Chapter XII / Paragraph IV: Hellraiser TM



  • YearOfThePigNerf
    YearOfThePigNerf Member Posts: 48
    edited April 2019

    @Asssthetic I think it could only be here really.

    Pinhead is the only selling point for the awful movies now so I could see him being the killer and making the devs having to design a stupid power since he doesn't normally attack like they did with Freddo.

    But I really hope for A bandaged up Julia.

  • Asssthetic
    Asssthetic Member Posts: 203

    @YearOfThePigNerf Yeah if we were to get a Hellraiser DLC they would probably have Pinhead as the killer but maybe they'll do what they did for legion and add multiple skins like other Cenobites. But whatever they do it'll be exciting

  • YearOfThePigNerf
    YearOfThePigNerf Member Posts: 48
    edited April 2019

    @Asssthetic I personally won't be exited for any new killers but I am interested to see what they will do if it is pinhead.

  • LordziPL
    LordziPL Member Posts: 590

    Pinhead can be: Paragraph because of Survivor +2 more than killer and Ash named Chapter12Survivor in SteamDB or Chapter 12 with Kirsty/Amy.

  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329

    both the one from the forum and the one from the steam hub have been removed.. hmm..

  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329

    Behaviour have a secret project with lionsgate, and lionsgate have produced hellraiser: judgement in 2018, so if we'll have a Hellraiser DLC, in my opinion, this will be based on film released in 2018, produced by lionsgate

  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329

    you have view the film of 2018? if yes, if the DLC is based on that film, which could be the survivor and the map?

  • Th3Nightmare
    Th3Nightmare Member Posts: 1,267

    Guys, All this info is taken from this file where all the "events" of the killers are registered as well as their names.

    I'm going to tell you is pure reality. First of all I will show you in the same file some examples of how it comes out in case of "LEGION", which in the documents is described as "BOLT" meaningless names, but we will see some VFX sound events described in the document, such as: Frenzy, deactivate, activate ...

    After this we will go into things that are known to be 100% real because of the files that have been found in the PTB.

    In the first place, we are going to see the events that will happen in Killer 16, this means the sounds that you will have for different power actions that X killer has.

    Thing that the devs have not deceived but ... if they introduce a file by mistake it is because it has strained, we already know the last time that the perks of ASH were leaked in consoles ... in addition to FREEDY .. we do not know but this info could be 100% real. What could be names a little confusing because the development of the killer is not 100% finished.

    Its all the info that i have from forums and other sites.

  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329

    What do you mean? be more specific and show screen of what you say

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @Niitosky On PC, there are 2 more survivors than killers (Bill and Ash). What he is trying to say is that the Devs might want to introduce a paragraph killer without a survivor to balance both sides.

    There is also a leatherface paragraph but the game had 4 original survivors and 3 original killers. So even if we include leatherface, survivors still have 1 more survivor than killers on consoles, 2 more survivors than killers on PC (Bill is not playable on consoles)

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,055

    If you look into the SteamDB you will find two tables under stats about the achievements. The first one shows the API name with the Display Name, Icon and description. The second table lists internal values/stats related to the achievement.

    There you will see that Ash's achievements api name are ACH_CHAPTER12_SURVIVOR_1 etc. And if you look down the second table you will only find the typical stats for chapter12, which means there are values for a chapter12 killer and another map achivement as well.

    That's what he means. For some reason Ash's achievements are referenced as part of chapter 12 internally so far.

    Behaviour having a secret project with Lionsgate doesn't necessarly mean it has to be DbD related. It doesn't have to be, but it's possible, that it's a separate project. Could be even mobile related or something like that. Of course it's possible, but it doesn't have to be.

  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329

    yes i understood what you say, but based on theory that on pc we have 2 more survivor than player on console, so the next two dlc have only killer?

    however the theory that dlc on hellraiser is only a paragraph makes sense, because as I said before, the map would be difficult to do, and even as a survivor, there is no iconic one, there is kirsty but we are not at the levels of a Laurie with Myers or a Sidney with Ghostface to give an example, also because, do you remember that when audio files or text files were leaked on the new dlc, was there something also in reference to the survivor? instead this time there are audio and text files only referring to the killer, it will mean something

  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329

    I saw what you mean, interesting..

    about the project with lionsgate, lionsgate produced hellraiser in 2018, so it could be the pinhead of their film what we will have in the paragraph dedicated to him..

