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Pet's Paradise Fan Made chapter

GhostrickSpecter Member Posts: 460
edited April 2019 in Creations

Hey there! I've spend a lot of time with this chapter! Hope you guys like it~

KILLER: Joseph Pratt a.k.a. Hushie, Chokie, and Puga (The Puppy)

Gender: Male

Age: 10

Ethnicity: America

Height: Short (Same as a crouching Pig)

Terror Radius: 16 metres (Hushie), 24 metres (Chokie), 20 metres (Puga)

Movement Speed: 110% (Hushie), 105% (Chokie), 115% (Puga)

Difficulty: HARD


Christopher Hatfield lives in the apartment building in the city of Ashfield. He was an extremely abusive man, beating his wife after he was fired. After a divorce, his wife began dating another man, and Christopher left the infant alone.

The infant was later discovered by the apartment owner, who gave the baby to the nearby hospital. He kept the umbilical cord in a box in his room, feeling that it was too precious to throw away. After a stay in the hospital, Joseph was adopted by the orphanage in a woods near the hospital, given the name "Joseph Pratt".

At the orphanage, Joseph was avoided and neglected by the staff, frequently bullied and referred to as a “Coward”, and told by the other kids that he should live outside. In an odd way, he understood this as the other kids using him as a way to distract themselves from their misery of being forgotten and abandoned.

Joseph did little to prevent the abuse other than to refuse to react, presumably in the hopes they would tire of bullying him if they couldn't get any reaction from him. Over time, he ignoring the bullying backfired twice over; it marked him off as emotionless and therefore more of a 'freak' and egged tormentors on, hoping to get a reaction from him.

As he matured, Joseph eventually discovered three stray dogs in the woods around the orphanage, whom he thought of as his first friends, given their name “Hushie”, “Chokie”, and “Puga”. Feeding the puppies on breadcrumbs left them still hungry, so he felt forced to give most of his dinner to them. During this time Joseph, while holding his puppies, sometimes heard the whispers came from the dark.

When a boy threw milk all over his bag, a young girl saw and shouted for a teacher. Thinking of her as a new friend, Joseph, needing more food for the dogs, told the girl about the puppies.

However, although promising to keep it a secret, the girl soon told the boys about the puppies and its significance, and the bullies took them from the woods. After confronting Joseph in the classroom, the bullies brought in the puppies and began violently bludgeoning them to death with a rock.

The girl came in to intervene, admitting to telling them about the dogs, as the boy casually revealed. Despite her apologies and protests that she hadn't known the puppies would be hurt, she was seen by Joseph smiling behind her supposedly covered eyes.

Feeling betrayed and enraged, Joseph finally snapped, killing all of his tormentors in a brutal manner. He then buried the dogs, apologizing for not being able to protect them, and decided to go on the run. The orphanage regarded him as missing, perhaps taken away by whoever had murdered the other four children.

Weapons and Animations

  • Weapon: A scythe that stuffed inside a plush rabbit (Hushie), a huge metal shard attached on two plush puppies (Chokie), a rusty hammer stuffed inside a plush puppy (Puga)
  • Weapon clean animation: The Puppy looks at his weapon and giggles when he successful hit a Survivor.
  • Breaking Animation: Like The Spirit, Hushie and Puga breaks the pallet/damaging generators with their weapon. While Chokie breaks pallets/damaging generators by thrashing forward.

Power: Puppy’s Pain

The Entity grants The Puppy the ability to materialize his alter-egos. By holding the Power Button, The Puppy creates a persona of himself, after which they both instantly become invisible for 2 seconds. The Puppy can only have 2 personas on the map at once.

  • The Puppy’s personas cannot interact with Dying Survivors.
  • The personas will roam around the map in random locations, and will chase down any Survivors within its Terror Radius.
  • The personas will immediately performs an action, if able.
  • Effects of the Perks will also affect the personas.
  • Puppy’s Pain have 5 seconds cooldown, and takes 4 seconds charge time for The Puppy to create a persona.
  • The personas will remain on the map for 45 seconds.

The Puppy possesses three different personas, each of them have different powers. The Puppy starts the trial as “Hushie”.


  • Smaller Terror Radius (16 metres).
  • Slower movement speed (110%).
  • Normal lunge.


  • Normal Terror Radius (24 metres).
  • Slower movement speed (105%).
  • Moderately increased lunge.
  • Attack can damage multiple targets, and can break pallets immediately.


  • The Puppy laugh crazily from 32m to 20m, Terror Radius starts from 20m.
  • Normal movement speed (115%).
  • Slightly reduced lunge.

