Pig Mains opinion on PTB

As someone whose been a Pig main since her release and pretty much put the most effort into perfecting the mechanics of this killer, I feel like these changes gimp the primary purpose of the Pig and ruins a lot of the immersion of the killers actual unique mechanic that derives from the movies in the first place.

You never once see a survivor leave the room with an inactive RBT on their head in the films and act like it's okay cause it hasn't started ticking..no it's supposed to be traumatizing and scary, and shouldn't be considered something you can exactly escape from easily.

With these changes I'm pretty sure you're going to make Pig fall down an entire tier, if not just make them outright the worst killer, yes it can still work midgame, but the fact that you'll almost never see someones head pop, and have head popping be even more rare now, makes the mechanic itself useless and thus this update also ruins that purpose.

If you want a good way to change the RBT, make it so if a survivor has a RBT on their head, the timer of the endgame collapse is slowed down similarly to being downed or hooked, this is actually the only change I feel like wouldn't compromise or change Pig at all in the lategame, and not make her overpowered either.

But that's just my opinion, if you do end up nerfing the Pig and going through with these changes I do feel like I'll stop playing the killer until somethings done about them..these changes just make me lose a lot of faith in them.

Besides that, I love the rest of the changes to the game, everything feels a lot better, even Legion, thank you for reading.

TL;DR: Make Pig slow down end game collapse with RBT's instead of nerfing them into the ground.


  • This is true, BHVR in their attempts to adjust and min/max balance in the game, they have made Killers which have uncharacteristic quirks to their movie counterpart, same goes for their own Killers too. Such as...

    • The RBT that magically stops ticking while being chased.
    • The Deep Wound that magically stops bleeding when in chase.
    • The Plague which only wounds and infects survivors, but never harms.
    • The Deep Wound on PTB that can take 100 hits and not even get worse.

  • ren_knock
    ren_knock Member Posts: 31

    In this case I'd consider it a lot different, since the main source of power comes from Pig's RBT, and no one was asking for these changes. I can see why Legion needed their changes and why Plague needed her changes, to become more fair..but in this case RBT would have never really made anyone waste so much time in end game collapse to die, they'd die to being hooked way before they die to the timer running out.

    Only because it prevents them from leaving even after all generators are powered, making this helmet literally a cosmetic after they are all powered up.

    If a survivor wanted a free hat before being hooked, they now have one. ^^

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154
    edited April 2019


    Not a Pig main, but I love the cute Amanda. She was the one I reached Rank 1 with T^T

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    As long as survivors dont do generators or dont hasve to do generatfors anymore, these traps will be useless. Which is ######### stupid.

    What interests me now would be if active RBT in a TR will not kill survivors in the exit.

    Not pig main but she's been too weak since release. 2 bad abilities dont equal 1 good ability.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    I'm no Pig main, but I thought she was A tier before. But now she's F tier, im sorry for your loss.

  • ren_knock
    ren_knock Member Posts: 31

    Yeah lol, removes the entire point of being able to pop heads.

  • Sentry
    Sentry Member Posts: 124

    Question: if i place a rtb on someones head during the after the end game starts does it activate

  • ShyN3ko
    ShyN3ko Member Posts: 1,616
    edited April 2019


    And they can go through the gates with a RBT on the head.

  • ren_knock
    ren_knock Member Posts: 31

    It becomes a football helmet so your survivor children don't hit their head on the way out.

    Mama Pig is best. <3

  • GlassComet99
    GlassComet99 Member Posts: 60
    edited April 2019

    "The RBT timer now stops if the Survivor is within the Terror Radius, as opposed to when in a Chase."

    While this change is good on Legion's deep wound since it prevents the moonwalk exploit, it's pretty bad on the Pig. You rarely chase survivors with an RBT on, unless gens are not being done and you're patrolling jigsaw boxes, which means there isn't a tunneling issue to be solved: rather, this change gives trapped survivors positions away (you see the timer stop when they're within your terror radius), which encourages you to tunnel them (I don't think the crouch exploit to restart the timer is worth it though, given the slow movement speed and the long timer). In short, if this change goes live, the Pig will become as annoying as former Legion, which is not good at all. This change needs to be completely reverted.

    "RBTs only become active whenever a generator is completed. Inactive RBTs will no longer trigger when attempting to leave via an exit gate. *NOTE: Initiating the End Game Collapse will not complete generators, but will block them. This means that any inactive RBTs will remain inactive."

    This is just a crazy nerf. It completely destroys any possible endgame playstyle by completely denying the Pig's power once all generators are powered. I understand her power could be OP during the endgame collapse phase, but this is simply too much and needs to be reverted or restricted to the last survivor remaining. Also, last gen completion not activating RBTs timer doesn't make sense.

  • Axelocke
    Axelocke Member Posts: 28

    As a player who ocassionally frequents the Pig, I am utterly devestated. However, I'm not about to give up playing my favorite liscenced killer!

