Please don't change MoM

It's a perk that requires you to work for it in order to pay off by getting hit at least three times before it activates and when you pull it off it feels super satisfying.

but that's only when it works, half the time the perk is a wasted slot because M2 killers can pretty much deny it. It's one of the most situational perks I've ever used.



  • Incurable_BOFA
    Incurable_BOFA Member Posts: 105

    Surely they need to initiate some kind of chase to get hit three times, be it through one chase or maybe three separate chases. Point is at some point in the game they would have to not be doing gens and get chased instead and if they escaped a chase and managed to heal then surely that means they did something right to gain that stack towards the perk

  • Incurable_BOFA
    Incurable_BOFA Member Posts: 105

    But what about the part where they get downed and hooked? You're already a hook down in most cases before the perks even activated.

    This is why i also don't understand how people can call it DS 2.0

  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072

    You can take hit by body block and yes this work on M2 killers too

  • Incurable_BOFA
    Incurable_BOFA Member Posts: 105

    Okay but when does anyone ever bodyblock? Either when they're trying to save there friend or as they escape toward the exit gate? If you're farming hits by bodyblocking the hook that makes you vulnerable whether or not it was a successful block or not

  • Incurable_BOFA
    Incurable_BOFA Member Posts: 105

    I'm just saying it doesn't exactly put the killer in a super terrible situation like DS would, where they would work for that chase and ultimately lose it all, at least with this perk the killer can hook the survivor, that just means pressure on the team and less gens being worked on

  • Incurable_BOFA
    Incurable_BOFA Member Posts: 105

    That doesn't bring anything to the discussion at all. If the survivor was afk and using it then of course they're going to get the stacks to use it, but then it will also be useless because they're afk

  • Incurable_BOFA
    Incurable_BOFA Member Posts: 105

    Because in any real situation of the game it does require you to work for it, you would get just as much benefit as the killer if that survivor was standing still and letting you hook them twice before their perk becomes effective.

    That benefit is hardly game changing when you're already two hooks down and probably injured with MoM

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    I seem to be one of the few killer players who don't mind MoM. It isn't really anything too bad unless you are in end game. It can get annoying if you are on a time crutch, but honestly I don't care about it.

  • PeepingPeacock
    PeepingPeacock Member Posts: 354

    How useful you consider that usage to be is irrelevant, you claimed that MOM requires work/effort to achieve. I have shown it does not.

    This isn't deliverance or pharmacy. There is nothing involved in getting hit 3 times.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    I want it changed to only getting stacks via body block hits.

    Counterplay and great reward.

  • Incurable_BOFA
    Incurable_BOFA Member Posts: 105

    Actually, I claimed this:

    "It's a perk that requires you to work for it in order to pay off by getting hit at least three times before it activates "

    Standing still and waiting for it to activate after being downed and hooked twice will obviously let you easily achieve the perk, that doesn't mean it will pay off for the survivor, if anything that will just put the game in the killers favour. Because having a survivor stand around waiting for one perk to work means less gens being done, less work for the killer to do and more pressure on survivors.

    "There is nothing involved in getting hit three times"

    How can you even claim that to be real? Does every survivor in your game just stand still? Of course there's something involved in that, there has to be AT LEAST one chase there.

    Similar to how you claimed there's something involved with Deliverance, whereby it requires you to be altruistic (once), MoM requires you to be chased (at least once, excluding the possibility of M2 killers who wouldn't even know you had MoM until they check the stats after the match)

    Also shown what exactly? All you've shown is your claim that survivors need to stand still to get an EZ crutch which ultimately becomes redundant

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @Incurable_BOFA Okay okay wait a second here.

    He's not saying "Meh i will just stand around to activated it". It's just so easy to get it to activate on M1 Killers.

    And killers problem with this perk is that this perk Prolongs the chase more than they thinked it would last

  • Tondamiao
    Tondamiao Member Posts: 14

    While a free hit sounds amazing as a survivor, the way it is activated requires the opposite of good play (getting hit 3 times).

    It could be changed to something similar to stakeout; 2:30 minutes of being chased activates it, and/or 6 minutes of terror radius time via stealth activates it.

    Then the aura component should be changed to reward smart play, discourage stupid plays. If MOM has not been consumed, healing up should not reveal aura. However, once the free hit has been used up, healing up should reveal aura at all times even after getting downed regardless of distance.

  • Incurable_BOFA
    Incurable_BOFA Member Posts: 105

    I never understood this argument; making a survivor perk in the form of a killer or vice versa will almost NEVER make sense because they are two different classes with two completely different objectives.

