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Camping killers and how to fix

I'm so tired of being camped by killers when playing survivor and this is coming from someone who plays both killer and survivor it is really irritating and os getting to where I don't even like playing the game anymore and I'm tired of living with it just like every other survivor in the game to solve this problem u need to make it to where when the killer is within its own terror radius of a hooked survivor there is no progress on the death meter reguardless of what stage the survivor is in u want to keep people playing that is a major way of doing it because camping is unfun for everyone that plays this game I've been playing it less and less because of this and I see myself eventually quitting because every time I try to play I get camped on hook so make a wise choice and save your own community

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  • Member Posts: 819

    For the community.

  • Member Posts: 474

    Nothing to fix.....stop telling me how to play Killer...that's the Devs job, they won't reward me unless I perform like a trained monkey and go through their checklist....even if it means survivors won't let me...die on hook/DC.

  • Member Posts: 471

    There is nothing wrong with camping. There are even perks to help combat it.

  • Member Posts: 30

    Just faced 3 camping highs ranked wraiths cloaked in a row.... and they wonder why their lobbies are long.

  • Member Posts: 2,744
    edited April 2019

    The OP has failed to realize how that can be abused by survivors and at one point they had a system in place that was abused by survivors the current one is fine it punishes them pretty hefty by taking points off emblems

  • Member Posts: 819

    I get instant lobbies as killer. As a survivor it takes forever. I don't wonder.

  • Member Posts: 30

    What part of high rank killer did you not comprehend?

  • Member Posts: 819

    Rank 1-2 killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,454

    O.o I’ve turned 1kill to 3 to4 kills by ambushing people trying to unhook in my basement why dont u just leave if u open the doors...

  • Member Posts: 819

    When high ranked survivors are having trouble with camping killers, you know something is not right with this game.

  • Member Posts: 1,454

    Wraith is a ambush predator here Incase someone doesn’t know what one is...

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    Camping is an ineffective strategy. When someone is being camped just do gens. If you want to save them anyway then congrats you're part of the problem. The difference is that while the Campers are doing it because people let it work. The people that let it work are by definition not succeeding themselves.

    Or in other words the strategy of going for the save in front of a camper is a losing one.

    Thus the strategy of camping when someone is going for the save is a winning one.

    This is a good thing since it means that saves are risky and can't be done mindlessly.

    Of course that means you need a different strategy. That strategy is doing LITERALLY THE ONLY OBJECTIVE YOU HAVE FFS! It's not complicated! Just do the damn gens and then the Killer can't afford to camp without everyone escaping.

    Remember a sacrifice takes 120 seconds. That means if you can keep a chase going for about 50 seconds then the Killer cannot camp without getting a 1k (160s gen time + 10s-ish travel time). If he uses a camping strategy the whole game then he could literally instahook people and still fail to do better than a 2k.

    So yeah. If you want camping to stop then punish it. If that feels bad then suck it up and do it anyway. Odds are you won't be camped. Even if 100% of the Killers were camped the strategy gives you a greater than 75% chance of not being camped (since looping for 5 gens is possible)

  • Member Posts: 170

    i don’t care how anyone chooses to play if they want to camp or tunnel that’s fine I don’t mind it just makes the game less fun and more frustrating that’s all just like how killer mains find it less fun and more frustrating playing against swf

  • Member Posts: 946

    Just genrush the living ######### out of the camper.

    If the player does wants to camp for the sake of it, no one can stop them, but if you throw yourself at them, don't do gens and let them end the match with 2-4k why should they ever change?

    Just he happy that the killer is locked down and do some risky gens for the next 2 min, should be more than enough time to do all the gens without interference of the killer and go on with the next match.

    Stop hookfarming and feeding the camper!

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    You lose a lot of credibility when you say stuff like that.

    I know at least on console killer lobbies are instant and survivor lobbies take awhile.

  • Your idea is not good, because it stalls the game. Sorry about that.

  • Member Posts: 1,454

    O.o funny thing about this... even if the killer isnt camping u I probably would let u hang to death cause I could care less about saving u. If your not a friend then rng will decide if I save u or not.

  • Member Posts: 1,055

    Camping is not fixable, without fundamentally changing how hooks work and map design. And like people said, that the game was designed with camping beeing a reliable tactic back in the day. Just take a look at Insidious e.g. Mostly DbD core design philosophy was to design a fun casual horror game, which doesn't need to be well balanced. We still see a lot issues related to that.

    Of course these days camping strategy is an issue. In most cases the only way survivor can deal with it, is by rushing gens and hoping that the hooked survivor doesn't decide to move on into the next game. And it kinda a form of anti-gameplay. Like going against an afk/meme killer. But well at leas the last one is some fun, most of the time.

    My biggest issue with camping, is just that Devs kinda have to keep it in mind, when doing stuff for the game. Which I think hurts the game design overall and probably prevents them to do much against gen times etc. Bigger balance issues we have to deal with.

    But like I said, I don't think you can do anything against camping without fundamentally changing hooks and map design. That might be something to think about, if there ever will be a DbD sequel one day in far distant future. But not in current DbD. We have to live and deal with it.

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    @TreemanXD That user's choice of words was too harsh, but his point isn't wrong. Killer lobbies on rank 1/2 aren't instant.

