Bubba needs a rework more than Legion and Freddy.

I know i will get heat for this, as survivor mains hate Legion as much as many Killers hate Freddy, but i believe both Killers don't need as much attention as he does.
Freddy is decent in the right hands, Legion can be countered by splitting up, and moonwalking takes longer than many Killers can take you down the old fashioned way (still cheap but not overwhelmingly OP).
Bubba has a whole host of issues:
-He can be buffed as much as you want, he will stay an inferior version of Billy.
-He only has very few addons, everything else is useless or broken.
- He lacks versatility, he is very predictable and therefore easy to counter, also quite boring and unimaginative.
- He is weak in many aspects.
Please consider reworking LF with a higher priority than Freddy. He needs all the help in the world.
he will be reworked dont worry but they need some time most probably it will take around by the end of 2030
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Leatherface main here (been maining him for a total of about 1 year).
In my opinion he needs a slight buff to his movement speed "while revving his chainsaw" and "during his chainsaw attack" but that's about it. Other than that he's fine in my book.
EDIT: Leatherface's chilli addons need to be fixed/buffed/reworked, too. Right now they have no impact on the game whatsoever except for the negatively long stun duration of award winning chilli.
Post edited by Yamaoka on8 -
They should make his chainsaw not able to be countered by running around something while hugging the edges.
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I agree. I actually think Freddy is fine for the most part - he only needs qol buffs that don’t make his weaknesses feel so exploitive (aka “I’m right here you fools, run! And f your adrenaline!”)
Legion is hard to tell since I don’t have access to the ptb, but again qol changes like making sure frenzy doesn’t go away when stunned when NOT using it.
But god yes, Bubba is definitely the second weakest killer after Plague (and it’s only because he has an instant down and hook pressure in spades; plus he has bbq) and he needs something.
Tbh he should be the one with no stun or mobility slow down when using his saw, not Billy.
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I like leather face as he is right now and don't feel like he needs a change
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@pemberley but plague isn't even close to being the worst Killer. She has tracking, a pseudoinstadown and a surprising amount of map pressure. And that's even without getting into corrupt purge.
She's not the best or anything. But she's certainly better than most Killers.
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I find Leatherface to be surprisingly good, at least on the PS4. I get consistent 3-4ks with him. I think it depends on which killer gels with your mindset and play style.
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Now its time to rework freddy and then the nurse, maybe the next year will be the next
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Don't rework buba, or else he will become second update legions
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On paper, she looks decent. However in actual gameplay those elements only come to fruition through luck and investing in numerous expensive add ons. She could have strong tracking and map pressure but it’s nullified by survivors’ lack of fear of her power, how they instantly benefit from it, and her power having a time limit that slows her down to boot. Her pseudodown either requires really expensive add rare add ons or a lot of time without los blocks - neither beneficial to her as a functioning killer tbh.
She’s almost there, but she lacks too much and because of that, she’s square at the bottom with Bubba.
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This is a list of the variables coming to mind that could be used to adjust Bubba because theyre in his addons
- Cast time
- Movement speed penalty
- Starting speed?
- Acceleration
- Maximum speed
- Duration
- Attack count and interval
- The Tantrum (penalties)
- Cooldown (time it attacks to put away the saw)
Its rather easy to buff or nerf him by just changing a few of these variables a lot, or all of them for a small amount.
Another thing worth noting is the casting mechanism, the killer player has to hold M2 longer than needed because they could let go to early resulting in the ability being canceled. It could be streamlined to work like HB's.
His addons definitely need to be looked at.
I will not go deep into this possible rework as we all can see what happened to legion, but If they were to remove the instant down and make it normal attack (or som thing like the old frenzy) with possibly less hitsprint for survivors, they could theoretically increase the attacks per seconds, casting speed etc while still giving some "needed" counterplay to survivors and differentiating bubas saw from Hillbilly a bit more
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I don't think he needs a rework, just a speed improvement, his speed while revving needs a bit of a buff with his chainsaw speed, and a little longer reach, they could do that and then extend his tantrum, he is only good right now with green add ons.
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People who think LF is good as it is never played him enough in red ranks. Period.
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They could at least fix his damn add ons
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Another add, you wanna survive a Leatherface from a killer main perspective? Run your corners and drop pallets, canceling his his chainsaw and getting some space, he just needs more threat, experienced Survivors will have no issue with you until you M1, which then they know you gave up.
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i made a thread about some ideas on this matter:
@ChesterTheMolester what do you think?
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Cannibal could definitely use some love, but he definitely doesn't need one more than Freddy.
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He just needs a couple more add ons. Ultras especially. He needs one ultra rare that gives him no bumping phase. So if he hits something it's a instant recovery.
The other could be slightly increases charge time but makes his saw last slightly longer? Id on't know.
I just use him as a basement build. As it's kinda like rping.
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I really like the reset idea as he was meant to get multiple hits, other than that i think he actually needs a secondary power.
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Bubba needs to be locked so players cannot play him until they do hes rework similar way of ormond map
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I don't think he needs an entire rework. A couple of qol changes would do the job. If they buffed his movement speed while charging his chainsaw, and gave him a speed burst while using his saw (maybe 125% movement speed) I think those two changes would help alot.