Destroying Immersiveness in Pig

FayeZahara Member Posts: 965
edited April 2019 in General Discussions

Know they fixed pig so that she wouldn't force suicides at exit gate. But the fact you can cheat her traps is what made her amanda. Her first trap forced a killing and its alot like how the scenario plays out. I felt all licensed killers got half personality of there killer but she got whole enchilada. The fact can't cheat her traps is disservice to character and makes her pig mask rather then amanda.

I hope this change isn't final cause they said gonna be more immersive with freddy. Watching what there doing to pig right now has me worried.

I really want a refund on pig if this is the change cause i didn't pay for less immersive version of the killer. I payed cause she fit the mold perfectly. I would start thinking about cheaters only using her as template since she needs to cheat. Its amanda she doesn't play the game she cheats the game. If anything she only leave broken keys in jigsaw boxes. This suicide with the pig only requires 1 survivor to be taken and doomed. Not much of an advantage had to take away there since 1 out of 4 is ussually a good deal.

I feel devs see survivors dcing and they go lets poke killers with a stick. They enjoy a nice poking and only 20% of player base so not as big of a worry.


  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965

    Amandas first trap doesn't look like she plays fair and rather she cheats. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965
    edited April 2019

    I'm horror puritan that can deal with some immersive elements being forgotten. But ruining freddy was the worst thing ever to a freddy fan. Now you ruin amanda and sure not most compelling saw killer but still played like her character. Removing immersive capabilties that flesh out her character is just wrong. You don't respect franchise or the fandom if take away from character. Wouldn't make leatherface wear rainbow stickers just because one part of game fanbase might like it. I hope pig goes back to her current state cause i will fight tooth and nail for a refund. Hardcore horror fans rip on dbd and hard to see not why. When you take a character you take there warts and all. Think pig mains just gonna start working around easy anti cheat just to get her back to her actual character. She is a cheater killer and forcing 1 gameplay with her is abysmal. Funny to see forcing your gameplay with legion and now pig. Can't enjoy creativity to long or might go against other gamers that want repeatitive gameplay.

  • JinX_Of_Fire
    JinX_Of_Fire Member Posts: 38

    R.I.P immersive piggy, you were always my fac character in saw ),=

  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965
    edited April 2019

    i know alot of saw fans would of liked other but i liked her character concept. One of the jigsaw killers flawed because they can't let go of a grudge. She doesn't want to play the game but those who wronged her to just die. Your forcing the game she never played telling her to play her game your way not hers.

    Guess she had to be spit roasted to look more delicious to survivors.

  • holywhitetrash
    holywhitetrash Member Posts: 289

    you want a refund on pig for a patch they did over a year ago ?

  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965
    edited April 2019

    this is the changes implemented in ptb ....

    Wanting a refund on a product just means want quality in product. Most people don't have crazy cash flow. You don't buy an aquada car and then remove the driving on water feature later on. When you pay for what it does should be able to ask for refund back. Especially if it becomes not what purchased in first place. I'm not my tomatoe touched my burger give me refund now person. I'm more you made me pay for a burger with no meat in it. Be nice to be able to refund me at that point.


    How about you care about your game in own way. Play the game instead of telling people how to not care about there product like you.

  • Tungsten
    Tungsten Member Posts: 8

    Pig is now just the wraith now, but can stall the game out barely, compared to what she did before which was put pressure on the survivors. 1 play style im now forced to play

  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965

    im not saying equivalent to that literally. Im saying its silly to give something and then remove feature later that made customer made purchase for. Your acting like dismissive baby cause don't like someones opinion on feature. Thats all on you cause you don't watch horror or appreciate it on same scale. You don't have dog in fight cause only care for game and not characters in game to represent themselves. Also you weren't responding opinion just saying ignoring words. You can't act like brought an opinion when told explict gonna ignore post cause i wanted (not demanded) a refund.

    If don't care for immersion in character then don't stick your neck in something don't understand. Anyone who loves the character knows how to respect the character. If you also don't understand concept of immersion shouldn't be commenting. Cause your already a deaf ear to subject in the first place.

  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965

    Variety is a wierd thing they like to avoid in this game... so wierd. Hopefully got a replacement for pig. Im hoping freddy is good cause i will probally replace pig with him. Just wish could play all killers equal and have same fun variety. Game feels like it pushes killers back to choosing a main and staying in that comfort zone.

  • holywhitetrash
    holywhitetrash Member Posts: 289
    edited April 2019

    pig has not been able to drop you past the exit gates to trigger the RBTs in over a year, the change in the ptb will only stop inactive traps from killing and honestly if the gates are powered and you still have traps then you did something wrong

    finally if you bought a burger from me then ate the whole thing and came back an hour later saying "that burger was not prepared properly i want a refund" i would not give it to you, the saw chapter cost $6.99 which is less than the price of a movie ticket at most theaters and i am willing to bet you have played pig more than 2 hours. which would mean you have gotten $6.99 worth of value from it probably more

  • Sentry
    Sentry Member Posts: 124


    Have you played the pig one of the many pre ptb strats is to use at least two traps before 2 gens are done then save to to put pressure for the end game almost all pig mains had some way of using endgame in their style. Have the abilty to hook a survive and bait a altriustic survivor to save them and then being able have chance at kill the person with the rtb is so crucial to her charcter.

  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965

    Its almost as if they don't understand pig john kramer and pig amanda. This change would make sense on john kramer cause he played the game by all the rules set in place. Amanda is the polar oppisite of that so she has to use traps and force deaths by her breaking the invisible survivor rules. These people need to watch her in franchise and see how she is a tottally fair killer xD