Killers hits connect from too far

I think it's a hitbox issue? I've encountered this many times with different killers.
The killer is too far for his regular strike to reach you during a chase; but all of a sudden the hit connects.
There isn't any lag either, so it might not be a connection issue.
Nurse hitboxes for example.
Is a hitbox issue..
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It's a feature. Dedicated servers are a stealth nerf to killers. Please pressure the devs to increase the hitboxes to compensate for this upcoming nerf
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Its a connection issue most likely, I've seen the reverse happen. Killer so close that their weapon is clipped inside survivor model and still miss.
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I get hit by Huntress axes around corners every day. I'm really looking forward to dedicated servers, so killers actually have to hit me.
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Then they have to increase the hit boxes. Otherwise it's a nerf
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What are dedicated servers?
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@Yohan Right now, the killer is the host, so everything usually works fine for them, but the survivors get lag, take hits they didn't see, etc. With dedicated servers, we'll all be connected to the host server, so it should even out.
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That's actually a topic of wide debate. Some people think it's a hitbox issue, some people think it's lag/latency. Some people think it's both.
Either way, when dedicated servers roll out we'll know. It's an issue you just kinda have to cope with, it happens to literally everyone.
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If you haven't seen the survivor hit boxes yet, think of it like a pole roughly as wide as an open trapper beartrap centered on the butt of your survivor. Hands and Head normally go through the hit box while it extends about half a bear trap behind the survivor.
Edit - Found it. Notice how the hit box is taller than Meg?
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Nope sorry , no more bullshit hits from way out of left field, you're gonna have to land those hits now big boy, they've needed to fix that for a long time , I've been chainsawed after jumping from a second story window when I had already landed and they were still in the house , this is a very long overdue change
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I don't think it's a lag issue. I get stupid hits on 30 ping even if I play killer I know what shouldn't have hit.
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It's not a lag issue. Imagine the shadow nerfs that we see compared to the ones that we don't. Our hitboxes are too large and I know they don't reflect the picture provided as an example.
I'm sure we've all been in 30, 20 ping MS matches and our hitbox feels a lot larger than what it should be.
We get hit after we take a step or two after a vault, after we get hit somehow we have the pallet drop animation, we get hit mid fall after a window vault.
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If it's not a lag issue, then I shouldn't be hit when I'm across the map and confused when my balanced doesn't work, step behind a los blocker, press heal, get downed, then teleported back where i was on a green ping :)))
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Personally I think it's a latency issue and a hitbox issue. There are definitely times where latency will make you take a hit you thought you shouldn't have. But I've been hit vaulting off the top of the boat in the swamp map, I was almost at the ground when I took a hit from the Huntress throwing a hatchet at me on top of the boat 3 steps behind the vault. It was a 40ms lobby.
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They are the feature that everyone has built up as a silver bullet fix to everything that will make everything sunshine and rainbows.
When in reality it will break things and all the people that wanted them will quickly turn to complaining.
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I’ve been saying this for so long the hit boxes are ridiculous half the time their not even looking in the direction of me when they swing
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I don't really have a problem with this on PS4. I mean it's not perfect, but I think it's fine.
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What about the hitboxes of the weapons; is there any information on those? I find they often hit VERY wide (with very good, like 25 ping for example) for how it looks, from both perspectives.
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On their end, they are hitting you perfectly fine. With dedicated servers, killers wil get screwed, because now they are missing hits, that should have connected.
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Nah, they are missing hits that should be missed in the first place.
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No they really arent hitting the survivor perfectly fine on their own end; I've had it countless times as the killer myself where the weapon clearly was nowhere near the survivor but it hit (up to about half a pallet's distance off, as well)
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I think you're gonna be pretty disappointed today.
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Killer weapons dont have a hitbox
There is a conical area in front of the killer, if the killer presses m1 and your hitbox is in that area, you get hit, and then his animation turns him towards you so that it looks nice.
This hitcone has the same size for every killer regardless of weapon lenght or skin used (compare long hammers to freddy claw or hidden blade)
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If the killer has 130+ ping, you'll be eating more "magic hits" than you ever have before :(
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With the dedicated servers in the PTB the hitboxes seem to be fixed.
It's not perfect, there are stutter issues and some input delay that wasn't there before. But the hitboxes in particular seem to be good right now. I tested it with the Huntress btw.
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Oh I am waiting.
I think dedicated servers could be great for the game in the long run and will give BHVR the ability to make some great changes that would've otherwise been impossible in the current infrastructure. I just think they have been built up too much at this point.
While I did intend my original post to exaggerate that point... just want to clarify I am hopeful, but realistic about the dedicated servers. They will definitely not fix everything people are expecting them to right away, but it will at least open the door for most things to be fixed/improved on at some point.