  • Animalheadskull
    Animalheadskull Member Posts: 478

    In still on the Scream bandwagon. Seems to be a better fit for me. Plus I've always been a big horror fan and my mom got me the first two movies for my 12th b day on VHS and I wore them out. Kinda sad I know the first movie by heart.

  • ProfoundEnding
    ProfoundEnding Member Posts: 2,334

    @SmokePotion How are the DLCS even'd out? Doesn't PC have two extra survivors Bill and Ash and console have one, Ash. If we were to get another Paragraph killer, it would be even on console but not PC.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    Don't forget there is the Cenobites.

    Could be a collection of killers based off the franchise.. Like the Legion.

  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329

    I wanted to point out something to you:

    these are those dedicated to the killer 17, we read an STLK that stands for Stalk, and then an Exposed, which means the possibility of Oneshot with durations, for example the start of the stalk lasts 10 seconds so how long the related audio effect, the audio effect of the "spot", I presume when he sees you, it lasts 5 seconds, the audio effect of the exposed that lasts 5 seconds, the audio effect of the available stalk which lasts 1.7 seconds, and then there are these two strings that differentiate the type of stalk, one called STLK_SVR, and the other STLK_KLR which both last 8.2 seconds.

    STLK_KLR could stand for stalk_killer making it clear that at that moment he can oneshottare, but what do you think STLK_SVR can stand for?

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671


    If this was their normal action for false new chapter ideas that would be one thing. However, they don't normally remove them, so this is out of their normal behavior.

  • LordziPL
    LordziPL Member Posts: 590

    Stalking Survivor? by Survivor?


  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329

    yes survivor, I thought of that too

    but I have another thing to ask, in the folder there are files of the killer 16 and killer 17, but we are still at the killer 15, and the next one will be the 16 .. so in which of the 4 files are the strings of Oman? and what's in the others?

  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329
    edited April 2019

    yes survivor, I thought of that too

    but I have another thing to ask, in the folder there are files of the killer 16 and killer 17, but we are still at the killer 15, and the next one will be the 16 .. so in which of the 4 files are the strings of Oman? and what's in the others?


  • LordziPL
    LordziPL Member Posts: 590

    Killer 16 audios is Oman (maybe Pinhead), 17 is unknown but it's planned.

    17 killer audios are empty.

    Maybe after PTB the Killer_16_Menu - will be with audio.

    Survivor can be Kirsty but can be also Paragraph without survivor.

  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329
    edited April 2019

    so the two files 17.bnk are empty? is nothing written? not even a word or phrase?

    i have another question: there are something of similar in folder of survivor? for example survivor_18.bnk or similar?

  • Th3Nightmare
    Th3Nightmare Member Posts: 1,267

    This data refers to the killer_16 no to 17. That is, the next killer of June.

    But ... I really do not know what your functions might be, in the background some "notice" comes out as warnings ...

  • Th3Nightmare
    Th3Nightmare Member Posts: 1,267

    The killer 17 folder is empty ... but I have to confirm that there are 5 power audio files in the killer_16, I was also looking in the event info file of killer / powers and others and yes, I found the power linked or As it has been called "OMAN" the events of this power is what I have already posted.

  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329

    @Th3Nightmare tell me something, what is the .pak file to extract? the last time I entered the game files there was only one .pak file, but now there are more than thirty

  • Th3Nightmare
    Th3Nightmare Member Posts: 1,267

    I could not say ... I could only share the info that has been leaked by the PTB 1.7.0

  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329

    there another thing to note, if the killer 16 comes out in June because there are already killer 17 files if the killer 17 that should come out in over 5 months? I am convinced that hellraiser will be released in May, that's why there are already killer 17 files, which will be ghostface and will be released in June instead, and among other things there are not even references to survivor, which instead were there when they were leaked krueger for example.. this makes me think that we will have a paragraph of hellraiser and not a chapter

  • Th3Nightmare
    Th3Nightmare Member Posts: 1,267

    The PTB was updated a few seconds ago .. I think the devs removed all the info from the following killer_16, I'll go check again .. but I think they eliminated everything.

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    oof as long as we keep these threads up the truth wont fade

  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329

    check again and let us know @Th3Nightmare

  • Th3Nightmare
    Th3Nightmare Member Posts: 1,267

    Everything is still the same xDD, this is very rare.

  • TerminatorGuy
    TerminatorGuy Member Posts: 434

    I hope it's not Pinhead. I've wanted Ghostface in this game more than anything for a long long time.

