Crossplay question in the survey

Kalec84 Member Posts: 495
edited May 2019 in General Discussions

Did anyone voted against it?

Also, devs, you asked our opinion "just to ask" or is there something coming...?


  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    I voted against it mostly because there's definitely ability gaps between people bound to a controller and people with access to mouse and keyboard

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,816

    I think they want input on what they should prioritize. I'm assuming everything they suggested is a possibility they're considering and partially based on feedback they'll decide when to start working on what (if ever).

    I voted that I'd be very interested in it but they need to close the performance gap between PC and console further first.

  • CaptainCastle
    CaptainCastle Member Posts: 536

    I'm nervous because console is such a ######### show we'd be at a disadvantage vs pc players

  • Fres0c0
    Fres0c0 Member Posts: 115

    Considering that the game isn't a shooter both side would play the same unless it's huntress or nurse but that's it other than that nothing changes so cross platform has only those 2 downsides and if they add mouse and keyboard support to console then there is no down side anyone can use keyboard anyone can use controller

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev Posts: 7,555

    All of the survey questions are purely to gauge interest. We want to see what you think about them before we start working on any of them.

  • foxboxunionttv
    foxboxunionttv Member Posts: 48

    I voted against it, its a terrible idea to put a pc player vs a console player as the time frame between mouse inputs and controller are huge plus frame rate differences.

  • xChrisx
    xChrisx Member Posts: 917

    I voted in favor, console players are potato for me on pc, and as killer will be an ez pz

  • BlackReaper
    BlackReaper Member Posts: 134

    I think the pc community is big enough to be isolated, but between consoles would be a great success, I do not know much about it but I understand that the queues in console are really bad, and its main reason is the shortage of population, when the dedicated servers arrive, the queues will improve a lot because the matchmaking does not need to match according to the geolocation. Even so, it would be much better with crossplay.

  • CallMeSpidey
    CallMeSpidey Member Posts: 625

    I voted for it. Cross platform meaning, Switch, XBox and PS4.

    Dead by Daylight in PC gaming is far superior in terms with FPS, and mobility that would wreck console players.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    We should have the choice of it. I think fortnite allows you to choose whether you want to play against other platforms or not.

    I have a few friends on PC that I would love to play with. But yea it would be a lot more difficult to compete against them.

  • Alfred
    Alfred Member Posts: 272

    144 fps mouse + keyboard nurse vs 30-60fps controller survivors.

  • drunky26
    drunky26 Member Posts: 686
    edited May 2019

    I voted against.

    I really don't want to play against console killers, they're gonna have an even harder time catching survivors that use kb/m. It's not a good idea if you ask me.

  • RockRage8962
    RockRage8962 Member Posts: 46

    I doubt Crossplay would be allowed between console and PC. Case in point? Bill Overbeck. He's PC exclusive, and on top of that, all of his teachables are neutral perks in the console versions, meaning there would be more issues than it would be worth.

    I believe the devs wanted him playable in the console versions, but for one reason or another, it was disallowed, and led to the situation with console players we have today.

  • bradys44
    bradys44 Member Posts: 105

    I think because of the skill gap that PS4 & XB1 should crossplay. Sorry PC players but you're way better than us and I'm not trying to hate the game.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,558

    y'all know you can plug your M+KB into the PS4, right? what in tarnation is your logic?

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Regardless of what we want, it won't happen. Sony is notorious for not allowing crossplay, and you can't have crossplay between just 3 of 4 platforms. It would be all or nothing.

  • Kalec84
    Kalec84 Member Posts: 495

    They just can fix fps and add key/mouse option in console, also just make it optional for console owners (since all devs across many games are saying it is basically one line of code...)

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    You can plug them in, but the game has to have functionality support built into it or they won't work.

  • Jonathanskilz
    Jonathanskilz Member Posts: 403

    imagine if console could play with PC holly molly that would be so bad for console id feel so bad for them

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    I don't want to play with console scrubs... PC MASTERRACE!

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    U as player would have an option to enable it like an other game with Crossplay support. U are kinda throwing stones into the way of people who really want this.

    Also, aren't the console players talking all time "console is competitive aswell and with practice better than pc players?"

    Furthermore, it's just a matter of time (probably with the next gen consoles) that mouse and keyboard will be supported on consoles. Microsoft is already trying the first attempts with exclusive hardware to play with m and k.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    Calm down buddy. This isn't call of duty, counter strike or any other high fps shooter game. This is DbD. The delay of wireless controller input is absolutely insignificant.

    Only professional e Sport players need these differences.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    You wouldn't be forced!!!

    Why is everyone assuming that Crossplay ability is automatically forcing console players to play against pc players?? You would have an option turn it on or off. And probably at one point u would wish to have this option activated to play with friends on other platforms. Or at least at the end of DbD's life, when the community shrinks down more and more.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    There is a difference between having access of an character and just showing a character.

    Also, you could put a requirement for pc players: wanna play with/against console players? Bill not allowed to pick.


  • T0xicTyler
    T0xicTyler Member Posts: 504

    I don't particularly care either way if they add cross-play or not but if they want the Switch version to sell, one great way to do that would be to at least allow us to use one Dead by Daylight account that holds all of our progression so us PC players could also play on the go.

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    It should be separated from console and pC. That's fine.

    I wouldn't want to embarass any elitist on PC anyways... ;)

    I would be cool with a Xbox/PS4 crossplay. That makes sense. If not, that's okay too.