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Chapter XII / Paragraph IV: Hellraiser TM



  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329

    what? ghostface perk and map? what are you saying? which post?

  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329

    "it itsn't time for revealing it" in fact we'll have a pinhead paragraph in May, and ghostface chapter in june, and in my opinion, the ghostface chapter will be a collaboration with season 3 of Scream series, and the announcement of 28 will be a collaboration with RJ Torbert for use a Ghostface original name and original mask in tv series, and with this, even the chapter for dead by daylight

  • LordziPL
    LordziPL Member Posts: 590

    Developer (he said that) the Ghostface can call survivor 4 times and reveal they're sound location by phone. Phone rings some time, if the surv do something with phone - they're revealed for moment, also ghostface can teleport and ambush from lockers.

    Ghost's perks:

    Bloodlust one

    NOED v2

    and the third

    Sidney's perks are OP ; The Ghost's are UP

    I think IT CAN BE FAKE.

    And I have 6 screens with name of map bug - Haddonfield was named SIDNEY'S HOUSE | WOODSBORO - one of them is fake - the rest is unknown.


  • LordziPL
    LordziPL Member Posts: 590

    i dont renember where is that post I should find it.

  • Jimsalabim
    Jimsalabim Member Posts: 641

    so again, you guys are speculating that there will be 2!! new killers in the upcoming 2 months May and June? that does seem a bit excessive to me.

  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329

    probably you know and play a dead by daylight by a short time, leatherface and krueger came out in about 2 months

  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329

    your messages seem to be written by an junkie, but what does it mean what you're writing? use the google translator if you don't know how to write in English because we don't understand anything of what you write

  • LordziPL
    LordziPL Member Posts: 590


    If you don't understand I will explain...

    IT'S 65% fake.

    Ghostface can be released but my evidences are fake.

  • Jimsalabim
    Jimsalabim Member Posts: 641

    that would be like 3 characters that are licensed including Ash.. yeah not gonna happen

  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329

    if it doesn't happen it means that the audio files we heard are from the killer of the next chapter in June, and ghostface instead will come out in may 28th by itself as a leatherface

  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329
    edited April 2019

    if it doesn't happen it means that the audio files we heard are from the killer of the next chapter in June, and ghostface instead will come out in may 28th by itself as a leatherface

    but if the project with lionsgate is not hellraiser, then what is it?

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    Would not be into a Hellraiser DLC. He's a poor man in the horror genre.

  • Jimsalabim
    Jimsalabim Member Posts: 641
    edited April 2019

    Let's be honest, it's just THE IDEA of having a horror icon in the game is what makes ppl so excited. In reality the killer is just chasing a survivor in a realm that has nothing to do with these horror icons. It's just a cat and mouse game and the value of having that oh so great horror icon in the game quickly fades away.

  • PaulieEsther
    PaulieEsther Member Posts: 71

    expansion of licensed cosmetics for licenses they already hold?

  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329

    have they been working for who knows how long only to the skins of already existing characters? if so, they would have already released them, they already have the rights of those brands (for example halloween and saw) they just have to ask for confirmation to make skins .. I think it's a much bigger project, or a license for a chapter or paragraph

  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329

    if it doesn't happen it means that the audio files we heard are from the killer of the next chapter in June, and ghostface instead will come out in may 28th by itself as a leatherface

  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329
    edited April 2019

    edit: double post

    Post edited by Niitosky on
  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    Pinhead has a survivor. Her name is Kirsty.

  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089


    I know your info was made up....

    But that's actually not to bad of a power. Somewhat similar to Dokkabi from Rainbow 6 Siege. Every so often he can call up people and find where they are hiding. neat.

    But they would have to add a second level to the power, because it adds no help in the chase. However, it is a nice starting point.

  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329

    I don't see a mobile phone on dead by daylight.. it's more a "friday the 13th the game" thing than dead by daylight.. I see it amiss and out of context

  • LordziPL
    LordziPL Member Posts: 590

    But there's no info on Survivors in files...

    and agree - there was Kirsty Cotton.