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    @TreemanXD PS4 EU? Playtime in the early evening?

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    @NoShinyPony the US and various points in the day.

  • Member Posts: 1,454

    As a killer main on pc and ps4 I will say my wait time is almost nonexistent. Survivor is like 3 mins or so and hey 🌲

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    @TreemanXD Then that might make a difference. I guess there are too many variables, at least at this point of the season (more than 2 weeks after rank reset). The longer the season, the shorter the waiting times for high rank killers.

  • Member Posts: 194

    Just use my build works very well in solo que and in SWF especailly well vs campers.. Deliverance, Mettle of man, DS, last perk is your choice.. i usually pick adrenalin i dont face campers at my rank .. but if you face a lot i suggest either a dead hard or BT to guarantee deliverance..

    Just dont get caught first.. if you see killer camping.. dont unhook right away. do gens till 40% of stage 1 then go unhook him infront of killer make sure to tank 2 hits that way u let teh unhooked guy some space to escape.. if killer picks you up u have deliverance.. dont uhook right away again.. wait for stage 1 struggle pahase to be about 40% .. that way yoru buddies can do all gens.. then unhook on his face if he hits you u have 3 stacks fo mettle and DS active.. if he picsk you up then its GG for him.. u get DS and mettel of man to survive cahse for next 2 gens.. since he camped u should have plenty of pallets if u have adrenalin u can disapper in endgame :P. this works like charm against almost all kiler except nurse as her blink hits dont stack mettle of man .. but i think they fixed it in PTB. and also if yoru DS is still active make sure to TBAG and enter aloceker this usually tilts the killer to check the locker and u get a free DS hit.. also u can save a mettle of man if you alreayd had stack

  • Member Posts: 192

    More and more survivors realize they should just do gens if someone is being camped, and if enough realize it that will essentially make mindless camping a completely pointless strategy unless the killer didn't care about that in the first place and just wanted to camp.

    If you want to be practically guaranteed an extra shot at life run deliverance + decisive strike and do your best to not get hooked first/get a safe unhook. Sure the killer can just go after you again but at least it lets you do something else than 1 chase + dying on the hook in the worst case scenarios.

  • Member Posts: 685

    Lost credibility, for you perhaps, but other folks are'nt gonna just look for any excuse they can like console has more killers or whatever for any kind or agrument they can make.

    Speaking of lost credibility for posting a certain way...might wanna take a look at your own posts before you claim anyone loses credibility : P

  • Member Posts: 685
    edited April 2019

    OH you mean at certain points of day it takes longer too find survivors than killers or vice versa...How common sense.... : P

    Totally something unknown that it's common that games on any platform have slow times for sides or even playerbases... seriously...that is what will ruin someone credibility when you post like that and make yourself end up being the one who looks silly.

  • Member Posts: 1,454

    From my Xp as killer the biggest mistake is trying to save when u don’t know were I’m at. Only a idiot would save if u don’t know were the killer is. And as I’ve said countless times yes I’m not within 10 meters of the hook doesn’t mean I’m not 11 meters and waiting for u.

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    @AlexAnarchy I like how you took my final comment out of context. I said I played during various points of the day. Please read other replies before you reply to my comments.

  • Member Posts: 685
    edited April 2019

    I did'nt take it out of context, it is common sense that any game has low and fast times, maybe your just playing at those times of day? I mean...for instance, if all you do is play during work hours or school hours, then yes, most of the time the games will be slower, it's simple common sense that games have fast and slow times.

    Plus once your own way of posting before you state someone else lost credibility~

    Cuz essentially your saying your own experience makes it true and that other person true, but sorry too say, most of the community of dbd who's played for more than 100 hours knows that red ranks do not get insta lobbies often..

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    @AlexAnarchy various points of the day doesn’t mean one set time. Does the other people saying lobbies take awhile prove anything since it is just their experience? You lost credibility when you insulted someone over their experience.

    I have seen my post, I say things about both sides. Just because you think I’m biased doesn’t mean others do and your opinion on me proves nothing.

  • Member Posts: 685
    edited April 2019

    Insulted them by calling them out on what is 99% of the time the usual?...what? are you " offended for them now" ? How's it gonna look on you now if they were to come in here and show themself obviously as a survivor only player when they claim to be a killer main at red ranks?... Do you not know of the " Killer main btw " meme?

    Credibility on some game forums, like that really affects anything but long as it makes reddit or tumblr happy I guess : P

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    There is nothing to discuss here so I’ll just leave this “discussion”.

  • Member Posts: 116

    I think surviver only player should play killer.

    Survivors always say 「u are camper,u noob」.but, camp is counter play for OP park like MOM,DS,SWF sometimes I camp near by hook,gens.

  • Member Posts: 1,454

    Don’t let’s the scrubs get to u it’s just there way of patching the hole in there self esteem. “you are always camping for as long as u are on the map”

  • Member Posts: 208

    Oh my good grief almighty this suggestion AGAIN! Can we call it here and stop with these now!

    They tried this it was abused, it didn't work, there's counter play to camping already... Move on!

  • Member Posts: 819

    The best suggestion I read on these forums was when the guy said that killer should get blind if he is close to the hook. I always laugh out loud when it pops in my head.

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