maps should automatically be darker

this game is not scary. i think it’s just a lot more stressful than scary. they should make maps darker so i would actually freak out if a no terror radius killer snuck up on me. the moon offerings were nice in this aspect, but they removed them to fix lighting. but why???? isn’t the dark lighting nicer?
-Laughs in Claudette-
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Sure, make all maps darker, but only for survivors. Killers should be able to see everything much more clearly, to add to that fear factor - they see you, but you don't see them.
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I like this idea a lot.
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Claudette mains would have a stroke if they made things brighter for killers to see.
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I love how you managed to salvage the idea of the original post's reasoning, but completely destroy the survivor buff they were going for at the same time.
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Why are you against the idea? I thought you wanted some scares. Or were you being disingenuous?
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What? They were? No way, it was so inconspicuous, especially given this person's posting history. /s
In all seriousness, it's nice to be appreciated.
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they removed the moon offerings because it meant every map they made had to be planned with those lighting changes in mind to make sure they still looked good and didnt turn into a black hole
they decided this was a waste of their resources
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The flashlight idea...
There was an excellent mini-game in GTAV called Slayer, where all the players would load into a dark warehouse. One of them would spawn as the Slayer, a killer equipped with a shotgun (+flashlight), while the players only had flashlights themselves. It was dark enough that you really needed to put the light on, but doing so would give your position away, so the idea was to hide and shut it off. It was really intense, and some of the most fun you'll have in a mini-game aside from the main experience.
Now I'm not suggesting that for this game, exactly, but it would be a really cool idea to be hiding in the dark, when a beam of light comes by searching for you. I've wanted to make a game like that forever, based on a scene from a certain movie, but DBD is the closest that comes. Maybe there's a mode or a map that's really dark, and the killer has flashlight-beam instead of red stain... I don't know. Just something to think about.
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Claudettes as far as the eye can't see
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You're a nurse main and still need the game made easier for you?
But I vote no on darker maps.
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No horror game is truly scary after playing it the 200th time.
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Your ideas are bad. That's why they don't get any traction.
I don't play Nurse. Sorry to disappoint.
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You're the one who said you wanted to add to the fear factor. Making killers less visible to survivor, while making survivors more visible to killers, would add to the fear factor. At least that's what you said you wanted, but clearly your reaction to actually making it scarier for survivors only (since, y'know, the monsters aren't supposed to be scared) speaks volumes about your real intentions.
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Nah. I already tunnel hardcore any dark wearing Claudette.
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What's up with the Nurse Icon in that case? Usually someone would at least pick a character they played. Fair enough though.
I'm not for darker maps, but I certainly am not for nerfing Survivor stealth more. They keep beating that horse.
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People don’t main something over a pfp. I don’t use solidarity but it’s my pfp. On topic I don’t care if they darken maps or not.
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The killers aren't supposed to be spooked. They're the ones who are supposed to be spooky. So making it darker for them doesn't really do anything.
Also, you said you wanted darker maps. Thanks for proving my point about your real intentions not lining up with your claims.
I like that the Nurse is the only killer that can still put the fear of the Entity into survivors' hearts, among other things.
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If you think only the Nurse is good, honey I got news for you. Hag is a Goddess. Billy is a easy to use for high reward Killer. Huntress... is questionable. I see god like ones but the random trees edges like to catch my hatchets. Spirit is mighty strong as well.
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Lets see. Left 4 dead, dead space 2, natural selection 2, AVP etc feature ######### visibility for humans but enhanced vision for the killer-archetype.
@Orion is right, this game wouldnt work if survivors reliably could hide in dark corners. Especially if their chase powers dstays the same even if their hiding potential gets buffed through the roof.
Depending on implementation, a "flashlight" for killer (bright spot in the middle of the screen) wouldnt be enough.
And yes. The killer would need that advantage, especially if they'd kept the red stain.
Good thing that flahslights are optional items in this game.
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Wow, you are really trying hard.
Only? No. But the Nurse is the only killer that turns each trial into one of skill vs. skill. If you're better than the Nurse, you escape. If not, you die. It's that simple. Other killers can be overcome even if you're worse than the person playing them. The Nurse sits atop all other killers because her skill ceiling pretty much depends solely on the player's own skill. She is rewarding to play as.
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Funny, that's what I said before, but you disagreed.
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In my first comment, where I literally said maps should be darker for survivors and brighter for killers, to make it scarier for survivors. @Raptorrotas mentioned examples of games with such mechanics, and you immediately said it was a good idea.
You say I'm biased against you and your ideas, but I think it's pretty clear who the biased one is...
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Just remember, I'm the biased one. Please ignore all proof to the contrary.
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@Orion I agree. The killer should have normal lighting, while the survivors experience a darker lighting.
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Oh right. I’m ignoring you now you triggered nurse main. 🤪
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There would have to be some changes, of course. The Wraith's shimmer would probably need to be more visible, for example. Still, it'd definitely help keep survivors on their toes.
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No one will take you seriously if you label them.
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Not a killer main, and I already told you why your ideas don't get any traction.
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Sure. I already have a app that boosts lighting and gamma, doesn't matter to me ;)
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You might wanna proof-read what you say next time otherwise we’ll have misunderstandings again.
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