Memento Mori


The Puppy gets on top of the Survivors, and slits their throat, before piercing their head with his scythe.


The Puppy slams his weapon on the Survivors, slicing them in half.


The Puppy gets on top of the Survivor, smashing their head repeatedly with his hammer until they stopped struggling.


Crowded Out (Rare)

Anytime two Survivors are healing on the same Survivor, you will receives a notification and their aura will be revealed to you for 4/5/6 seconds.

“They just want to distract themself from it...” - Joseph Pratt

Unique to The Puppy until Level 30, at which point its Teachable version can then be learned and taught to the other Killers.

A New Friend (Very Rare)

While carrying a Survivor, all other Survivors within 8/12/16 metres will reveal their aura to you.

“A new friend...” - Joseph Pratt

Unique to The Puppy until Level 35, at which point its Teachable version can then be learned and taught to the other Killers.

Betrayed (Very Rare)

You become obsessed to one Survivor.

Breaking pallets or lose a chase does not remove Bloodlust. While chasing the Obsession, you gain Bloodlust 20%/25%/30% faster.

Only one Obsession per trial.

“You know what is inhuman?! People like you!!” - Joseph Pratt

Unique to The Puppy until Level 40, at which point its Teachable version can then be learned and taught to the other Killers.


Chokie’s Corpse (Ultra Rare)

  • Starts the trial as “Chokie”.
  • Moderately increases movement speed.
  • Removes the ability to create a persona.

Hushie’s Corpse (Ultra Rare)

  • Removes the Red Stain.
  • Grants 200% Bloodpoints from Hit Score Event.
  • Removes the ability to create a persona.

Puga’s Corpse (Very Rare)

  • Starts the trial as “Puga”.
  • Slightly increased action speed.
  • Removes the ability to create a persona.

“Hushie” Collar (Very Rare)

  • Reveals the aura of all Survivors within the persona’s Terror Radius.

“Chokie” Collar (Very Rare)

  • Starts the trial as “Chokie”.

House of Friend (Very Rare)

  • Considerably increases the duration of personas.

“Puga” Collar (Rare)

  • Starts the trial as “Puga”.

Friend’s Bowl (Rare)

  • Moderately increases the duration of personas.

Fresh Milk (Rare)

  • Considerably increases Puppy’s Pain charge time.

Warm Blanket (Rare)

  • Considerably increases The Puppy’s and the persona’s movement speed while invisible.

“Hushie’s” Plush Toy (Rare)

  • Considerably increases The Puppy’s and the persona’s invisible duration after creating a persona.

Friend’s Ball (Uncommon)

  • Slightly increases the duration of personas.

Tasty Cookies (Uncommon)

  • Moderately increases Puppy’s Pain charge time.

“Chokie’s” Plush Toy (Uncommon)

  • Moderately increases The Puppy’s and the persona’s invisible duration after creating a persona.

Softy Pillow (Uncommon)

  • Moderately The Puppy’s and the persona’s increases movement speed while invisible.

Joseph’s Bagpack (Uncommon)

  • Slightly increases Puppy’s Pain charge time.
  • Slightly increases the duration of personas.
  • Slightly increases The Puppy’s and the persona’s invisible duration after creating a persona.

“Puga’s” Plush Toy (Common)

  • Slightly increases The Puppy’s and the persona’s invisible duration after creating a persona.

Breadcrumbs (Common)

  • Slightly increases Puppy’s Pain charge time.

Wooden Stick (Common)

  • Receives the notification when a persona hit a Survivor.

Torn Blanket (Common)

  • Slightly increases The Puppy’s and the persona’s movement speed while invisible.

SURVIVOR: Alyssa Garland

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Ethnicity: London

Difficulty: HARD


Alyssa was raised in a town in London. Her father was unable to spend as much time with her as he would have liked, due to his work as senator.

One day, Alyssa fell asleep waiting for her father to come home for her birthday. When he got home, he carried her off to bed and left a present next to her.

The next day, Alyssa opened her present and thanked her father. She wanted to play with her father but was unable to as promised, due to the fact he had to leave for work and wouldn't return for a month. This caused Alyssa to storm off crying that she hated him.

A month later, Alyssa’s father eventually managed to make time to play with her. After being interrupted by his cellphone, he had to leave. Alyssa got upset and starts breaking things in a fury. Her father was injured in the process.

Confused and scared, Alyssa approaches her father and tries to apologize, but is called a monster and told to stay back, causing her to cry. He tries to apologize, but Alyssa is already stung by these words.

