Potential Solution for DC's?

I've just seen a post where it was suggested that when you dc, you should be sacrificed; and now with this new Endgame Collapse sacrifice, I think it would work perfectly.
- If you were to quit the game, you'd be sacrificed in the same way that you would be if the Endgame Collapse's timer was spent.
- If the killer was picking you up, or was holding you, they'd automatically drop you; and you'd be sacrificed (same thing happens when the Endgame Collapse ends, I believe).
- If you were on the hook when you dced, the hook would sacrifice you normally. After you were sacrificed, you would be taken to the tally screen like normal.
I believe this would solve loads of issues with people disconnecting. It would compensate the killer for the survivor leaving by giving them sacrifice points; and I can imagine that people would say the killer would be getting undeserved points, but who really cares if they got it? If you didn't want them to get sacrifice points off of your dc, then you shouldn't have dced; it's pretty simple, if you ask me. It'd also be a much more natural way to quit the game, I think.
What do you guys think of this?
Edit: A couple of people gave feedback that there should be a similar occurrence applied to the killer if they were to dc. It was suggested that when a killer dced, they would themselves be sacrificed by the Entity. I agree with this, because the killer would essentially be disobeying the entity by giving up and dcing. Survivors should also be compensated with Emblem points (although, I am not sure which), as well as bloodpoints.
Other people wanted BBQ stacks for survivor dc, and I think that's fair; however, I am not aware if this is how it works in the Endgame Collapse. I see no problem with receiving a BBQ stack, because the survivor is already taking away potential bloodpoints from the killer, so they should be compensated accordingly. As for WGLF, I am not sure. I'd like the survivors to be compensated, but I don't know if it would make much sense to give a stack, when the goal of WGLF is to keep people alive, not vice versa. I do think a form of a bloodpoint compensation may be appropriate at the very least.
I like it ...
id even say give the nonquitting survivors a little something something for having to deal with a dc.
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@Cardgrey That'd be nice as well, but I couldn't think of an idea to compensate for the other survivors.
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I like the idea, but only if the survivor has to sit through the animation, and it follows the normal rules in regards to the hatch/other sacrifices/etc. Being able to quit is all fine and good, but if you want to use something like this to prevent people from DCing, that would help a lot.
If they're leaving because something important came up in real life? they'll just alt F4 or turn their console off or whatever. If they're DCing for any nefarious reason? make them suffer :)
Make an animation for the killer to get sacrificed for DCing too. let the survivors watch it from wherever they are on the map as well :)
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I like the idea as well. You already get a "quitter bonus" after the game if they disconnect, which is nice, but it's not as much as a sacrifice, so I'm all for it personally.
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I just want a way to get my BBQ token from the dcer
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@Ryuhi That was my intention. This would also solve those situations where spiteful survivors dc just so killers won't get points. I'm not sure that it would reduce dcing, but I think it would help.
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It should also give you all of the Devout emblems you would have gotten for hooking them three times. Too many times I've been short of a double pip because some entitled brat decided they had to ragequit. A killer shouldn't be punished for a survivor taking the easy way out of their death. Period.
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@EclipseDarkstar I can agree with that. I probably would only give a single point towards that emblem, however. I would compare it to if a survivor got hooked once and then killed themselves on first hook.
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Saint_Ukraine The thing is, with the rank 1 emblem requirements, that basically means that even with two points for a DC instead of the full three, if more than one or two survivors disconnect, then that basically means you can't get the emblem. And thus if the survivors want to punish the killer by disconnecting to deny them the pip, they still can, it just requires more than one DC now.
However if you get the full three points (no more than the full three, by the way, then it's just excessive), then it makes punishing the killer via emblem denial impossible to achieve by disconnecting. If anything, by disconnecting early, you are rewarding the killer, which is A, good incentive to just not do it, and B, a good emblem-based reflection of what happens when a survivor ragequits in game, IE, the killer probably wins.
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@EclipseDarkstar I can understand that.
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Maybe like 1/4th of what the killer gets for quitter bonus
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U know give killer there kills based on how many hook states left.
So like a fresh person would be
Hook hook summon sacrifice.
And quitter bonus .
So give survivers 1/4th of what the killer got for the DC and a few points to there lowest emblem.
Seems fair as the games gone to hell at that point.
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"I've just seen a post where it was suggested that when you dc, you should be sacrificed; and now with this new Endgame Collapse sacrifice, I think it would work perfectly."
- "If you were to quit the game, you'd be sacrificed in the same way that you would be if the Endgame Collapse's timer was spent."
Response here - I suggested this when I saw the EGC. The full animation playing would also prevent (In theory) someone DC'ing to give hatch
- "If the killer was picking you up, or was holding you, they'd automatically drop you; and you'd be sacrificed (same thing happens when the Endgame Collapse ends, I believe)."
Response here - I'd prefer them just falling to the ground and the killer returning to their normal stance. Not really a fan of the survivor forcing the drop animation on command even if it does lead to their sacrifice. Feels like it would be kind of annoying having this happen.
- "If you were on the hook when you dced, the hook would sacrifice you normally. After you were sacrificed, you would be taken to the tally screen like normal."
Response here - I completely agree with this. Although my personal preference is DC'ing while on the hook would just count as a forfeit instead of a DC. We can argue why it should or shouldn't be the case but I look at this from two positives for the survivor.
They can just opt out of the game if they believe they're going to be farmed. They can also quickly just move onto their next game if they're on deathhook so they don't need to waste time watching the animation. You can argue that the 10-15 seconds is nothing but if I know I'm dead I don't like being forced to wait it out just for information I can already predict based on my performance. Like if a game went bad I know I probably didn't pip for example.
Added the Response here - to my replies as I couldn't get the quote box working. Not sure how to do that with OP.
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If you get sacrificed due to a DC, you should gain a BBQ stack, too imo.
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Reading the title I assumed this was a solution that had survivor and killer DCs in scope. But, as usual it's only about survivor DCs.
So let's not forget about killer DCs, mkay?
The entity needs sacrifice, and if a killer DCs, it means that he won't obey the entity and won't fullfill it's purpose. The logical choice would be to sacrifice the killer as a substitute and punishment.
Almost forgot, the emblem idea is also good. So let's not forget about this when talking about killer DCs. Survivors should get UNBROKEN emblem points.
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