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    MoM is fine honestly. Haven't had an issue with it yet

  • Incurable_BOFA
    Incurable_BOFA Member Posts: 105

    But now we're going way off the original topic because its more complicated than "Killers have an objective and Survivors have an objective, therefore this perk has to work as a two way street or not at all". The way killers and survivors go about those two very different objectives can effect how a perk works.

    Besides, your perk suggests that considering they reach at least 1 gen left then every game a killer will always get guaranteed 4 insta-downs when in reality Mettle of Man will never work every time because M2 killers exist, therefore making it a very situational perk.

  • ShyN3ko
    ShyN3ko Member Posts: 1,616

    Trapper: M1

    Wraith: M1

    Hillibilly: M1 + M2

    Nurse: M1

    Shape: M1

    Hag: M1

    Doctor: M1

    Huntress: M1 + M2

    Leatherface: M1 + M2

    Freddy: M1

    Pig: M1

    Spirit: M1

    Legion: M1 + (M2)

    Plague: M1 + (M2)

    "....making it a very situational perk."

    PS: You can counter Mettle of Killer with the 99% gen tactic

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    There just no need to change MoM. Let those killer mains complain about. No one cares, cause they complain about everything.

  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072

    So i guess when all those killer main leave the game YOU will play killer to fill the gaps right?

  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072

    You see is not the MOM only is what you can do with MOM + another strong perk like DH or DS. Think like that what if killers get a perk that gives them + 6% move speed and protects NOED for up to 1 minute if you don't destroy it before or replace it in case you lose it, OP right. That what is MOM it's a strong perk that can be OP with others.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @MegsAreEvil Survivor main. Still think MoM is kinda stupid

  • Cali
    Cali Member Posts: 108

    Well you gotta hook survivors so you have to work for it!!!!

  • Cali
    Cali Member Posts: 108

    Pretty sure I saw you defending MoM like your life depended on it in other threads. Hello fellow killer mains!

  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072

    @calibratingturian why his ban ?

  • MistressChara
    MistressChara Member Posts: 112
    edited April 2019

    Mettle of Man is problematic because the activation conditions are basically guarenteed to happen during normal gameplay no matter what. I think the perk itself is fine but the activation conditions should force you to go out of your way to activate it.

    PWYF is a great example of a very powerful perk with stringent activation conditions (though I think they are too harsh, so maybe slightly less stringent ones for MoM)

    As it stands after I hook my obsession once I dont even go after them anymore due to Mettle of Man, which is very similar to what happened with DS which is why people are calling it DS 2.0.

  • vampire_toothy
    vampire_toothy Member Posts: 381

    Here's the thing about MoM. The idea of being able to take an extra hit is actually fine as I think it's a good idea to utilize the endurance effect more like other effects such as broken, the problem is that it's way too easy to activate and punishes the killer for doing their job rather than rewarding the survivor for playing the game right.

    The reason why old DS was so hated was because the killer would win the chase and down the survivor only to be "outplayed" by a perk that there was no guaranteed counterplay for and only one perk that could help out which was enduring. The survivor would be rewarded for misplaying all while the killer could generally only watch as they lose their pressure. The concept wasn't the problem, it was the requirements to activate the perk that was which got fixed with the new DS rework.

    The reason why MoM is so hated is because you get hit 3 times in order to activate it which is the exact opposite of what you should want in a match, you should never be rewarded for failing to play the game. You didn't do anything special in your match to actually deserve to get an extra hit, you didn't save your teammate under risky circumstances, get tunneled or do something so wild that you're rewarded with a second chance, you failed to play the game 3 times in order to activate it. MoM does exactly what DS did by taking away the pressure the killer would originally get and also give the survivor distance. Stack that perk 4 times? Hell, stack that perk with any other super powerful perks like deliverance or adrenaline or even an insta healer? No sane killer is going to want to deal with that.

    (To clarify, I don't have a problem with adrenaline or deliverance)

    This is why nobody likes MoM, it's a second chance that takes away from killers who do their job right and rewards the survivor for failing which means that the killer loses pressure just like they did with DS rather than take the opportunity to make the perk have harsher circumstances to activate so you're truly getting a good reward for doing something right in the game.

  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072

    Survivors are just a skins killers tho have diffrent play styel. Now i know when you play the game in order to win you will use every good perk you have but ALL of the killers perks have same counterplay MOM does not. BBQ hide in the locer or use any of the other 7 ways to counter, ruin work thought it or go and find it nurse just hide and you ok . MOM play 4 killer only or use Ultra rare add-ons EVERY game.

