I don't want to play with the team. When playing as survivors, it turns out that playing against a maniac and against the team.
How to implement it? Yes, stupid to tick the box before clicking the button "search game".
After that, you can not get into the lobby, where the "game with friends". And they can not get into the lobby, which is ticked "I DON'T WANT PLAY WITH TEAM".
I... Don't understand what you are trying to say.
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I don't want to play with a team that ignores you because they're on a team.
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Translation: He would like to have a queue for players like him who prefers to play solo instead to get screwed over by a team of SWFs.
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I want to play with other solo players
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Your wait times would be ridiculous. Solo survivor is crap atm but there isn't an easy fix for it. You buff solo survivor you need to buff the killer, then other things need nerfs and buffs etc.
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I want to play a game.
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I'm not against team play. But I don't want to play with the team.
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The killer doesn't need help against solo survivors, and the only players who can run them around for five minutes are really skilled anyway, so there's going to be some people you can't catch. I think too many people survive but also, if they're playing really well all match, they deserve to escape, or at least get a lot of points to show for it. It's frustrating to do well all game only to have one minor mistake kill you on first hook when everyone else leaves.
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I can agree with that, much prefer solo over swf. Solo players also tend to play without the suicidal altruism that spirals a teams performance and make smarter saves.