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    Nurse still unchanged by the way.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    They nerfed a killer who was already not that strong and needed some small buffs. These balance decisions don't make any sense.

  • ren_knock
    ren_knock Member Posts: 31

    It's like if you removed freddy's ability to be in the dream world and instead you're stuck with a guy who has fingerknives, it removes the entire point of the films and kills any immersion.

    As someone who frequents the SAW film franchise, the biggest fear of anyone watching these movies is "I'd be dead if I were put in one of those contraptions." It's quite literally the point Amanda Young is even the Pig in the first place.

    They may as well remove the fact that Myers stalks players, or remove Leatherface's chainsaw, literally just say ######### the movies and turn the character into "generic bad guy that can stab/smack/cut you."

    Let's not forget Amanda Young is quite literally the first one to survive the RBT's and became Jigsaw's apprentice only because of this contraption she was put in.

  • ren_knock
    ren_knock Member Posts: 31

    The only reason I'll give up on Amanda is because the point of the franchise in the first place was the fear and desperation to survive the traps the survivors were put through, Amanda only exists as the pig because she was the first survivor of the RBT.

    I really can't be assed to play a basic M1 character, if I wanted to do that I'd just play Trapper without ever placing down a trap.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Count me in as a Pig main dissatisfied with these changes.

  • ren_knock
    ren_knock Member Posts: 31

    Yup true, I used to main Nurse and still think she needs to be nerfed by now, literally no point in playing any other killer than Nurse since she never gets touched but everyone else around her does.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Let's workshop something other than slowing down the endgame collapse time. It already slows down to an additional two minutes with regular injuries and downs.

  • ren_knock
    ren_knock Member Posts: 31

    I think it'd be fine if it slowed it down, it'd make End Game Collapse no longer affect the Pig and allow them to balance around that fact, and would make more sense lore-wise too since the Entity wouldn't want to kill the survivors too soon, if there's a chance they'll die to an RBT.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Loved the saw franchise and when I saw the teasers for its chapter in this game I was so happy.

    Her gameplay was fun, and her reverse bear traps were so true to the franchise I couldn't ask for more. I got her to rank 1 and the only killer I every bothered to get p3 cosmetics on.

    When I heard of the end game collapse I was happy she actually might be really fun in the end game but now I'm sad. They ruined her and I don't know why because she needed a buff more than a nerf.

    I will get as many trap kills as I can before these changes are implemented, for Amanda..

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    Amanda never played fair in the movies, i don't know why she suddenly would, to this intensity.

  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 700

    I can't play PTB so obviously my opinion doesn't mean much, but I do think most of Pig's changes make logical sense.

    EGC was primarily made to end games being taken hostage. Now is there not only a time limit to leave, they are even letting the Killer start the countdown. And while I feel it would only add to the tension to have a RBT to deal with, I understand why BHVR doesn't want to force Survivors to have to stay in what could become an unwinnable situation. Everyone could end up playing Piggy, Survivors would DC, I understand the decision.

    What I don't understand is why the timer stops just because they are in my TR? RBTs only activate if a gen is repaired while you have it on, which is either the Survivors fault or the fault of another Survivor. And it's not like the timer keeps ticking if you down and/or hooks a Survivor. But with this new TR change, it feels like what was once a punishment on the Survivors is now also a punishment on Piggy. What I mean is that for RBT to count down, Piggy has to either roll the dice and hope the trapped Survivor doesn't get the correct boxes, or crouch and move at half speed (If that even works).

    Again, I can't play PTB, so maybe it's not as bad as I'm thinking, but that TR timer change to me seems like a completely random and unnecessary nerf to a Killer who could have gained a surge in popularity and brought some change to the game.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited April 2019

    The logic that something needed to be done for the EGC to prevent Pig from being too much is certainly reasonable. The solution being to effectively take away all RBTs she hasn't used when the last change is finished is not reasonable at all IMO.

    (Note that I say this also being unable to play the PTB)

  • ARGpiggy
    ARGpiggy Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2019

    I stopped playing killer for a while because of some of my anxiety problems (not the same for survivor though, I can play as them without problem). The only killer I played was Pig (I'm bad with all the other killers, I only play killer for fun; plus the Pig was the killer I learnt to play the game with), and I was planning on returning to her. Now that I saw these changes I don't want to touch killers ever again. I feel that Pig has simply been ruined with this update. The main point of her is that she's a mid/end-game killer, and the RBTs were able to actually kill survs when they tried to leave. Now they're pointless. Not mentioning they stop ticking when inside your TR, that's pretty dumb.

    Other users proposed to slow down the EGC timer when a RBT is on someone's head: that could be a solution (traps should still insta-kill survs at the exit gates). Also, the more traps are active at the same time, the slower the EGC timer becomes. For me though, Pig shouldn't have an EGC mode at all and should stay just like she was before 2.7.0. Her traps were pretty much an end-game mode itslef, no need to have an extra one (only talking about EGC for this specific killer).

    That's all.


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