Kinda Wanna Die

I wish I could go to sleep and never wake up....
This is a joke...right?
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@Hoodedfengm1n I hope so, I end up not responding to these threads if I see them because of the simple fear it's fake or a joke. But if this is real get help dude.
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@KillermainBTWm8 I hope it is
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woah there buddy why dont you come to the entitys hangout we have many members who like nothing more than to help you me included. what is the problem? if you dont feel like talking thats fine but if this is how you feel get help. 1-800-273-8255 this is the suicide hotline and they always will help you i speak from experience too you wll not be disappointing dont do anything rash and get help trust me i know.
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Talking won't change the fact that everything drags me down 24/7
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@MeatN2Vedge Calm down my friend, call the number @friendlykillermain has and discuss with them about your issues, like the dbd motto, "Death is not an escape"
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youd be suprised how much it helps i was in the same position as you but i called the hotline and had one of the best conversations ive ever had it really made me feel appreciated it really does help
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I find it hard to feel sorry for people like this because they’re either doing it for attention or don’t listen when they are told to get some help.
We get it, you feel depressed and want someone to acknowledge it, but in the mean time if we’re gonna waste our time telling you to get some help, then you best get some damn help.
Otherwise, you’re just doing it for attention.
@Peanits or @MandyTalk can one of you lock this before it gets out of hand, and direct this guy to some kind of therapist hotline or something?
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i already gave him the suicide hotline i do agree with you. people like this who refuse to get help are a different kind me i got help and it was great it actually helped and i wish everyone who did suffer had the strength to do so
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A conversation might make me forget for a moment but everything wrong will be right around the corner.
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not if you get help if a conversation isnt what you need then check yourself into a treatment center there are plenty of people who do want to help you dont ever forget that
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Psychiatrist would help you better than us. Words can't help you if you have severe depression.
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Therapy won't change the fact the world is literally dying and there's nothing we as a species can do about it but go extinct.
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You try to help someone and they don’t listen, that’s how this generation is.
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youd be surprised actually how much listening actually helps every little piece helps
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You need to seek help which nobody can provide you on this forum.
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I refuse to take their drugs. I'd rather deal with depression than willfully surrender my humanity.
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preach when i was growing up there was a much heavier stigma for any mental illness and i have autism and depression people just need to swallow their pride and get the help they so desperately need
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When you feel better you see the world differently. Medication can help you to feel better.
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i do agree medicine doesn't help in all cases but you should still get treatment you dont have to take their medicine but a stay at a center will really help you
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So my options are take their drugs, or let them lock me away? ######### that