What do you dislike most about your teammates when you play solo

Judith Member Posts: 819
edited May 2019 in General Discussions

-When people blow up a gen immediately and run away.

-When they crouch forever not doing objectives.

-When they unhook people when the killer is near.

-When they want killer's attention and get down in 5 seconds/dc/suicide on the hook.

-When they never look back if they are chased by a killer.

-When they put down every pallet in the first minute.

-When they self care the whole game not doing gens at all.

-When it's a swf who just want to tilt the killer and none of them are on gens.

And many more, I got tired from typing even these.


  • dnj510
    dnj510 Member Posts: 438

    Everything that was mentioned by everyone above. There have been plenty of situations where I am the only one actively doing gens or I'll become the sole survivor because everyone goes down to quickly or other teammates don't go for saves.

    After a rank reset, there was a situation where me and two other teammates were on a gen and another teammate was hooked by the killer halfway across the map. The gen was about 15 seconds from being popped so I decided to go for the save. I turn around and the other two survivors are running for the save as well, so I turned around and went back to work on the gen. I forget how the match played out but each of my other teammates took turns being hooked until they were dead.

  • FeelsVeryBadMan
    FeelsVeryBadMan Member Posts: 197

    I started to cherry pick my lobbies because of some of the things you mentioned above. It's insane how awful my teammates are when playing solo. I'm not saying I'm the best player in this game, but holy #########, these people have legit no idea what they're doing.

  • Army_Stich
    Army_Stich Member Posts: 16

    I run into everything mentioned above but hate it when a player is being chased and they see your on a gen so they run to you to take the agro. The biggest thing I see that happens to me personally is if im hooked no one comes for the save, i will go into 2nd state not a single person has done a thing then when I'm about 10 seconds from dieing someone starts to make their way to me. It be fine if they were being chased or doing Gens but most of the time they are just hiding in corners or lockers.

  • SinfulHarlot
    SinfulHarlot Member Posts: 154

    Crowding the hook when the killer is clearly baiting them out. Just do a gen and they'll move on.

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,583

    For me it's when i am left for a one hook and no one bothers to even try an help me.

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,583

    Or a flash light hello in the face lol

  • Kikki
    Kikki Member Posts: 536

    I hate it if team mates farm me from he hook.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    When they DC.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    1.Won't work through ruin

    2.Wasting pallets

    3.Hanging around the hook instead of working on generators when you are being camped.

    4.full sabotaging a hook next to the generator i'm working on. (not 99%)

    5.Hiding all match

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    Basically everything listed in this thread.

    Also when they get hit and then immediately downed. Its like, what were you doing watching the killer clean their weapon?

  • legion_main
    legion_main Member Posts: 483

    Everything everyone else said pretty much plus I loop the killer for like 5 minutes and use a couple pallets and not a single gen is popped because everyone is too scared to do anything

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    When they get rekt, and I have to run the killer around for a while (2 gens at most, then I pretend to mess up) so my team recovers. I'd rather practice moonwalking or break totems.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,085

    Not being productive.

    When I get camped, either go to a Gen or try to yolosave me (first option HIGHLY preferred). But dont crouch next to me.

    Especially when the Gates are open - just go out. Dont die to get me, which will not work out. And IF you try and fail, dont blame the Killer for camping.

  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    **All the above** Great job guys, we just identified all the problems of us solo players! :D

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    The only thing that REALLY bothers me is when I’m on the hook and everybody is on the other side of the map crouching around doing NOTHING at all. No gens being done, Claudette self caring at the corner of the map, Nea urban evading around the map, Dwight hiding in a locker, Meg walking around saving her precious Sprint Burst...most of my teammates are useless.

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    When they, for some damn reason, doesen't hide under the pallet when downed.

    When they are taking hits for a survivor that was downed just next to to the hook.

    When they are teabagging myers when standing behind a dropped pallet.

    When they are feeding myers so hard, that endless t3 myers gets his t3 in first minute of the match...

  • Keanuqwerty
    Keanuqwerty Member Posts: 126
    edited May 2019

    when 2 of my teammates dc and then a survivor tbags myers till t3 behind a pallet and then wastes EVERY SINGLE PALLET to then get tombstoned by myres,giving me only enough time to do 2 gens, and then myers finds me and i just give him the kill, because i know that there are NO pallets and that he would chase me for like a minute before he bloodlusts me to death. so my answer to the question, everything.

  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731

    Them Urban Evading about the map playing scared even when killer isnt close by.

    I run Bond to introduce them to the killer.