4 years later, Alyssa gained entrance to a Boarding School. Her parents hoped someone there could teach her to control her emotions.

On June 16, Alyssa harmed one of the boys at the school, as she hit him with a wooden chair. More incidents followed, causing Alyssa to become feared in the school and not have any friends.

She ran back home one day, only to find her parents living happily without her. As a response, Alyssa turned on her heel and decided to continue living without them, believing that they never needed her or loved her as their only daughter.

It’s been years since Alyssa left. It was her parents, who eventually called the police. The cops said she got lost in the woods and a search party looked for days, but they never found her body.


Ignore (Rare)

Removes the ability to see the aura of the hooked Survivor.

When other Survivor rescues another, the Aura of the Killer will revealed to you for 2/3/4 seconds.

Unique to Alyssa Garland until Level 30, at which point its Teachable version can then be learned and taught to the other Survivors.

Lone Wolf (Very Rare)

Receives an action speed bonus when other Survivors are at least 40/32/24 metres away from you.

  • 1 Survivor: Grants 3%/6%/9% increased speed.
  • 2 Survivors: Grants 4%/8%/12% increased speed.
  • 3 Survivors: Grants 5%/10%/15% increased speed.

Increases your chance to be the Killer's Obsession.

Only one Obsession per trial.

Unique to Alyssa Garland until Level 35, at which point its Teachable version can then be learned and taught to the other Survivors.

I'm a monster! (Very Rare)

Reveals your aura to other Survivors whose within 16 metres of you, and the action speed of other Survivors within 32/24/16 metres of you is reduced by 12%/10%/8%. Otherwise, your action speed is increased by 2%/4%/6%.

Increases your chance to be the Killer's Obsession.

Only one Obsession per trial.

Unique to Alyssa Garland until Level 40, at which point its Teachable version can then be learned and taught to the other Survivors.

REALM: Blue Jay Orphanage

Blue Jay Orphanage was originally used as a slaughterhouse in the early 19th century. Urban legends claim the orpphanage is the site of hauntings, murders, and suicides.

The map has a similar design to the Treatment Theatre map.

The Hall is the main Landmark on the map. It potentially contains a staircase leading to the Basement, a Generator on the ground floor, few Pallets, and potentially has a Hook very close to the generator.

The Hall is a small two-story area in the building with two staircases going up. The ground floor contains several entrances, a generator, and a hook. The second floor contains several Windows and ledges to drop from.

does not have a Killer Shack in it. Instead, the alternative location for the basement to spawn in is the classroom near the Hall.


Thank you for reading through all of this if you did, and if you do have any constructive criticism, suggestions or questions then please feel free to comment, I will be more than happy to read and reply to your thoughts! I have more ideas for future fan-made chapters so please feel free to let me know if you enjoyed it or not!

Post edited by GhostrickSpecter on


  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    I find it hilarious :D

    I don't see much chance of this being picked up by the devs, but so cute and bizarre the same time. I guess the game moved from horror genre to horror comedy though (Ash... meh), so hey? We may just get a puppy for a killer someday ;)

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    First off love the idea behind the ability. I always wanted a killer who has multiple versions of themselves on the map. I'm a bit confused on how the personas work though. Do you control either of them or are they both just AI? Really like how all the personas are different mori and ability wise.

    Crowded Out: Is very weak. I don't think it will activate more than once a game if even.

    A New Friend: That range seems a bit too big, maybe shorten it to 16m.

    Betrayed: Also very strong because you haven't stated how long it takes for the bloodlust to run out. Just stack bloodlust of the first survivor then you have an increased speed for the rest of the game.

    Ignore: Should delay hook notification sound as well.

    Lone Wolf: Leader covers most of this and prove thyself does the same on generators. I don't remember the range of leader sorry.

    I'm A Monster: It should show other survivors your aura when within those metres. If it affects gen speed then gen rushing will be even stronger. Don't really know what to suggest to balance it.

  • GhostrickSpecter
    GhostrickSpecter Member Posts: 460

    @CashelP14 They both were AI. And thank you for your feedbacks~ 😄

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    The AI will have to be really advanced to loop properly 😄 so what will you be doing as they are chasing the survivors

  • GhostrickSpecter
    GhostrickSpecter Member Posts: 460

    You can use the persona to lock-down the Survivors' positioning at certain loops, example: if the persona chased the survivors clockwise, you ran into their face anti-clockwise.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Oh ok. I thought only the personas could attack the survivors but I understand now.