Im afraid, dedicated servers might ruin the game...

Please behaviour, i hope you guys are changing the net code and how your game works in regards to connection because i've already played on Kill Your Friends lobbies where the survivors were hosting while i was the killer and man... It was BY FAR the worst online experience i've ever had!
The host lives on the same country as me, however there was a visible and very harmful delay on atacks and animations, playing nurse was almost impossible, Hag? Oh boy... Pressing M1 was NOT hurting survivors instantly, there was delay, about 0.5 - 0.8 seconds, the delay also was applied on the atack animation (in-put lag), not only that but the camera was constantly going back during chases, omg that was so bad that i dont even wanna remember...
So please, if you gonna implement dedicated servers you have to make sure that LITERALLY EVERYONE IN THE WORLD can play as killer just as good as they can nowdays, or there will be a HUGE part of your playerbase lefting the game for good!
Edit: I had a green ping on those matches (about 60ms).
Um, I stopped reading at "survivors were hosting" on a thread with "dedicated servers" in the title.
Player hosting = P2P networking
Dedicated servers =/= P2P networking
So which are you actually bitching about again, because you clearly have no idea what you're actually talking about.
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Dedicated servers will be fine. You have to remember that most of your friends are playing on computers that probably can't handle hosting multiple connections. It could be bogging them down. Also KYF is probably set up differently, too. Dedicated Servers would be good for the health of the game. That way low ping killers don't have to worry about screwing over the people in their lobby and you'll no longer have the concern of lag switches.
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I believe we all have an idea who it's going to feel when the Servers go live.
Glitches, rubber banding on both sides, hit boxes are going to be even worse.
They're most likely going to go very cheap on their server systems.
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The thing is that hosting as the killer on a KYF is just as good as a normal match, how can you tell me that it wont be different from a survivor hosting when dedicated servers come out?
I can asure you that by their database locations, my ping wont be lower than 60ms, probably will be around 60-80ms, as a survivor you cant feel the difference with that ping, but if you play killer its a completely different experience!
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I've done KYF on multiple occasions with friends on wired connections.
Rubber banding and hitboxes are awful.
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Where to even begin with this. I'll try to keep it simple, but given that you don't know the difference between P2P hosting and dedicated hosting, it's pretty much a lost cause anyways.
In theory, dedicated servers are set up on a high speed connection (ideally on a backbone) with high end hardware dedicated purely to running one application multiple times (usually as VMs). The players remote connect to one of the VMs that hosts the game. This ensures that each player is subject to their own latency without impacting everyone else. Again, in theory, it means if you're lagging, and the VMs/server is set up correctly, it's probably you especially if you've had history before the dedicated servers of suffering lag.
But I am also a realist. It sounds like this is the first time this studio has ever played with setting up dedicated servers, and they're working with their own spaghetti code to boot. It's probably going to be a laggy mess the first few weeks until they either a) work out their protocol fuckups or b) hire someone who knows what the hell they're doing.
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@Sythalin Death Garden already has dedicated servers, so there are employees with some experience.
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But Death Garden was built with them in mind. DbD wasn't.
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True, and those were hit or miss as well as far as connection quality. The other difference is that their net code was based on a dedicated infrastructure from the start. With DbD, they're trying to get their already buggy ass code to be compatible with a new dedicated network, which is a recipe for disaster for a least the first week.
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@Orion I was only referring to the part "the first time this studio...". It's not the first time.
But we don't know how experienced the Death Garden devs are and we don't know how bad DbD's "spaghetti code" is.
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I've tried KYF with a survivor hosting where everyone had pretty good ping (30 average)/ and good speeds and for the most part while it was fine there were a few times where I'd point blank hit a survivor and the attack wouldn't register as an attack similar to a ghosted chainsaw hit. That was around the time a few other things were broken though so I'd assume it was the game. Although it is a fear I have with Dedicated Servers.
Realistically I'd expect dedicated servers to have no such issue though. We'll know in a few days anyways so at least there's that.