  • Fairlee
    Fairlee Member Posts: 7
    edited May 2019

    Insist on healing teammates against nurse, on her terror radius.

  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529

    When they DC early in the game because the killer downed them for the first time.

  • tgrab
    tgrab Member Posts: 70

    If I play solo and my teammates don't save me I will scream.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 906

    Teammates letting me go into second stage struggle when the killer is clearly on to someone else.

    Survivors that blow up a gen and run away

    When everyone is scared to open the exit gate.

    Survivors that run half way around the map when I have WMI, after getting them off hook.

    Pallet assassins.

    A three man swf that sacrifices the fourth survivor.

    Teammates too busy hiding to do gens.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Pallet wasting, self caring through sloppy, dcing and not working through ruin.

  • Knuckles
    Knuckles Member Posts: 218

    When I'm hooked and I see 2 survivors on gens and the idiot who decides to hide in a locker on the other side of the map for no reason.

  • Knuckles
    Knuckles Member Posts: 218

    Oh and let's not forget the one who decides to stand there and attract crows...

  • AStupidMonkeyy
    AStupidMonkeyy Member Posts: 718

    When a survivor blinds me with a firecracker or party starter instead of the killer while I'M in a chase and gets me downed. Fun times.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790
    edited June 2019

    When they give a killer a snowball - one goes on the hook then five seconds later you see another get slugged right near the hook, then maybe the 3rd goes down a few steps from there. Now you are left on the other side of the map deciding to either save these idiots or let them die and hope for a hatch.

    But the worst is when you are going for a save and another survivor leads the killer right back to the hooked. Then they likely follow that up with a stupid unsafe save and both end up slugged.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    people who feel that they can't save if the killer is anywhere near the hook

    i've gone 2nd stage on my first hook because people are too scared to "farm" me

    even if you save me and the killer tunnels me back down again (unless they have a mori) i at least have a chance of not going to struggle, but if you don't save me then i guaranteed go to struggle

  • RatDBD
    RatDBD Member Posts: 68

    Oh boy, the list could go on forever, here's a handful.

    • When people use something stackable (BPS, and the like) and don't let you know that they're putting it in before the match countdown starts.
    • When other Survivors don't know how to identify Killer perks and addons quickly enough; Iridescent heads, pinky finger, potential NOED (the killer won't pay attention to gens if he has NOED normally).
    • When there is completely and utterly no chance of escaping, and even less so if you save, and the last survivor won't kill themselves on hook.
    • When double BP comes around and people farm in front of the killer for their WGLF stacks.
    • When a Survivor hides in a locker for over 30 seconds to avoid BBQ. BBQ doesn't take 30 seconds guys.
    • When your teamies would rather search chests than saving you before second stage, under normal match circumstances.
    • When your teamie(s) search for Ruin practically the entire match instead of repairing through it, and don't realize how much time they're actually wasting.
    • When there's an (Nea) Urban Immersioner coming up on your hook, but had an opening to save you, and because they were crouching to you, the killer is already cycling back to your hook-- so they dip out and or, sandbag you.
    • When everyone is full health, and there's no chance of being insta-downed, you're two feet away from the exit, and everyone decides to panic and run in front of you instead of taking a hit and preventing a death from happening-- resulting in all of them fleeing out the exit gate for no reason.
    • When I'm observing the area around the gen I'm repairing, and I see the person being chased, pallet camping and wasting all of the pallets instead of using them to their full potential.
    • When the person you saved off the hook, runs AWAY from the exit gate, and doesn't let you bodyblock for them, so they die and in post-game chat rage about how you sandbagged them.
    • When people don't check the game offerings, and fail to see the potential ebony mori coming your way, so they take you off the hook immediately, thus resulting in an immediate match-end.
    • When there's someone saboing the hooks around you, but instead of saboing to 99%, they just drop the hooks immediately.
    • When someone is saboing traps. I just don't get it, it doesn't really influence the game much more, aside from taking your precious time away.
    • When a Survivor opens the exit gate, causes end-game collapse, and doesn't leave, when you have a RBT on your head.
    • When a Survivor goes AFK before the match starts. Please don't queue for a match if you know you're going to possibly be AFK during it.
    • When you get hooked and see all of your team mates crouching in three different corners of the map for no reason, for half of your hook time.
    • When your teamie pallet slams you, and gets you killed when both of you could have survived.
    • When a Survivor with a crutch perk on your team BMs, then goes down instantly, just to DC and most likely ruin your match.
    • When your team mates don't entirely understand the game, so they just make assumptions and #########-talk you post game, saying things like; "You hid in a locker instead of saving off the hook (Was in a locker for BBQ for 2 seconds)", "You didn't do ANY gens (I probably popped 3 1/2 generators)", "You wasted all of the pallets in the entire map (It was a 5 gen chase, and we all made it out)". Things like that are just frustrating.
    • Did I mention not repairing through ruin?
    • Oh yeah.
    • Repair.
    • Through.
    • Ruin.

