Lets Talk About "Head On"

Cecaelia Member Posts: 79
edited May 2019 in General Discussions

I love this perk, it's so fun to use but it carries a few crippling risks that make this perk pretty bottom tier in the list of exhaustion perks.

  • The hitboxes
  • The locker vacuum for killers
  • The way the game prioritizes HO vs The Killer

I'm going to go ahead and start with hitboxes. I'll upload some soundless clips of the footage I took last night, but the hitbox on Head On is so dangerously inconsistent. Sometimes I can hit a killer that's standing way right of the locker, nowhere near it, and stun them, and then other times I cannot even stun the killer that is standing point black in front of the locker. This alone takes the perk from being pretty fun and nifty to being such a self harming disaster to use.

Next point is the locker vacuum for killers wasn't really looked at. They stand next to the locker press space bar, and then teleport in front of it and open it. Please fix this so Head on is more fair/balanced in these types of situations.

And the last point is the priority between the killer opening the locker and head on is wonky as heck. You can charge out of the locker with head on, but if the killer swings anytime during the charge out animation they grab you instead of being stunned by the perk.

Post edited by Cecaelia on


  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    I love this perk and I know many are put off by it's unreliability but it is great to know that lockers are a viable option now. Killers generally don't check lockers unless they see scratch marks leading up to them and they don't expect people to be running the perk.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    I wish I could get Head On for Dwight though (for obvious reasons). I just can't justify the bloodpoint spend.

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,580

    @JawsIsTheNextKiller mean for this reason?

  • jus_Ignant
    jus_Ignant Member Posts: 124

    I specifically have it for Dwight! but as was said it being so wonky at times is frustrating.

    I've had it work with the killer standing in front of the locker and had it not work with the killer standing in the same spot that stunned another killer previously.

    I still love the idea and hope it gets worked out at some point.

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    @Peanits Will this issues ever be adressed?

  • Cecaelia
    Cecaelia Member Posts: 79

    Okay, only could find two clips from my play session, I think I gave up after the huntress one lol

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I think it should still keep the exhaustion. The rest is fine.

  • BillSimmons
    BillSimmons Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 74

    I'm with Treeman on this one, the exhaustion balances it well. But I think taking the skill out of it with the automatic stun on a locker search isn't the direction I'd like to see the perk go.

    Right now it's a gamble not only if it works or not, but also if it doesn't work and the killer grabs you. Survivors have few perks that allow you to show off your timing skill Dead Hard, Head On (when it works), Sprint Burst (when you force the killer to whif a swing), etc. I'd like to keep the perk in that timing skill area, rather than wait in a locker forever until the killer searches.

  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433

    I like the change.

    Make that the cooldown be affected by vigil

  • Cecaelia
    Cecaelia Member Posts: 79

    I used it a few times last night too, and the killers swing/grab would over ride me trying to pop out of the locker and if you do it while they are approaching it magically doesn't hit them. Devs please, fix the hitboxes on this perk if you want it to be an exhaustion perk or make it like Dance With Me; and just a perk cooldown.

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    Would making the perk cooldown be bad. Like, after it works it can't work again for 60/80/100 and no exhaustion.

  • Cecaelia
    Cecaelia Member Posts: 79

    And seeing that it doesn't work a majority of the time, it would allow everyone to take an actual sprint/exhaustion perk instead of hoping that the hitbox works once in a full blue moooon. :c

  • SlinkyJinky
    SlinkyJinky Member Posts: 371

    Imagine if Head On actually worked, a perk that on paper should be fairly good in a fair and balanced way. I mean it'd be chaos! we'd have threads popping up everywhere saying how OP it was and how it needs to be nerfed!

    Make Head On Great Again Work Reliably

    Thank you 😁

  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    Let's make lockers great again! Also, how do people get to lockers so quickly to save people with head-on so quickly though? XD

  • Cecaelia
    Cecaelia Member Posts: 79