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A Personal Objective

VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

So I, like many others, started playing DBD alongside the content of a specific streamer. As most realize, this creates definitive bias that can't really be avoided. I'll now share with you my streamer experience in order.

I started with Tydetyme, and while this might raise a few red flags for a lot of you, Tyde's been probably the kindest to me of all content creators online (however I won't go on as this will just appear like I'm trying to persuade you to become a fan). Tyde imo is pretty standard (killer buffs over survivor nerfs)

Only recently did I move onto Tru3 who shares a lot of similar opinions, who's controversy seems to be growing as well.

I'm now watching individuals like Ardetha (again, similar opinion basis) but alongside both Zubat and ScottJund who share very different ideas on the game with different priorities. I will say it rubs me wrong seeing Zubat DC because he wasn't having fun (it was a Pig hard camping with Amanda's letter I think so was it justified?) and Scott who justifies the Pig's viability with a "don't care", but I'm open to the more abrasive opinions.

Which in the end is my objective, to expose myself to the other side of the coin which are the more different DBD players. However, I don't think I'd like to go onto the people who just 100% play survivor as that has 100% bias which is unhealthy for this kind of game. So people like Jen Denise and Angrypug are out of the question (and I've heard the worst about them tbh :/ )

Although, I think it's important to realize that most people in this game care about balance, as this seems logical to me. So don't go on what you've heard about one personality and assume "they don't care about the game, only themselves" - although, not sure if this counts with Angrypug...

Who would be good to look at next? And do you think this will help my understanding of the community as a whole?

-Your favourite BBQ&C Main, Mine


  • Sentry
    Sentry Member Posts: 124
    edited April 2019

    For content i would real watch hybridpanda he has useful techniques for killersand survivors. And his videos on shrine watches help new plays into the game. Overall he is pretty good and not a super controversial youtuber. As far as i know

    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068
    edited April 2019

    @Sentry I like Hybrid as a person. However his style isn't my preference at all. His higher voice doesn't go with the murdering of innocence very well imo :(

  • Sentry
    Sentry Member Posts: 124

    Thats cool i just want to mention it because he wasnt their

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    Tru3 is a killer main whether he admits it or not. Look at Hybrid Panda, he’s not the best player, but he doesn’t just upload what’s convenient for his point, he uploads games whether they go his way or not.

    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    @Speshul_Kitten He does play 50/50 survivor killer nowadays, but I know this doesn't by default make him the best to listen to on balance. Also saw the twitter argument he had with ScottJund and...oh boy, he wasn't in the right there

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154


    What was it about?

  • ArmadaXXIV
    ArmadaXXIV Member Posts: 1

    Honestly I've started watching OhTofu and he's been really refreshing to watch and listen to. Seems like a really cool and nice guy, plays a bit of a balance (maybe slightly more killer sided) and gives useful tips and and then. Never heard him get involved in any drama or anything.

    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    @PiiFree I don't want this to turn it into a bitching fest. Go on either ScottJund or Tru3talents twitter. It was like a week ago I think

  • mynameistaken
    mynameistaken Member Posts: 2

    Vinc3tvega is a good streamer to watch

  • ScareryP
    ScareryP Member Posts: 1

    I watch PainRelivers, He gives great killer and survivor tips and gameplay commentary

  • I play both killer and survivor. Definitely like killer more tho. My 3 favorite killers are pig, leatherface and Michael. And for survivors david. My three favorite dbd youtubers are noob3, monto, and farmerjohn (very normie I know). I also like pain reliever and ardetha some. And some of tydes history videos are pretty good

    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    @BubbasBigOlBasement I watch Farmer John occasionally, although how often he calls good builds "toxic" rubs me the wrong way, even if he is joking, but it's hard to tell.

    I don't think I'll ever watch Noob. The events of the past are still prevalent in my mind. But don't get me wrong, he's no Ochido