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My thoughts on the Endgame from a Killer POV.

Member Posts: 3,278

You can close hatch, oh yeah, cool. You MUST be there first since hatch interrupts were removed. I kill 3 people for playing bad, hatch spawns when no gens are done, great. Even if I close the hatch in time, the Survivor will just gate camp, get gates done, I will have to loop both doors to stop Survivors from trying to leave after closing hatch, now it's 15 seconds to open, with Remember Me nerfed, that is burnt, I never get to end game most times because I secure the kills and get the 4K or at least 3K most times, my point as Killer is to kill, so now players will body block and use Leader and other gate perks and blah blah key blah blah, 3 minute timer means nothing if I can't make the time to protect their objective.

Leader reduces gate opening times by 3.75 seconds which is a huge case towards survival. With that being applied to a survivor with Wake Up! That means you're gate opening speed is boosted by 35%, meaning that is 5.25 seconds off gate opening time, meaning 9.75 seconds of gate opening would occur, which is nothing.

Survivors can simply counter now this big survivor buff, knowing you don't need 3 minutes as a Survivor, Killers will be tempted to leave the objective and secure a kill, only to leave the objective vulnerable. Not a lot of Killers prioritize the objective over Survivor lives.

Summary? Easier for Survivors to escape, hatch closed? Other Survivors will just stay at gates, stay at gates as a Killer? Survivors will just hatch hop.

End story? If you are a new Killer who gets to end game, you are in trouble.

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  • Member Posts: 1,423

    The Gate changes weren't needed, Part of me thinks it was because they wanted to give survivors a second second chance at escaping if the hatch is closed.

    Hopefully the exit gate and remember me changes don't make it to live.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    In order to get that 35% bonus you'd need to coordinate. Leader is an OK perk but Wake Up! is a waste of a slot. I can't imagine it becoming very popular outside of meme builds. I think 15 seconds is a bit too short tho. They should space the gates out better.

  • Member Posts: 451

    That's still a nerf to killers not named Billy/Nurse.

  • Member Posts: 1,423

    I wouldn't say completely survivor sided, there were some albeit small changes that were good for killer like Wraith being able to attack slightly sooner after putting away the bell, The coldwind walls finally after so long getting changed and the Hatch being close-able was a huge step forward but I would say it was majority survivor sided.

    The Exit gate changes was where I drew the line though, Even if you don't do a single generator and You loose the game, You then get a free chance at escaping if you find the hatch first but if you loose again and the killer closes it first It's okay because the gates get powered and you get another chance at escape which is completely possible thanks to the gates only taking a tiny 15 seconds. Is it really that hard for the devs to imagine a killer deserving to get 4 kills without all these chances of escape for survivor for doing nothing.

  • Member Posts: 194

    Leader only affects other survivors not the one using it, wake up only affects the survivor using it. This would mean 2 survivors would still have to be alive and both near the same exit gate to get the buff you propose.

    If you get to that point in the game while the hatch may have spawned the survivors, since 2 are still alive, would need a key to open it meaning you won't need to close it unless the one with the key gets there first.

    This is like those 4 man deathsquads, I don't feel like you're going to see this every match especially successfully pulled off.

  • Member Posts: 1,358
    edited April 2019

    as a player that plays alot survivor ill say the things needs to change

    1.- the end game collapse its 3 minutes its too much it would be fine if its 1:30 minutes

    2.- the time to open a gates its 15s it shouldnt be change make the same as usual 20s or 25s and buff remember me also with wake up buff

    3.-something to make the survivor directly open the gate if a killer close the hatch make so at 2 or 3s you can open it like if its a cooldown or something

    4.- killer that opens gates the hell they didint put no animation i hope they do it in the future or soon

  • Member Posts: 1,948

    So a survivor is wasting 2 perk slots just so he can open the gates 5 seconds faster and u are bitching? Hell, if u struggle against survivors without meta perks (chase and second chances) and still get to Endgame with more than 2 survivors u definelty play killer wrong.

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    @KillermainBTWm8 The EGC doesn't feel like a threat since the timer is generously long. I believe that's okay because I think the EGC got only introduced to prevent survivors from taking the game hostage, not to actually kill them.

    I'm fine with the changes concerning the hatch. The shorter exit gate opening time and the nerfs to Remember Me and the Pig don't feel necessary at all.

    I want a fair game, not an easy one. I'd prefer to see the nerfs not going live.

  • Member Posts: 3,278

    Damn you don't read at all, never did I #########, I was orientating this towards new killers and trying to give a perspective on possibilities and how you can loop around survivors who DID NOTHING and get a chance to escape, multiple chances, you should read it over a few more times.

  • Member Posts: 117

    I've played both as survivor and killer, and I do find endgame when all gens are done is pretty useless tbh, like normally if survivors trying to save they would stay, which increase the chance of having more people to kill, but now everyone will just leave and have an excuse for it now, esspecially with game that have no ed.

    But for closing hatch tho, that can be quite troublesome:

    1. Exit gate spawn close to each other is still a thing and it affect it a lot.
    2. When the hatch spawn after only one survivor left, then it's a race between you and that survivor to find the hatch first, which is fine, it have always been like that, it isn't broken, and after all the closing was meant to prevent hatch stand off, not this
    3. Closing hatch door no matter if you found the survivor while "camping" it , you can still get a big advantage, esspecially while playing killer with high mobility , patroling exit gate is very easy. If you're playing a killer with low mobility, then you have to use different strategy. The survivor need to have a chance to escape, not to shutdown their chance to escape completely

    Also, I wouldnt complain about the exit gate openning time, esspecially when they just change it to 15 seconds now, and shorten the collapse to 2 minutes. Not everyone will bring those 2 perk to just for the collapse, cuz I dont see the collapse being meta anytime soon. So complain about that is dumb.

    End story, I bet you still really dont know how to fully ultilize the end game as your advantage as "killer", that why you're complaining, it's a fairly well designed and pretty balanced update. Note that they have already release a new patch on ptb

  • Member Posts: 294

    "You can close hatch, oh yeah, cool. You MUST be there first since hatch interrupts were removed."

    Statistically speaking the killer has a higher chance of finding the hatch first because they move faster than a survivor running... and also a survivor running is more in danger than one walking so it's possible the said survivor will only walk.

  • Member Posts: 1,253

    I like the addition of a 3 minute tbag timer.

  • Member Posts: 3,278


    That's why I use Franklin's Demise.

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