Does Claudette have a “big” hiding advantage?

Right now I’m at 40 with Claudette and meg, deciding if I wanna level a third survivor with their teachables or just continue Claudette?
so as someone who plays as a survivor or killer, do you think Claudette has a serious advantage hiding, especially on dark outdoor maps?
she does yes due to some of her clothing been darker, some of Janes cosmetics are a little darker too....if in doubt as a Killer and there is a Claudette have a look near walls or in the grass lol
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Yes, she does.
She's small, she has a lot of matte dark clothing, and she's black skinned. All three makes her one of the best natural hiders in the game.
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Still you should not only rely on her hiding ability alone, so often i just spotted a Claudette that thought she is invisible.
(but at the other hand i can´t say how much invisible Claudettes i just passed by... for obvious reasons^^)
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The thing is that not only Claudettes are stealthy AF but she's also a female character. I mean, I main Jeff right now. He's a little bit fat and loud as #########, basically even if you are not injured he scream like crazy all the time hahahaha so yeah there's that.
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Good point, I’ve caught sooo many Claudettes who thought they were invisible as well so I don’t want it to be my main point of playing her but since she had some good perks and can learn adrenaline and sprint from Meg I’d just like it to be an extra bonus to her
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p3 claudettes on macmillan maps are a nightmare, especially with mist offerings >.>
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Go red forest and crouch down in the shadowy areas.
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With the right clothing and a dark corner to hide in, Claudette is great. As a survivor, I've often had killers run right past me, or lost them in a chase because I could hide. However, I know these tricks so when I play killer, I try to pay attention to these dark areas.
It's not a 100% reliable, but it can really help you escape the killer.
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I really think they should rework some sprites of Claudette. Just had a game with 3 of them wearing the same stuff, obviously why.
Saw one of them by accident because there was a strange black dot where it should not be. It was her head sticking out of the grass. On a plain field. Just sitting there. No textures at all, clothes not visible, just her hair being a darker spot abouve the grass. That's bull****
They sandbagged a normal clothed Feng so I thought seems to be easy. Then I got just one or two more hooks, because they disappeared several times in the chase. Twice noticed why: they just crouched behind a wall corner, all having Silent perk.
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A bit, because she has darker clothing, darker skin, and pitch-black hair. I don't normally run dark clothing, however. I typically wear the default shirt with her denim shorts.
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Yup, it's been kind of absurd for the entirety of the game's existence but they can't really fix it now without people getting pissed.
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Yes, she is amazing for immersed players.
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She can have a huge hiding advantage. I tripped over one once while she was blending in with a brick wall and did not even see her until I got stuck on her and she moved.
I was also playing a survivor.
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The number of times I've run into a couching Claudette as both Survivor and Killer without realizing it is insane. And as a Killer I'm always like "######### when did they put a rock in the grass/corn here?" and then I go around it, pause and realize it was Claudette. Every. Single. Time. lol
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She definitely has a natural advantage in the staying hidden department. I would put some points into David though so you can unlock WGLF to help with the grind.
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It depends on what you're wearing and the map, but Claudette does have an advantage to survivors. I was watching Farmer John play Legion and a teammate got stuck on a mending Claudette 'cause they didn't see her. It was really funny.
That's Claudette in a nutshell, though.
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She does but only on some maps.
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Most maps. She has a clothing set that will blend her with every map except Mount Ormond cause the lighting is weird on that map.
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You dont get it. I can see her well on every map for example when i want to chainsaw her and only on MacMillan i may lose her sight because settings too dark
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I have literally sat nose to nose with a killer in the cattails on in the swamp sweating it out as I crouched wondering if he was looking at me. He turned and walked away. I may have peed myself a little. She has a HUGE advantage. However, I'm an incredibly spastic player so it evens out. XD
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In some maps, depending on clothing, yes.
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Well, they make a lot of changes that piss people. Shouldn't be the argument if the game simply gets more fair by it
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Claudette has a huge advantage in darker maps like Mac Millan Estate, but in many maps she also does not get to benefit so it really depends I guess.
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She does have a distinct advantage, but problem is blind killers are blind man. Jokes aside I have seen people try and use her to hide in open locations a lot in spots that wont hide her. The name seems to be all there is to her anymore.
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Pay attention to the Survivors in your lobby and use your context clues (scratch marks, generator progress, etc.) There's a limited amount of places they can hide and if you play a lot of Survivor you've just got to be a bit more observant and know the spots to find an immersed Claudette.
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Yes, being black and having dark clothing gives a massive advantage on a dark map with tons of obscure errs for line of sight
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Both her dark brown and grey clothing sets are great. Makes life a lot easier for new Survivors.
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Well, i think here advantage is not as big as some people make it out to be. First, it depends on the map, and while i love hidding with her, i had very similar success with p3 meg or p3 jeff. But since for me the game is more hide and seek than chases, i like it that way.
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She obviously has an advantage over all other survivors. If she has on dark clothing it is a nightmare. Having a Blendette on Coldwind, MacMillan, Yamaoka, Swamp, or even Haddonfield is a nightmare. That’s why a lot of killers lobby dodge if over half the lobby is playing Blendette.
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yes, the amount of times i bump into p3 clauderinos and then wonder why i cant move, and then relise that they are in from of me makes me question if claudette knows an invisibiity spell.
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I just boring being invisible.
I love make the killer ragequit with my broken survirvor perks and infinite loops!!
its more fun than just press ctrl for the entire game...