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Shes probably the most relatable out of the 4. Honestly unless your edgy she’s the member people will gravitate more too, because I can tell you that i’m more like her then the other 3 members of the Legion.
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i now want a harley quinn susie......
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This thread makes me want to commit.
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yall, im an official lesbian from the Lesbian Department of Games, and let's just say... I have a thing for psychotic people and I don't know why.
okay, but, Susie's literally me with that description (except the self-diagnosed thing, hah, adhd yall), and im attracted to both tall muscular girls, and short, pudgy girls. i do. im like 5'9" so finding tall people are pretty hard, but all in all, the important thing at the end of the day, is that im taller than all the legion.
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Isn't Suzie the good student who ended up in a bad crowd?
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You sound very jealous of her fame...
But as for me, it's because I was like her in highschool, sticking around bad people just to be in a group that would accept me, I relate to her alot
I also love wide hoodies like this and colored hair, especially pink.
Let's be honest tho, her lobbies animation are darn cute and her outfit and original mask makes it even better.
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Susanne is woketh and bespoketh
Anyone who doesn’t like Susanne makes me want to commit tiny laugh