Neutering Deep Wounds is a wasted opportunity

Back when BT was first introduced, when your timer wouldn't pause unless you were healing, I thought it would be a cool idea to introduce that concept as a replacement for some instadowns that everyone complains about. Such as chainsaws and Iridescent hatchets. You would still go down if the killer kept on you, but you'd have a chance to fight back a bit instead of instantly down and hooked.
Now there is no point in such a change, unless your goal is to over nerf something, because Deep Wounds is being reduced to barely an inconvenience.
Wasted opportunity.
Rest in Entity.
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Um. Okay? I don't understand the point of this.
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I'd prefer if they renamed it to "Slight Inconvenience."
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Setting Deep Wounds to not decrease while in terror radius really was overdoing it IMO, but I suspect it was done as a bandaid to fix certain tricks that allow the killer to follow without keeping the survivor in a chase.
It'll probably be 2 years before they figure out how to fix it properly
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thing is, that's how Legion worked. But people thought it was to strong.
In truth the strength of legion was in his add-on exploits. Franks being op, Both CD add-ons stacking even though they shouldn't, both mending add-ons stacking even though they shouldn't, and ofc, moonwalking.
Thanks to outrage and ignorance they neutered what I thought was a fun killer that needed some tweaks. (like each stab to a different person having a shorter bleed out timer, as he gets more excited in his frenzy)
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Deep wounds was just another heal state, it's meant to slow the game down but in reality it prolonged a chase for a bit while the killer waited for it to run out thay was the issue with it.
BT worked when it was this way as it wasn't a killers power, was a one off use and was only really strong at for end game camping.
Making a killers power around the same mechanic just didn't work with one which was so fast and negated everything a survivor had to try and create distance and escape to remove the effect.
This is why legion needed a change, this change isn't exactly great as they were already weak but it's what we have for now, I hope they can now start to see where they can buff them and not leave them stagnant for too long.
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Its sad to see what is suppose to be a killer aiding affliction reduced to this level of new player handholding. A status that has no effect until you leave them to remove it has no benefit. The time it takes to mend is no more than if the killer was searching for you after breaking Los. I don't feel like I've lost any time as survivor, by the time legion has a new target mending is done and I was never in any danger or suffered drawbacks of being afflicted. Status needs some serious attention if its going to be affiliated with a killer's power and shouldn't be the same as a benefitial survivor perk.