Collapse: red trails?

bradys44 Member Posts: 105

What are the super bright red trails? Are those blood trails effected by a perk or are those normally visible on PC? I play on console and nothing is that bright or discernable. Is that something unique to the collapse?


  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    Yep, just a collapse thing. It should be added to console once the patch rolls out. When the patch releases though, is unknown

  • bradys44
    bradys44 Member Posts: 105

    Thanks. For a second I thought it was how blood trails looked on PC with bloodhound and was horrified if that us the graphic quality loss on console.

  • Walker_of_the_fog_96
    Walker_of_the_fog_96 Member Posts: 1,238

    You are new player?

  • bradys44
    bradys44 Member Posts: 105

    Sadly no I've been playing for several months, just starting to play as killer.