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Any Good Survivor you can recommand?

Member Posts: 4,105

Hello guys. Im looking for any Youtuber / Twitch Streamer who is really good at the game as a Survivor. Since "really good" is relative -> I consider Noob3, Angry Pug or Ochido mediocre at best, i am really looking for the best to learn from :) I am rank 1 survivor but i still suck at the game :)

Im very glad for any advises and will repay with massiv thankfullness ;)

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  • Member Posts: 2,213

    "I am rank 1 survivor but i still suck at the game :)"

    That humble brag.

    Honestly? There are a few I like watching from time to time (Monto, Panda, Paulie), though two of them mainly play Killer. The thing is is that I watch for entertainment > good.

    I really enjoy Diewithlivv but I imagine many people would find her annoying. And she doesn't have that many videos right now. I don't think she is bad either, though she isn't great. Mainly just entertaining.

  • Member Posts: 942

    I don't really know any "good" survivor mains aside from No0b3. Monto is also pretty good. Other than them, I have no idea.

    I don't think there are any survivor mains who are absolute gods at the game, who never go down. You could always check out Vooshi; he's one of No0b3's friends, and he helped him make it to 50 escapes in a row.

  • Member Posts: 27

    Tru3Talent, though I know a lot of people on the forums like to hate on him

    Puppers is pretty good too

  • Member Posts: 699

    "I consider Noob3 mediocre at best."

    Firstly, No0b3 (that 0 is VERY important)

    Secondly, the person who survived 13 games in a row a rank 1, non SWF, and 50 games in a row (in SWF, but tbf, it was a SWF of only 2 people: No0b3 and other guy), which is (I think) an unbeatable record, and you consider him "mediocre"... ok then.

    Also, for recommendations, I recommend No0b3, Monto, Tru3ta1ent (I think that is how it was spelled), and Puppers.

  • Member Posts: 686
    edited April 2019

    ZubatLEL and Puppers.

    Puppers is a literal god at looping.

  • Member Posts: 1,148

    Noob3 is the best you can ask for around streamers

  • Member Posts: 1,148
    edited April 2019

    Nobody hates on him rather laughs. He lost as nurse while playing with no perks had 2 kills at the end and claims how unbalanced the game is . Ahahahaha

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    I usually watch Tru3talent since he shows full gameplay and he also explains things very good. I'd still watch his streams rather than YT because if you just watch YT you'll miss alot of information he gives. No0b3 is okay, I never watch his streams, only his YT since he is more of an comedy type of player rather than information.

  • Member Posts: 354

    Its mostly on plebbit, people there REALLY dislike him.

    Tru3 never even attempts to 360 the killer as survivor so he gets hit in places where he coulda juked but other than that hes a pretty solid survivor. I'd go for another streamer for good survivor play though honestly. I suppose one good thing Tru3 has that others don't do as often is talking about his game plan mid game, but even that is kinda uncommon.

    I do love that he has the youtube channel for his games, that's awesome for getting survivor play against specific killers right away.

    I wish Blu3Burn had someway of watching his play, he plays really well and seems like a fun guy.

  • Member Posts: 918

    I think even the best survivors will die frequently in the game, such is the nature of playing solo. SWF definitely increases your chances of making it out. I can't take you seriously when you say Noob3 is mediocre. I'm not even a fan of his, but the guy is really good at the game. I watch Angrypug and he is really good too, but he's bold and is often punished for it. I recommend Jendenise (plays a lot more swfs now, but she makes some really smart gameplays even during solo), Al Boyo, Geistra, Brother_Cope, Boxghostz and Fungoose (will explain his strat while playing on both killer and survivor).

  • Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2019

    You said No0b3 is mediocre... I couldn't let it pass me, so I made a poll.

    Do y'all think No0b3's mediocre, or xEa has bad judgment/biased against him?

    EDIT: One of the mediocre votes is mine... I did that on accident.

  • Member Posts: 1,456
    edited April 2019

    I would say Zubat and Puppers.

    Also @TheGameZpro3 , i think @xEa is right, i do find Noob to be mediocre as well.

  • Member Posts: 1,433


  • Member Posts: 1,398

    Doesn't Jen run nothing but second perks along with her SWF groups? Not to mention she complained about a Hag running Franklin's against her 3 man flashlight and 4 man "old" DS squad. LMAO!

  • Member Posts: 166

    Considering there was many times were the killers could of killed him via mori/rancor but chose to spare him as they were stream sniping to help his score, I don't count that.

  • Member Posts: 14
    edited April 2019

    What do you mean by "good at the game"?

    If you mean always doing safe saves, preventing 3 gen strat by doing gens in the middle/in a cluster, then any streamer paying more attention to the game than their chat is good.

    If you mean the best at looping the killer and losing/surviving them, then I can say most of them are non-English streamers. The ones I would recommend are Korean streamers like sal_gu and megthomatho. If you don't mind the language barrier, then megthomatho is especially good; she's very creative with looping and almost always running window and pallet tiles perfectly with some stealth plays thrown in.

  • Member Posts: 750

    Immersed P3 Claudette. Can't get any easier.

    Survivors are just skins, once you unlock most of the teachables you just pick a survivor because it suits your taste.

  • Member Posts: 1,113

    Tru3talent is actually quite good if you ignore the fact his fans always come to say that survivors are overpowered when he ######### up

    Monto is quite good and you can learn a thing or two from watching him play, i learnt how to properly play bubba and nurse with him

    look for other twitch streamers, i dont visit twitch much unless daddy Cote is streaming, one time i was bored i looked up some DBD content and found this korean guy that was acing it with huntress

  • Member Posts: 1,164

    Tru3 and Monto are great players for both. No0b3 is a survivor main but great for your case. TBH anyone that isn't extremely toxic, and don't even think about he who shall not be named.

  • Member Posts: 5,873

    Tru3 is decent, not the best. Monto is nowhere near as good as he used to be when he mained survivor, but still good.

    Puppers is basically god tier at survivor. Zubat too. I'd recommend watching them.

  • Member Posts: 819

    I liked tru3 but I unsubed since he only plays mk now. I only watch Monto now.

  • Member Posts: 1

    i usually watch Ayrun and Ussylis, they've been 2 best survivors to me so far, i've learned so much from them.

  • Member Posts: 536

    Puppers is probably your best bet. Zubat is pretty good too.

  • Member Posts: 284

    Check out Fungoose. He plays both sides has over 8,000 hours in game and does explanations of why he does what he does during most of his games.

  • Member Posts: 1,284

    Ayrun's pretty good.

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