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Don't fret, @Bug_Reporter, Behavior is perfectly capable of ruining their game without the addition of Dedicated servers. Just watch how well they're doing!
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I know, but there is a difference between making a unfun gameplay and making the game literally unplayable.
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Huh that is an interesting post.
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So you as killer are used to hosting the match. That means everyone connects to your device, some pcs etc can't handle that many connections and lag. You don't see the lag as much because you're the host so it usually affects the survivor more.
In your KYF game your survivor friend was the host so you were being affected by lag more than you're used to. This is why survivors have complained about the game being p2p instead of having dedicated servers. Not only will you miss hits when you should have got them but hits went through when the survivor was sure they shouldn't have. Because on their screen they're further from you than on your screen.
Dedicated servers are supposed to help solve some of those issues because the server hosts the connections, meaning any lag experienced will be simply because your connection isn't good enough and nothing to do with any other players in the match.
We'll wait and see how things go.
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For those like myself who aren't getting dedicated servers, i believe i will probably quit the game because 150+ ping servers will make the game unplayable.
it makes me kind of upset that the Devs are killing the game for me.
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What do you mean "aren't getting dedicated servers" it is not something you get it is the way the games are hosted. If your internet is bad and you play killer all the time (which is what I assume you means by not getting dedicated servers) then you are lagging out every survivor that gets into your lobby. How is it fair that one side has to deal with ######### games because you have ######### internet. Dedicated servers will make the game better after they have settled because there will be no more "killer hit when they shouldn't have because they are hosting" no more "rubberbanding survivors because their connection to the killer is spicier than someone else's" and no more lag switchers.
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@Black_Fence Correct me if I'm wrong @CronaWins, Crona probably lives in an area that isn't getting its own dedicated server like Australia. Also wanted to say we may not know how bad it'll be. It still may be close enough and strong enough that you won't lag.
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FYI, you have absolutely no idea how dedicated servers work, nor do you have any idea of how KYF currently works. Dedicated servers will work almost exactly like KYF does, when the Spectator is hosting the match. The Spectator is performing the exact same function that a dedicated server will. The experience of both the killer and survivors in this example, will be the same as on dedicated servers.
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Dont feed the Troll.
He is just a noob who likes to act like a pro.
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@Black_Fence Some people in Australia are worried because there is no dedicated server in their region (yet). They usually get shafted when it comes to dedicated servers, so I understand their fear, but the devs have already said the current server locations are not final.
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It sucks so much for us aussies. We have such a great DBD community built, especially on twitch :(
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The server locations aren't final. I wouldn't worry too much, but you should make sure the devs know about this. Make a thread in the PTB feedback section or something.
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Christ this thread seems dense. Educate yourselves. We live in the information age.
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Lmao ikr? Stopped there aswell.
Beeing afraid about something u don't even have a clue and making a post about that. Smh whatever, we live in a century with easiest access to informations but majority doesn't want to educate themselves before talking
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As everyone has said, your P2P experience is not the same as dedicated servers. That said, if you have a crap connection and are a killer main who hosts games now, you will see a significant difference in your ability to play on dedicated servers. Instead of the survivor suffering due to your lag, you will suffer. Survivors will be harder to chase and hit.
Your communication with the server will depend on your net connection. The server will remain the constant. If you've ever played PVP in an MMO, you know this to be true.
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I'm not a computer wiz and at school so can't watch the vid ReikoMori linked but I'm sure there is a reason why implementing them is taking a long time.
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ITT networking myths galore.
THIS. GAME. IS. NOT. P2P. It uses a listen server. Which is almost the same as a dedicated server. For an example of a p2p game, go play Awesomenauts.
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@Black_Fence Well, what i mean is, my region will not have dedicated servers to play on with reasonable ping., and yes i am talking about oceanic servers. The servers i will be connecting to will be over 150+ ping, not allowing me to play efficiently on both killer and survivor side, which in turn will ruin the game for me.
@fluffybunny It will be noticeable. That slight delay will hurt when you are vs'ing players that have 30+ ping to the server.
While the server list may not be final, but yeah, i feel like we will be an after thought.