  • Foxthattellsnolies
    Foxthattellsnolies Member Posts: 3

    I've said it before and I'll say it again. This perk is the new decisive in everything but name. You get destroyed by 3 hits and it activates. Combine this with instaheal, and if you're not a nurse or billy you will be tearing your eyeballs out.

    Not to mention instaheals along with it. Demonstrated below from the PTB as nurse

  • GucciUwU
    GucciUwU Member Posts: 18

    How many one shot perks, one shot add-ons and one shot killer abilities do you guys need?

  • GucciUwU
    GucciUwU Member Posts: 18

    Since early 2018 until now /EVERY/ survivor meta perks have been nerfed, stop crying and play the damn game.

  • vampire_toothy
    vampire_toothy Member Posts: 381

    Actually you're wrong as you still have great perks that to my knowledge haven't been nerfed.

    Let's go down the list.

    • Borrowed Time - This perk actually received buffs with Legion's release and is getting another one with the mid-chapter patch due to the changes to deep wounds.
    • Balanced Landing - This perk got a buff where the passive stagger reduction is always active.
    • Deliverance - A great perk that I don't think people even complain about or use that often surprisingly. Infact, this is my favorite perk to use when I play as survivor.
    • Adrenaline - This perk actually received a buff where it no longer requires you to not be exhausted and is extremely meta right now.
    • Lithe - This perk got a buff to no longer have the chase requirement.
    • Unbreakable - To my knowledge this perk has not been nerfed.
    • Breakdown - Alright, this isn't meta but people heavily underestimate how useful this perk is.
    • Distortion - A perk that is currently fine and offered a direct counter to perks survivors heavily complained about like BBQ and Nurses Calling.
    • Decisive Strike - In my opinion the changes to DS was neither a buff or a nerf but instead was a rework to maintain the power it did but under a very fair circumstance.

    Keep in mind that you also have plenty of other perks that received QoL changes to improve their tier 1 & 2 versions, direct buffs to other perks like Alert & Ace in the Hole and also mind you that both sides in the game have been getting QoL not by the means of perks but by slight mechanic changes.

    You still have great perks, you just take them for granted and it seems to me like you refuse to try any of the perks out. Give some other perks a try and find something you like because not everything was nerfed like you claim it was.

  • GucciUwU
    GucciUwU Member Posts: 18

    BT: First perk that has been nerfed in 2k18, both the rescuer and the hooked were protected by the Deep Wound status effect, I agree that old borrowed time was broken back then.

    Balanced Landing: They nerfed it during the exhaustion change, along with Lithe and any other exhaustion perk.

    Breakdown: Not meta and kinda useless on top of that.

    Distortion: Decent perk, definitely not meta.

    DS: It was a meta perk before, now it's situationnal. Don't get me wrong it's still a good perk but you're lying to yourself if you say it hasn't been nerfed, it's not as strong as before.

    Deliverance: Situationnal too, not a strong perk if you're playing solo survivor.

    Unbreakable and Adrenaline are the only perks in your list that haven't been changed yet.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I haven’t had much problem with MoM yet. In my survivor games it rarely activated when I used it.

  • vampire_toothy
    vampire_toothy Member Posts: 381

    Regarding BT, yeah I made a mistake, for some reason I thought that change was in late 2017. That being said it has since then also received some buffs as well and is also unlimited use though I will agree it's nothing like the first version of the perk.

    To clarify though, although the exhaustion nerf happened that was only to avoid allowing the perks to activate more than once per chase. Balanced Landing however did receive a buff to its secondary function which allowed you to use the stagger reduction even while exhausted and on the other hand. Ontop of this there is still the fact that Lithe no longer requires being in a chase for it to work which is great for the perk so they still did receive buffs at the time of the exhaustion nerf for BL and after for lithe.

    With that being said, I'm aware I brought up perks that weren't meta and that's because whether or not a perk is meta doesn't determine if it's good or not, instead I took the opportunity to say that there are still a lot of perks that are good for survivors and many other perks that have been given direct buffs to make more of them useful.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    I would also add Iron Will to that list!

    And maybe Dead Hard

  • MystiKasT
    MystiKasT Member Posts: 289

    Mom is overpowered and needs to be changed. I played wraith a lot and that perk is ######### strong against him

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    MoM takes effort to use?! Lmao don't make me laugh! Maybe to use it to it's full potential but activating the perk needs zero skill.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    Controversial thread but I wont' say much besides don't feel bad about how many downvotes you got for having an opinion.

    On this thread, no one cares about how you feel if they don't like it.