Aaaaaand the streamers/ fog whisperers are starting drama again

This is getting really old, I get it, we all have different opinions, but why cant we all just respect them and each other like adults? The fog whisperers are representing the game, the devs, and most importantly, the community. What will new players do when they see all the streamers attacking each other on Twitter, discord, each others streams ect. Seriously, cant the devs talk to all of them and just tell them to cut it out, to keep their personal issues away from all of this? I'm not saying any names because it's literally most of them. Why cant we all just respect each other and set a good example for the community instead of being so toxic? Devs, mods or whoever's in charge of fog whisperers, they need to get under control, because this is seriously hurting the games community and image. Most people are already pretty toxic in game and in after game chat, we dont need any more of that radiation to spread
Sometimes, you just have to put actions into your own hands. I don’t have any beef or issues with any of the fog whispers personally, but I’m not one to let people outright think the DbD community is outright toxic. I try to keep things positive and hope that others will join in. I do hope it doesn’t make me look childish, but I really want this game to succeed while making sure others are happy and having a great time, whether it be in game or on the forums. :)
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I agree, I dont have issues with them specifically, I just have issues with some of their rather "questionable" actions that can encourage certain behavior to other people
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I should be a fog whisperer
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and i oop-
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Its almost as if they are real life people with issues like just like the rest of us..
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What happen now? Lol
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@ItsYourBoyGuzma I think it's about de-ranking because someone's doing it for shorter que times and then someone else is saying that that person is such a hypocrite because they were against de-ranking and such and it's just a huge mess at this point
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I wished BHVR held Fog Whispers at a higher standard because some of them are entering questionable territory. It's just terrible to see the people who are supposed to be good examples do the exact opposite.
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Ah thank you, now I remember the two involved.
Well to be fair the other person shouldn't have deranged tbh but whatever, now both parties do it so
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So basically someone is working around the poor matchmaking system so they can play the game.. What a drama-filled situation to be in...
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@CornChip the thing is, they're arguing over the REASONS they do it. You can go to Twitter and read all about it if you want. At this point I think it's fine to de-rank as long as your not doing it to like just obviously bully the newer players. Devs need to fix their matchmaking
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Why is this news though? I don't understand.. It just sounds like a few people having a disagreement.
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Bhvr choosing to add the fog whisperer program was a mistake.
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@CornChip its been happening too often, disagreements will obviously happen, but when they're happening frequently then theres a problem. Also, I read a bit more on Twitter and there seems to be more than a de-ranking argument going on too. One streamer called another streamers ideas dumb and took offense to that and basically started calling them out. I dont know how they started drama with that but theres a whole thread about it on Twitter, I'm surprised myself
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I still don't see what the big deal is.. I really could not care what a few people are arguing about on the internet. If i want to involve myself with that sort of pointless drama i will watch a soap opera lol.
I don't understand why so many people get butthurt over everylittle thing these fog whisperery people do. They are no different to you or me.
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I see a problem with people ganging up on someone over an opinion they used to have.
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Yes it's a problem.. but please don't say the majority of them are doing this when there's 50 of them and not even all English speaking. It really is a handful that are problems but have large platforms so it makes it seem worse.
But yeah... some are acting like its kindergarten with this lame drama.
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@CornChip I think it's more that they're supposed to be basically promoting the game for the devs, they're the face of the game on twitch and YouTube basically, and if people see all the issues that the community has against each other, I fear that the game will never really grow. People dont like to be apart of toxic communities most of the time, so we should be trying to make a difference to try and at least TRY to be less toxic towards one another. Like I said, arguments are gonna happen, but they shouldn't be this frequent
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There's not an idol or spokesperson alive that hasn't upset someone somewhere.
No ones perfect.
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The rank system is partially to blame. I say keep the ranks, but disband the matchmaking. Ranks will now affect rewards. If you are a low rank playing against a high rank, you get better rewards because you're facing someone much more experienced than you.
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Some of the Fog whisperers have befriended the devs from what I have heard good luck getting any moderation on them.
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It's cause they reel in new players that nothing happens.
And new players is 20 euros + potentially DLCs + potentially Auric Cells.
Well, it's either that, or addressing them is just as fast a process as fixing Killer bugs.
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I'm a new Fart Whisper... how can I help?
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I don't follow these people's streams but from what I read on twitter seems like meaningless, Childish Internet arguments to me.
This is why i only follow a handful of whisperers, Ones who actually play the game and don't get involved in this petty drama and One side vs the other business.
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Just play the game. Who cares about streamer drama?
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But it is outright toxic. It has been for years.
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Lmao, the fact that I know where this is from.
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Fog Whisperers dont represent the game more than normal players. Why do people care so much for some DBD-Streamers? Let them be or do you care for normal player also that much?
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Lol, what's the point of that drama this time?
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aw gross delete that icon, yuck
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@MegsAreEvil They do.
They were hand chosen by the developers, giving them a literal badge saying "I have connections"
Also, being a streamer with 1000s of fans gives you a lot of influence. Humans will bandwagon with a famous persons opinions like crazy.
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That's almost exactly what it is only there is months long history to it to the point where there just seems to always be drama on Twitter.
So I ended up rethinking who I follow and sub to. The drama isn't normally on Stream btw but I unfollowed because of the ridiculous Twitter drama.
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Why do people care so much?
Just ignore them as making such posts just brings them and the program into more light and you are actually advertising it.
No publicity is bad publicity after all.
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I've seen some of them causing drama about the PTB today. To be honest the fog whisperers needs to be dropped if this continues cause it's not really helping anyone.
Post edited by JakConstantine on0