Please remove the nurse addons

I frequently play every killer and also the Nurse and so i know how powerful she can be, but it really gets stupid when she brings addons, especially range and multible blnks
Just faced another Nurse with 4 Blinks + Range, one 5 Blink Nurse and a Megablink.
Unfortunatly at this Rank, shittier Killer who have to abuse this nonsense dont get the Idea of not Using overpowered Stuff so i please the Devs:
Remove these addons. No compensation, just remove them. And no, im not a crybaby survivor, i play more killer but to be honest, this is simply killing the Fun for every Survivor.
Kind regards
PS. If you have to use addons as the nurse to win, you dont deserve to play killer <3
Probably won't be removing the additional blink addons, I believe there is an achievement for it.
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Some of her Add Ons are getting reworked, don't know when though.
Personally I think nurse is fine as long as SWF is the way it is, Both are broken.
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Nurse is the one way to deal with the sweatiest SWF groups out there right now. Not even Billy can catch a perfect looper. Deal with it.
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What about Spirit?
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Yup she can
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Trash tier noobstomper :^)
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Like others said, as long as Cheats with Friends with voicecomms exists, neither the Nurse nor her add-ons should be touched at all. I get that a good Nurse with good add-ons might be frustrating to verse for casual survivors, but so is SWF teams with good coordination to killers. Both are broken.
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Just removing them wouldn't be realistic. Then you would take away way too many of her add-ons. Maybe rework? As someone stated above, but remove them? Sure I don't like playing against omega, multi-blink nurse but I also know you can't just delete something from the game without compensating or reworking it.
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Of course, a Nurse with only 2 Blinks or without Omegablink is weak and cannot deal with SWF. Because we know that all of the games are full of 4 man SWF Teams who work entirely optimal.
Nurse neither needs more than 2 Blinks nor Omegablink. Those are Add-Ons that can be reworked. Nurse would still be the strongest Killer (by far), even without Add-Ons.
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Deal with something that is overpowered? Im not crying for a Nurse Nerf, i really like her as she is (maybe should have lower movement speed so she is even worse in tracking) but her addons are simply BS. I really dont understand your silly mentality of you and some other Killer Mains. Might be i am the last Killer who is actually rational. :/
As a Killers point of few, everone who defends a Megablink nurse has no idea what he is talking about (or got tbag by a salty survivor 1 time to often and has to use op stuff to piss them back off)
And by the way, i am not saying survivor are fine, some stuff is also way to good, especially when u play on better ranks where survivor actually can loop the killer for a long time and hit every great skillcheck.. BUT STILL that does not mean we need 4 Blink extra Range Nurse in this game.
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Spirit says hi
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3 days ago they said there were no changes to nurse planned, so sounds like the add on rework was scraped or is on the back burner.
But yea, as long as SWF exists in its current form, there should be no changes to nurse.
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I completely agree, there is no opposition in the pursuit of a good player with three blinks and some other addons, this is like a legion with a Frank cassette, it is not at all interesting to play. SWF? I only play solo for survivors and against me a nurse with addons through the game. How long can this go on?
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Oh, baby! Another post from baby noob survivor. Dont worry, little one. The devs know how reward for your mediocrity and maybe if you still bitch1ng in these forums, the next patch will come with nerfs for all killers and you can still scape without problems with your little friends.
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Spirit would be S+ tier with nurse but she's bugged atm and devs take forever to fix her bugs. They take forever on every sound bug. Remember getting ear raped on haddonfield?
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If you would read the first post instead of just ranting your brainfart without any point you would see that i dont want killer to be nerfed, some of them are fine, some could actually need a buff of some kind. Im also not new to the game (R1/R1) and im not a survivor main. But hey, at least u joind the forum and will definitly add up more intelligent stuff. Good start!
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Sorry, kid, i dint read you post because the post of baby noobs bore me a lot. But anyway, you can still bitch1ng and screaming for attention.
zEE yOu iN tHe FoG
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Ardetha would like a word with you.
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congratz, very good 2nd post. You are smart and whise. You seem to be so bored about this topic that you even come to a forum, register and respond. :D Triggered somehow?
He was obviously Sarcastic.
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Oh that's interesting, Mclean said on stream that nurse and hillbilly where getting add on reworks but I'm glad they're not to be honest.
As much as it might suck for solo players the strongest killers need to stay how they are since they're the only ones who can go up against a good 4man SWF.
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post removed
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btw the community maneger told a few days ago that they will not touch billy and nurse for the time being stating that they are fine with how they are ingame.
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And why in this situation should the solo players for the survivors suffer exactly? Is this some kind of lower grade not worthy of a normal game?
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And why should solo players for survivors suffer in this situation? Is this some kind of lower grade not worthy of a normal game?
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That's the whole problem. Solo suffers the most from the imbalances SWF Brings since they can't exactly nerf Strong killers to be fair against Solo since then there would be no answer for a strong SWF.
Until the Devs Buff solo and individual Killers to be on par with SWF they can't balance the 3.
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Thanks! Actually since a 2 weeks i dont play you "wonderfull game", but i like see the topics from fanboys like you, little one, so just say "thanks to pay me attention", and vote up my comment, ok?
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Achievements > balance??? No wonder this game is such a mess, people care more about achievements than anything else lol
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That's true, BUT pro Nurse players don't use additional blinks cuz they training Nurse, they earned the skill and they don't need it. And here comes the issue: Nurse players with additional blinks don't have to be good. They will look like good players destroying survivors, but give them baseline Nurse and they struggle a lot. That's what I don't like. Nurse is strong, but it should take a lot o skill. Additional blinks kinda takes it away (not fully, but a lot).
I personally would rework the additional blink addons, Nurse needs some different and interesting new addons anyway.
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Additional blinks aren't just powerful, they can make a baby nurse look like a pro. That's the issue I personally have.
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That's a lie because a baby nurse isn't used to predicting survivor movements and blinking to the correct spot.
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But how would you even know you're going up against a good 4 man SWF?
You can't, just because they wear certain skins, certain rank or bring certain items doesn't actually mean they're any good, sometimes they just think they are. I can't count the many times, playing 3 man swf, a killer has brought best addon nurse or billy into our games and then boasted they wrecked a swf despite the fact we're just ok and probably average 50% survival. Half the time these killers don't recognise they're wrecking a lower skilled team or just don't care because they want to say they wrecked a swf.
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You can't. Unless you've faced all 4 of them before and recognize them. I didn't say you could prepare but a killer can at least just stick to the strongest characters incase they run into a good SWF.
This is another problem SWF Brings, A Killer has a bad experience with a weaker killer against a SWF so they choose to switch to the strongest killers with good add ons to try stop it happening again and end up wrecking a team of solos who didn't stand a chance. The same can be said for survivors loosing only to team up on a SWF and end up wrecking a weaker Killer.
When you have two extremes on each side the ones in the middle suffer.
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Did OP ever played AS the nurse and saw for himself how difficult the nurse is and that by equipping addons you have to relearn the blink ranges?
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The difference to Infinite EW3 myers is that the survivors can control the stalk to a certain extend + u can still loop him.
Insta Billy still has to hit and is still loopable.