Your survivor perk build?

Which perks do you use ?
There was a thread recently "do you use self care?" which kinda motivated me to stop using the perk, I've tried without it and so far I'm doing good. There are times where I wish I had it but most of the time it's not necessary.
I use: adrenaline, dead hard, bond, iron will.
Switched self care for adrenaline. Dead hard is my favorite exhaustion perk, I tend to switch last 2 but currently use bond and iron will. It's an alright build, works for me. Iron will helps me get out of chases and not get heard by the killer. Bond helps find teammates to heal me or when in a chase so I don't lead the killer towards them in case they're doing a gen plus it's always useful to know where your teammates are.
Would love to hear your guys' perk builds and maybe try them out myself! ^^
I use Bond, Dead Hard, We're Gonna Live Forever, and Spine Chill mostly. (I also bring in a Yellow Med-kit with either Bandages/Self Adherent Wrap and Medical Scissors most of the time).
However, since I prestige my Ace, and he doesn't have 2 of the perks I used (Dead Hard and Bond), I now use...
We're Gonna Live Forever, Spine Chill, Dark Sense, and Balanced Landing. (I use the same Item and add-ons as I did before most of the time).
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I bring resilience, dead hard, adrenaline and spine chill. I don’t heal until end game and if spine chill goes off for two seconds I run away from my gen.
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Self care, urban evasion, balanced landing, and iron will
i sometimes change balanced landing for any other perk I want to run
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Recently, I've been using Balanced Landing, Plunderer's Instinct, Botany Knowledge, and Prove Thyself. It's been working quite well for me. I don't think I've had a single bad game while running this build.
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Pharmacy, alert, lithe, plunderers or spine chill/adrenaline/poised/iron will, first three is my usual enjoyed build but depends who I'm playing and what perks they have for my 4th, I like it, forces me to adapt to what I have. I am loving the new lithe though, only recently tried it.
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I keep specific perks for certain survivors, because I like playing their original perks on them for some reason, like: (Top 5 mains)
Meg: Lightweight and Sprint Burst (Great combos), Quick and Quiet, Adrenaline
Claudette: Empathy, Premonition, Botany Knowledge. I use Self Care, but I might replace it with We'll Make It, but it is not at the ultimate form yet.
Nea: Urban Evasion (One of best perks for me) Kindred (Avoid campers and helps with solos) Premonition or Spine Chill and Balanced Landing
Feng Min: Alert (Why don't people use this more?!) Lithe and Quick and Quiet, and Empathy. Would use Technician if the meters quieter would actually work.
David: (Risky build) Dead Hard, No Mither, Resilience, and either Spine Chill or This is Not Happening. Would like Iron Will, this build is a gen rush thing.
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I use whatever I feel like lol. But I always use Alert because it is probably my fave Survivor Perk. I use to use Urban Evasion all the time but I felt it was a waste of a slot so I've dropped. Meh.
Also I run Calm Spirit A LOT because I hate the Doctor and never want to deal with that crap lol.
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My personal build honestly shifts around a lot. I always like to have at least 1 exhaustion perk though to get that leg up in a chase. It all depends in how I feel that day and what I want to do
Balanced Landing/Dead Hard are my preference, sometimes I'll bring both if I've had a bad day getting caught out of position and want DH to recover
We'll Make It/Borrowed Time for saves
Adrenaline+Hope for obv reasons lol
DS if I've been tunneled/camped a lot that day
I'll use others but those are my most common perks
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Lithe - Dance w/ Me - Quick & Quiet - Self Care
Sometimes I run We're Gonna Live Forever, and sometimes I bring Urban Evasion. I used to use Calm Spirit and Iron Will because I got literally 13 Doctors in a row one day, they were everywhere.
I guess it depends on the killer I am seeing a majority of that day.
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Right now it's No Mither, Resilience, This Is Not Happening, and Spine Chill. The ultimate genrush Mither build.
Resilience and Spine Chill makes gens go faster, and Spine Chill also makes skill checks more likely, meaning that I can get more great skill checks than ever before thanks to TINH. And of course, Spine Chill is a great Perk for avoiding and keeping tabs on the Killer.
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Prove thyself, adrenaline, balanced landing and aftercare works well for me
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Autodidact, Adrenaline, Balanced Landing, Alert
Cause Self Care sucks
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I usually switch my build up then and now, but my current one I this:
- Dead Hard: To reach Pallets and Windows in situations I would get downed normally
- Distortion: Just to counter BBQ. I am sick of searching for a locker all the time, so with Distortion I can just sit on gens and the Killer doesn't see me. It also gives much information about potential Perks which the Killer has
- Self Care: Almost needed in solo since Survivors usually run away, with Self Care I can at least heal myself up
- Decisive or Adrenaline: For anti tunnel to punish the Killer if he decides to tunnel me (DS got get an free escape for tunneling Killers and Adrenaline to get the free instaheal and sprint burst when the Killer tunnels me at the end game pretty much)
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Adrenaline, Dead Hard are standard. Then the other two perks depend on how I am feeling. Sometimes it will be borrowed time and we're gonna farm forever, sometimes it will be decisive and windows of opportunity... other times it will be stake out and prove thyself.
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I play everything and i prevere randomizing my perks.
But usually when i wanna win i use
Dead Hard
Mettle of Man
Mix it up with Borrowed Time a few times.
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SWF simulator: kindred+spine chill+bond+adrenaline. I'll change Adrenaline to Open Handed. Someone has tried this? I think it could be a very very strong combination.
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Mettle of Man
Balanced Landing
We Will Make It
I simply enjoy the last Perk a lot, it is probably my favorite Perk. Otherwise I would probably run DS instead of it.
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My current main build is ;
Self-Care/Adrenaline, Borrowed Time, Iron Will and Prove Thyself. I do change Self-Care for Adrenaline quite a lot because I do have Iron Will too.
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Balanced landing/Lithe- They're both equally strong and it really just depends on which I'd rather use.
Iron will- This perk is god tier and my favourite perk in the whole of DBD.
Adrenaline- Injured genrush.
And finally, Calm Spirit- Ever since the PTB buffs, it's good.
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Dead hard, adrenaline, borrowed time, hope. I go for a lot of end game saves, often resulting in either me getting hooked, or the killer dcing as me and other dude run out the door cuz bt.
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My build changes a lot but spine chill is locked in usually.
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My favorite build right now is MOM, Dead Hard, Adrenaline, and Decisive. With a med-kit (especially insta-heals) this can be such a dirty build but chases can last so long.
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That is what I used last time.
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mines Self care, dead hard, adrenaline, windows of opportunity
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I use different ones on different survivors. On Mikaela, my main, I use the following:
-Wake Up!
-Urban Evasion
You know, I might just be basic AF.
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Kindred, Iron Will, SpineChill/Bond and Lithe.
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Self-Care, Borrowed Time, Adrenaline and Iron Will was basically my personal Survivor build for a very long time.
Sometimes I would also DS, Sprint Burst and even Vigil too.
And the fact that this thread is from 2019 makes it even better, because it was around the time I got all the perks I needed for this build.
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Windows, Iron Will, Self-Care and Balanced Landing