Camping killers

Right i play both killer and survivor, but killers that camp should suffer from the entity progression slowed down or atleast stopped fully (depending on how many are alive and dead).

Say you've got 1 hooked and you camp then you have 2 to 3 other survivors doing gens or thinking of coming for the save, the killer should get no progression on the entity hook. But whenever the killer is not camping he or she gets a slight speed increase until they're back in a radius of the hooked survivor until the survivor is unhooked.

If you have 1 hooked and only 1 to 2 left then you recieve no progression while in the radius.

This would work as it could be the entity wanting more sacrifices, if i see someone camping it instantly ruins that match, i get patrolling or say you have barbecue and chili. Searching the area but im talking about people that stand in front of the hooked survivor, there is only so much burrowed time can actually do, even then the persons getting tunneled to no end. 

I get protecting the kill but its boring and takes the enjoyment out of the game. Specially face camping

I pay on the xbox one, if anyone wants to play feel free to leave your gamertag, if you have any other suggestions feel free to post. 


  • PinkEricka
    PinkEricka Member Posts: 1,042
    Right i play both killer and survivor, but killers that camp should suffer from the entity progression slowed down or atleast stopped fully (depending on how many are alive and dead).

    Say you've got 1 hooked and you camp then you have 2 to 3 other survivors doing gens or thinking of coming for the save, the killer should get no progression on the entity hook. But whenever the killer is not camping he or she gets a slight speed increase until they're back in a radius of the hooked survivor until the survivor is unhooked.

    If you have 1 hooked and only 1 to 2 left then you recieve no progression while in the radius.

    This would work as it could be the entity wanting more sacrifices, if i see someone camping it instantly ruins that match, i get patrolling or say you have barbecue and chili. Searching the area but im talking about people that stand in front of the hooked survivor, there is only so much burrowed time can actually do, even then the persons getting tunneled to no end. 

    I get protecting the kill but its boring and takes the enjoyment out of the game. Specially face camping

    I pay on the xbox one, if anyone wants to play feel free to leave your gamertag, if you have any other suggestions feel free to post. 

    Sorry to tell you but that can’t be helped, the devs do not care for face camping and agree with the killer mains that it’s a “strategy”. The perk “Borrowed Time” is meant to counter camping, you are welcome to try it. It is not a teachable...
  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,644
    1. People can play however they want (shocking, I know). If you're not having fun, DC - killers love when you help them ;3

    2. Borrowed Time is a teachable @_@
  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 984
    I just don't understand how people continuously think this is a good idea. Tried, tested, and abused by survivors. Thank whoever abused it in the PTB that this will never be a thing.
  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

    If you want a game playing survive with friends kruegersleatherface my gamertag is TheEccentric1 you may have played me before I aren't sure depends on your gamertag.

  • TheWorldconsumer
    TheWorldconsumer Member Posts: 82
    edited July 2018

    I fear I have to correct our OP here: Borrowed Time IS indeed a teachable- of Bill to be exact.
    And the term you used: FACECAMPING- this specificly meant to block the unhook prompt so that unhooking got LITERALLY impossible for the other surv players. As you should know, it is possible now to unhook not only from the front, but from all angles- making it impossible to FACEcamp anymore.
    I would say the term fitting best for what you and many other players enounter today is HARDCAMPING. It means the killer is so close to the hook that he can grab you off it if you try to safe- BUT: saving the hooked person is no longer impossible as it was back when facecamping was possible.

    As for your suggestion of slowing or even stopping the progress of the hooked surv: sorry, but this already not only has been mentioned multiple times, but was even tested by the Devs on a PTB a long time back. The abuse of this "simple" change got so out of hand they dropped it- hard.
    The reason was that it almost got impossible for the killer to actually sacrifice anyone as all survs would just get to the hooked person, and instead of saving him run around the hook and keep the killer close but never in reach of those survs- totally stopping any progress for infinite time and making it impossible to actually kill this surv.

  • bortami
    bortami Member Posts: 91
    Well really the only counter is flashlight groups.. but they get dodged lol.
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    no. camping is legit.