Finding keys that will open the hatch.

Is there something in game that affects this? Not perks, not bringing one already. Not even luck offerings. The following feels like it should be rare but no this is pretty common for me now. I probably have more people escape me using found keys rather than ones they brought.
There is possibly no crappier feeling as a killer than to have a hard fought match against survivors. Only to slowly turn the tide in your favor because a combination of them screwing up and me pushing them has created a situation where they need 2 gens and all 4 of the remaining gens are very close together. 2 people are dead. There only chance to both escape is to team the gen and risk facing me. This is the least likely scenario that happens. Usually one gets tired and tries doing the gen and I will eventually down them while the other lets them die and goes to the hatch. By FAR the worst thing that happens is when you randomly see the hatch icon and both remaining survivors escape. Was fully prepared for one of them to get the hatch. This guy rubs me the wrong way. What I did gets OVERRIDDEN by rng and you get free wins.
The game literally saying HERE even though you got outplayed and outworked. HERES A FREE ESCAPE!. Wouldn't it be interesting if a killer could find something and POOF you now need FOUR generators to power the gates instead of 2.
Plunderer's itself nearly guarantees a key. I have been using Plunderer's a lot recently, and I believe I've gotten a key every single match. It's too bad, though, because what I really want are flashlights. Ace in the Hole is pretty much useless btw; I never run it; I feel like I get worse stuff if I do.
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@Saint_Ukraine I feel the same, most times if I don't have pharmacy on a character and I run plunderers tier 3 it's like I want a good med kit not a key. It's okay in niche situations but getting them constantly with only tier 3 plunderers and no luck addons is a little extreme.
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@Kiskashi Yeah. When I do get a flashlight, it's usually never purple.
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@Saint_Ukraine We should trade luck, every time I want a med kit I get a purple flashlight 😂 Literally every time, I can almost guarantee I get a green or purple flashlight, it's like key/flashlight, toolbox, med kit in order of looting for me at tier 3 plunderers.
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@Saint_Ukraine @Kiskashi I have 6 skeleton keys and 6 rainbow maps from the past 12 matches I've played. I friggin love plunderers. Only when I'm not caught out though q.q Or when my "team" decides to open chests even though I tell them I have plunderers on.
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@Captain_Spaulding You just made me realise I forgot maps 😂 They're so unnoticed/not used for me that I forgot they existed wow. They're probably right up there in terms of how many I loot now that I've removed my map hating bias blindfold. But I can 100% see that happening, the loot rate on keys is crazy
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Dude I love maps. It's stake out but better. Can't find a totem? Rainbow map to the rescue. Can't find hatch? Rainbow map muthafuckah.
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@Captain_Spaulding Nah, I've near memorised the newer totem spawns now, small game is good for trappers/totems too. Feels more like map is a delayed deja vu, don't you only see the hatch with the string offering after you've walked past it or is rainbow map different, I haven't used it much as you can tell, I just like them for map scout points when I loot them 😅
Edit: I looked it up so ignore the above, didn't realise how different the rainbow map is I haven't used one on purpose in a long time, sounds cool but I'd still rather have a med kit or toolbox, maybe I should take your lead and run around with a map in my matches, those scout points bonuses are pretty good...
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The blood points you gather from just walking is insane. I love the map so much. Completely under rated item.
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I love plunderers! Ace in the hole is also fun since I might find an insta-heal.
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@Kiskashi I don't think you want my luck. When I get a med-kit, it's usually brown.
@Captain_Spaulding Oh yeah, Plunderer's is awesome; especially since its buff for better items (which is probably the reason for all these keys and maps). I just wish I got the flashlights that I want.
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@Saint_Ukraine But a brown med kit is enough for at least one heal though (sometimes)? Better than no med kits like me, or only getting them when I don't need them 😂