  • Asssthetic
    Asssthetic Member Posts: 203

    @Niitosky Having two killers released in a span of 2 months is so unlikely. First of all, if we were to have a killer released in May, we would have already seen teasers/ PTB especially since it would a LICENSED killer above all. Second of all, it is unlikely to have 3 licensed characters in a row (4 if you count the survivor in whatever chapter is released in June). Lastly, it doesn't make sense to release two back to back paragraphs between two chapters. It's more likely to release the chapter in June and then a paragraph afterwards.

    Sorry if that sounds like I'm completely shredding your idea ^

  • ItsYourBoyGuzma
    ItsYourBoyGuzma Member Posts: 797
    edited May 2019

    Next chapter is gonna be licensed we haven't had a full licensed chapter in a long time. Paragraphs don't count, also I like your selling mentality.

    HEY! You know what sounds like a good idea? Releasing an originally created killer that no one knows anything about ... That'll definitely get new players on board , especially with our dedicated server announcement .

    No no , getting a licensed killer people know of or recognize along with the addition of our dedicated servers for our new players and community... Naw naw, that's stupid.

    Good thing you don't work for this company lol

    Post edited by ItsYourBoyGuzma on
  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329

    You miss a detail. do you know how leatherface was released? or still you weren't playing dead by daylight? well anyway I refresh your memory, leatherface was suddenly announced without teaser/trailer but directly with the spotlight and release in game at the same time.

    and besides leatherface was released before a chapter of Krueger

  • Asssthetic
    Asssthetic Member Posts: 203

    @ItsYourBoyGuzma Thats only the more reason to not release Hellraiser as a paragraph. Why bring in all the license killers at once as both paragraph and as chapter when you can make them both chapters? I never said that I wanted or that the next chapter will be an original killer so I don't know why youre getting so butthurt and defensive

    @Niitosky I was around that time and I very much realize that he was released unannounced. However, DBD has changed. Why would they release a killer unannounced now when they've been doing PTBs and especially since it would be a licensed chapter/ paragraph. Times have changed

  • ItsYourBoyGuzma
    ItsYourBoyGuzma Member Posts: 797

    No one officially said hellraiser or scream would be paragraphs, it would disappointing and stupid to not make them chapters. (If they ever do make them)

    I never said you actually said the next chapter would be original , I said if you really think next chapter won't be licensed then you clearly aren't paying attention to the DBD player counts, how we're getting servers soon, and how summer is almost here.

    All this together means people have more free time to play games so if the Dev's wanted more newcomers (due to recent player drops ) a good way to advertise the game is by grabbing an icon killer...

  • Asssthetic
    Asssthetic Member Posts: 203

    @ItsYourBoyGuzma You literally said that my selling mentality is that I want them to release an original killer next chapter. And yes, having a licensed chapter would be a great way to promote the game during the summer especially with dedicated serves. Hopefully neither of them are paragraphs and are instead full chapters.

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @Asssthetic Releasing 2 killers or licensed chapters/paragraphs in 2 months can happen and it happened.

    They had a full original Huntress chapter on 27 July 2017

    And after her, they released licensed leatherface paragraph on 14 September 2017

    And after him, they released licensed Freddy chapter on 26 October 2017

    There are less than 1 and half a month between huntress and leatherface/leatherface and Freddy.

    I am not saying we are gonna get a paragraph and a chapter but if they want to do that, they can do it.

  • Asssthetic
    Asssthetic Member Posts: 203

    @Delfador I'm not saying that they can't do that, but it is extremely unlikely. Unlike those releases, we have been getting PTBs for every chapter so far. And the only reason we didn't get a PTB with Ash was because he was a survivor (cosmetic basically). Their mindset now is to test every killer before releasing it which is why I believe that we won't get a paragraph and then a chapter.

  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329
    edited April 2019


    there are two main reasons why we think there will be a paragraph and a chapter and not two chapters

    1) releasing two chapters in one month is literally impossible

    2) all the rehearsals until the discovery of those audio, made the chapter on Ghostface in June, but then came out those audio that do not remember Ghostface but remember the saga of hellraiser. It must be considered that a DLC will probably be announced on Ghostface on May 28th, so you need to make sense of these audios.

