Adept persons

I know these are pretty straight forward, but did you enjoy playing as certain survivors over others while going after the adept achievements?
I have all dlc except for ash & jane. Just curious. Thinking either quentin or tapp next. Thx
Some perks just don't really suit my playstyle so I didn't really enjoy playing with every survivor for the adept achievements. But I still did it.. just for a virtual badge :P
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One time I got to make use of wake up during adept quentin its nice when a niche perk works out but otherwiseits kinda sad how the survivours perks all look the same as you rank up. Adrenaline, exhaution perk, self care and MoM/ds/bt.
You see it with killers too but at least a killers build will vary killer to killer.
Point im getting at is it would be nice to see some of these weaker perks get buffs and tone down some of the stronger perks so we would actually start seeing a meta shift.
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Hmm.. ya or maybe once a round, a random survivor is chosen and one perk they learned from another is replaced with one of their 3 class based perks.
Like a claudette could have their borrowed time randomly replaced with botany knowledge haha.
The roulette aspect would make loading in more interesting. Doubt it would often change the match tho.
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Some characters are easier to play adept than others. Depends on how useful their most useful perk is, if they have a possibility to see auras or to heal, and so on. I've seen a lot of people doing the challenge where they only play their characters adept. I haven't tried the challenge myself, though, so I don't know if I'd have a preference to certain characters over others.
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I really didn't like playing as Quentin, as his perks aren't very useful in terms of getting through the match. The only good one is Pharmacy, and even then, it's pretty sub-par.
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I don't find achievements appealing in this game. Too much luck involved.
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I use at least one or two of their original perks. Then the other two are usually Borrowed Time and Spine Chill. The only one that i didn't like was David with No Mither and i dont have Tapp, Quinton, Ash or Adam to say for them.
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I really enjoy the survivor adept challenges. But the Laurie one was brutal and I played the entire games facing perimeter walls so that Object of Obsession didn't kick in. The first time I nearly escaped, the Killer DCd while I was a second away from opening the gate. I was gutted.
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I failed SO many times getting Ace and Kate.
I actually got Adept David first try due to the Myers I was facing being super nice.
Back to the topic, some of them were massive pains (Ace and Kate) while others went by super easy (David). The difficult ones I enjoyed significantly less, but overall I enjoyed it.
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Adept David, what a misery.
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Adept for Surviors is a joke compared what you have to do for adept killers.
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Very true bender.
@Judith I think that's why im enjoying it so far. I'm a borderline crap survivor and the high % of disaster i find.. engaging.
I got adept quentin on the first go the other night. It was against a r17 plague. Thankfully she was struggling a bit, so i got to practice loops. He really does look like he has a drug problem tho.
Happy to report quentin's perks did in fact aid in my escape! (+5% opening gates!).
Interesting that some say david is hard and others say easiest. I may try him, ace or laurie next.