  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329

    probably because if you remove them it would be even more obvious that they are files left there by mistake

  • LordziPL
    LordziPL Member Posts: 590

    OK, you want to know everything. I did some research with friend and here's results:

    You are discovering things I discovered 2 days ago. Now I need your help. I can't find anything. THERE'S A CHANCE - THE LIVE UPDATE 2.7.0 WILL CONTAIN MORE SOUNDS!


    We have 6 sounds.

    Dev deleted previous post and they ignored that

    We have picture with some AudioEvents (previous page)

    That is probably Paragraph

    The killer is Pinhead/Cenobit

    Files don't contain any sound of the Survivor _18 or 19

    We have official confirmation of existing Killer_17 and his concept (but empty for now)

    50% of sounds we discovered contains Labirynth.

    New map can be Labirynth.

    Coming: Summer 2019 with Dedicated.

    When in Summer? SoonTM

  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329

    stop, don't forget about this:

    so, if 1+1 = 2, we'll have both, pinhead and ghostface, but one of this will be a paragraph

  • LordziPL
    LordziPL Member Posts: 590

    Ashley in SteamDB is Chapter12_Surv so that can be confirmation of Pinhead being Paragraph.

    His codename is Oman

    England [Krueger]

    Finland [Amanda]

    Guam [Kenneth]

    Haiti [Rin]

    Kenya [F.J.S.J]

    Mali [Adiris]

    Oman [Pinhead]

  • LordziPL
    LordziPL Member Posts: 590

    Yea I do not forget. I discovered that few days before Paulie Video and I have more evidence to Ghostface but I think it isn't time for revealing it. It isn't legit like Hellraiser but VERY INTERESTING (paulie do not know bout it)

  • Well_Placed_HexTotem
    Well_Placed_HexTotem Member Posts: 824

    I’d rather have Pinhead than GF. GF just seems like another Legion, and Legion just got beat with the nerf stick.

  • LordziPL
    LordziPL Member Posts: 590



    You want it here? If subject will be deleted you can rise the truth.

  • Bryn
    Bryn Member Posts: 20

    All things from that topic are true, but i did that research ;D

  • Jimsalabim
    Jimsalabim Member Posts: 641

    why is there a connection between "oman" and "pinhead/healraiser/cenobite" ?

    if it is based on the sounds leaked i can kinda see the connection even though they are not the same.

    I checked the sounds from the hellraiser 2 movie labyrinth with the leaked sounds and it's not the same sound as the leaked sound #5, although they both have the same industrial vibe to it.

    On a personal note I would rather see Hellraiser (pinhead or cenobite) in the game than Ghostface. I really don't understand the hype for this killer as he seems a bit gimmicy and comical. I do hope that if it is pinhead it will be based on the 80'ies version of pinhead because the latest version is not the same actor. (just like we got freddy based on a different actor which was a major let down)

  • LordziPL
    LordziPL Member Posts: 590

    Not only you friend. I mentioned you = D

  • Bryn
    Bryn Member Posts: 20

    But i said its from Hellraiser movie, sooo. And yes, this sounds are true ;d i took it from game files today.

  • LordziPL
    LordziPL Member Posts: 590

    The Pinhead in DBD can be from 2018 Judgement but also from OG

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147

    Then again Bill wasn't added to all Platforms, since Valve only wanted Bill (from Left 4 Dead) to be licensed only on Steam (Their Platform)

    Plus Here's the Killer to Survivor Ratio from ALL Chapters:

    The Hag - Ace

    The Nurse - Nea

    Michael Myers - Laurie Strode

    Leather Face - Ash

    The Doctor - Feng Min

    The Huntress - David

    Freddy Krueger - Quentin Smith

    The Clown - Kate

    The Spirit - Adam

    The Legion - Jeff

    The Pig - Detective Tapp

    The Plague - Jane

    The Hillbilly - Meg

    The Trapper - Jake Park

    The Wraith - Dwight

    ???? - Claudette Morel

    Bill (Only On PC so doesn't count)

    So in total, 15 Killers and 16 Survivors.

    So it is reasonable to have another Paragraph to fill in the Gap. Then Add more Killer/Survivor Bundles.

    Hopefully this settles why or why not it should be a paragraph or not.

  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089
    edited April 2019


    I was going to make the arguement that Bill's perks are actually just common pool perks assigned to a steam exclusive survivor, so doesn't actually dilute the perk pool.

    But then I counted the common pool perks. 14 survivor, 11 killer. So, you are right. We should have one more killer.