    The killer represented in the audio and in the strings of code is the number 16, the number 16 should have been Ghostface but precisely these audios have re-evaluated everything. So if Ghostface comes out, it will be killer 17, and since we need to make sense of these audio files, having the killer 17 announced on May 28th, it means that this 16 killer of the audio will come out by force first, and being that it remembers hellraiser, we all refer to what happens once with leatherface and Krueger.

    even at the marketing level it is not advisable to release two chapters in such a short time because the fans would buy only one and not both. finally if those audio files are not of hellraiser it means that in June we will have an original chapter and that all the leak on the chapter on Ghostface are false, quite unlikely.

  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329
    edited April 2019

    edit, post double.. pls fix this forum..

    sorry asssthetic for multiple quote but it's not my fault..

    Post edited by Niitosky on
  • Supernaut
    Supernaut Member Posts: 1,532

    Sorry, in toiilet at work, so can't link, but leatherface DID have teasers. They were the...

    "What mask do you wear" ones... Or something. The community thought there were going to be masks released and thought nothing more.

    It was only on release day that it became apparent. Nowadays every shred of news is micro analysed so we would have sussed it long ago!

  • Jimsalabim
    Jimsalabim Member Posts: 641

    pls tell me where you work so i can have a good time on the toilet :D

  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329
    edited April 2019

    edit, post double.. pls fix this forum..

    sorry asssthetic for multiple quote but it's not my fault..

    Post edited by Niitosky on
  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329
    edited April 2019

    edit, post double.. pls fix this forum..

    sorry asssthetic for multiple quote but it's not my fault..

    Post edited by Niitosky on
  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329
    edited April 2019

    edit, post double.. pls fix this forum..

    Post edited by Niitosky on
  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329
    edited April 2019

    edit, post double.. pls fix this forum..

    Post edited by Niitosky on
  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329
    edited April 2019

    edit, post double.. pls fix this forum..

    Post edited by Niitosky on
  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329
    edited April 2019

    edit, post double.. pls fix this forum..

    Post edited by Niitosky on
  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329

    no this forum has problems, practically when you modify an already sent message you can happen that the message is totally erased to you and appears at the bottom that must be accepted before being able to see it, and so I tried to rewrite it but that notification always came out, and then all of a sudden he sent them all together .. it's not lag, it's a problem of the forum platform that has too many problems..

    @Peanits Is it possible to get the message to the forum technicians asking if they can change the platform on which the forum is based? has too many problems, including disabled private messages, inability to change the nickname, is slow, and graphically is to be redone, for example the numbers next to the reactions are never seen because of the background and the color of the number itself, should be redone from scratch both the design and the technical side..

  • Jimsalabim
    Jimsalabim Member Posts: 641

    this forum is basically a representation of the game. spaghetti code

  • Redcum
    Redcum Member Posts: 261

    Most likely not Hellraiser. It's not popular enough, before I started playing DbD , I had never heard once of Hellraiser even though I knew Ghostface , Jason , Freddy and Leatherface.

  • Jimsalabim
    Jimsalabim Member Posts: 641

    If you never heard of hellraiser before then A. you're very young or B. you're not a horror fan

  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329
    edited April 2019

    if you don't know hellraiser it doesn't mean that isn't popular enough lol

    hellraiser is popular rather, go to reader on reddit or in the hub of steam how many people ask for it to arrive on dead by daylight already over a year, it's you who don't know it, not that hellraiser is not popular

  • GhostrickSpecter
    GhostrickSpecter Member Posts: 460

    @Redcum I don't mind if you don't know about Hellraiser, what triggers me that you say it's not popular just becuz you don't know about it!

  • Niitosky
    Niitosky Member Posts: 329

    guys has been created the special subreddit where to talk about the leaks that are found in the game files, posted here the leaks:

  • Asssthetic
    Asssthetic Member Posts: 203

    @Niitosky I don't mean that they will release two chapters in one month. I mean that they are going to be back to back chapters (one in june and one 3 months after that). That being said, I still doubt that there will be a paragraph between now and till the next chapter, especially a killer one. They need to test out their power first in a PTB which would have already been announced since they want the communities' info before releasing a chapter. We don't even know who the killers are 100% so I guess we'll just see in the future.