totem spawn is 100% fixed

pretty good job so far
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It is called hiding in plain sight. Working as intended.
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That's actually not bad, a totem placement was in a large open space on that map, I don't think anyone cleansed it as it wasn't ruin, the huntress had devour hope and just slaughtered everyone, I couldn't find the totem, asked where it was the she sent a image of it...
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@WatchBloodRain I believe its sarcasm
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@Drazen not joking I guess they thought it might of been lullaby so no one cleaned it, I checked the usual spots but just had no idea a totem spawned in such a opened area, there wasn't even a rock in the way, it was quite the embarrassing death for me though
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They say well we don't want survivors run and find them just put them close to a gen and with open space
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@WatchBloodRain its beside gen and in full open space there was no grass covering it u can easily see it from other corner of map
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I made a suggestion on how this can be fixed, but I'd appreciate some opinions:
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I'd take that placement spawn.
Mine usually spawn where you're standing....on the hill, like a beacon of light just calling out to survivors who are drawn to it like little mosquitoes in the night. From the furthermost reaches of the map, survivors come to my Hex: Lighthouse totem! They point, I laugh, we cry...good times had by all.
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High risk high reward. This can happen, but it doesn't happen frequently enough that I would say it needs to be removed. It is just a risk you take when running a hex perk. I haven't seen a totem spawn like this in a very long time.
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It is most definitely not a must.
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I'll do a little montage video for you. 10 matches wherein a hex totem is destroyed within the first 2 minutes.
The problem, honestly was when the devs decided to announce to the survivors that there was the presence of a hex totem. Before this change was introduced, hex totems stood a chance, and enjoyed a brief period of usefulness. I want to say this was sometime around Oct. 2017. Now, survivors load in and as soon as they see there is a hex totem, it's a 4 vs 1, and when I say 4 vs 1....I don't mean survivors vs killer, I mean 4 survivors vs. 1 totem. Stationary, visible, no skill checks...completely worthless. Oh, and with the size of some of these map, and the limited mobility of some killers....if you don't think this is an issue, you're not paying attention.
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I'm only at rank 9, but I never use yeah, I mean if you're talking the top 5 maybe. Not sure how far I'll get using NC, NOED (because I don't use ruin), Lightborn, and BBQ.
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100% Fixed totem spawn looks good to me lol.
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If the totem was up for 2 minutes, then it has done it's job has it not?
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I reached rank 1 killer a few months ago, without using Ruin.
I play both sides, but I just get bored with killer, so I don't play killer unless I am desperate for some bloodpoints.
Currently rank 10 in both survivor and killer.
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Considering it only takes one survivor to destroy and gens can take only 5 minutes....I guess that depends on your objective. I don't think it's worth it...which is why I don't run it.
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I don't think it is worth it either. But some do I guess? Some would rather run the risk of it breaking within 2 minutes than not run it at all.
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Yesterday as survivor I spawned in front of the killers ruin twice, first on torment creek, and the other on the game.
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I had a totem literally spawn behind a generator, no joke, on temple of impregnation I had a totem spawn behind a long bush, on the other side was a generator
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I played a match last night on the swamp, where you can actually get some decent spawn points. I was a survivor, and the totem actually did spawn in a nice spot that would have been difficult to find for most survivors.
Problem was it spawned me right by it so I ran for like two seconds and looked to my right and there it was.
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As a survivor main, the totem spawns are way better than they used to be. I have to run small game just to be able to find them all nowadays. Yeah there's the occasional spawn that sucks ass but for they've improved a lot. This is an example of one that sucks ass.
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@AceChadscoti yes I agree they are improved but what in the world that spawn is it shouldnt even exist
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Are u wadicus_prime88?
Because it wasn't in open space. It was inside one of those little side walls.
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When I am a survivor, all four of us search for totems and either die of escape without finding them.
When I am killer, they are in wide open spaces like a flashing neon sign you can see for miles.
I'm a hag main, so I trap my totems. When a round starts, I immediately run to my totem to trap it.
4/5 times it is destroyed before I get there. Like they spawn players next to my totem deliberately. Lit totems need to be hidden better.
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i'm more concerned with that DC
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@Jimsalabim lol they are pretty common im getting 4 dcs alot 1 guys dc and other dc too 1 by one bcz they got outplayed