  • drunky26
    drunky26 Member Posts: 686
    edited June 2019

    Not knowing what to do in certain situations.

    For instance if someone's being chased you're literally free to do anything so do the damn gens...

    Also when I get chased for a good amount of time and I see 3 auras just running around...

    this pisses me the most, but hey that's the solo life.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    When I'm maneuvering around the killer in stealth and they continuously try to heal me.

  • screamdreamsx
    screamdreamsx Member Posts: 213

    Ive had two games where the person who unhooked me followed to heal, failed the skill check multiple times, then ran and hid leaving me to the killer to be hooked again. Either finish the job or don’t even bother starting!

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Cleansing a dull totem near a gen, a survivor use fast vault window multiple times to attract Killer because I dont do gen.

  • invira_zero
    invira_zero Member Posts: 229

    Getting potato team, i guess.

    Also, getting saved in front of a killer butt, without BT, aka geting farmed.

    Not doing the fockin gens, wasting every fockin pallet cause they can.

    DC-ing on first down, looking for da fockin ruin the whole game, without doing gens.

    I can wrote a lot of things.

  • Pierpalle
    Pierpalle Member Posts: 23

    All the things the others said plus sandbaggers. Lately i have been hit right at the pallet because of these ######### bodyblocking me. ######### off.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790
    edited June 2019

    That can be a tough one. If it's an insta down killer or perks like MYC are in play they probably don't want to just trade places with you on the hook just to risk having you go down a few seconds later because they don't have BT, thus giving the killer a snowball. Otherwise though, If you are going second hook anyway, the play is to just go for it.

    And yes, scared of 'farming' other survivors is real. Survivors can blame you for anything and everything. Even if they were going to second stage anyway, they can and will hate on you for 'farming'. Then you got to deal with that awkward crap every time you run into them in a future match. Sad as it may be, it is often better to come off as a potato than a hook farmer, cause one implies intent.

    JAWS_BDSM Member Posts: 328

    What teammates?

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    DC'ing more than anything, I run the Killer around while they Urban Evasion around the map and get nothing done, Self Care in a corner, exactly why I play SWF, I like not having Survivors who have no hell of a idea what they are doing.

  • MissKitty95
    MissKitty95 Member Posts: 786
    edited June 2019

    People who camp on hatch when there is still 2 other people up and 1 gen left!!

    or people who don’t do gens when I’m clearly being chased for the whole game

    people who run past totems

    people who farm the hook with no BT

    wasting pallets ( using them when the killers nowere near them)

    runing around for the whole game looking for ruin there is 4 of us get on a gen someone will find it oh and it also will help you get better at skill check

    the list can keep going lol

    to other fellow solo ps4 players please all I ask if you see a totem please cleanse it takes 10 seconds roughly and if you see someone being chased do the gen! Unles you want to keep him occupied while I do it ? Lol

    if your a new player then you’re excused :) have fun fellow survivors :)

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Teammates that suck in chases.

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688

    Some of what I dislike when playing solo:

    - When I'm fixing, someone comes running, starts fixing too and in less than 5 seconds blows up the gen and runs away, attracting the killer to me and just screwing the fixing I had been doing well so far.

    - When the killer is chasing someone and others just stand near, crouching. Like, if they are chasing someone, move away and go do gens, don't just stand there.

    - When the killer has barely left the hook, like 3 or 4 seconds and someone unhooks me. Of course the killer will come right back and most of the time, the survivor doesn't even use BT, making me an easy target for the killer to down again.

    - When someone is just making noise to attract the killer's attention, then they screw up and decide to DC on the spot.

    - When someone is downed, I'm trying to block the killer to give them a chance to wiggle free and they just DC, making me the only target now, when I was trying to help them.

    - When someone is downed for the first time, by any killer and they quit.

    - When you start a match and someone DC's on the first 5 seconds. They could have done it in the loading screen, but they waited and screwed all the others on the team.

    - When I'm fixing, someone was with me and left, then they get chased, they come to my gen, forcing me to hide a bit and instead of leading the killer away, they keep the killer right there, so I can't fix and sometimes the killer finds me and switches targets.

    - When people know the gens that are not done are on one side, get chased and instead of trying to take the killer to the other side, they just run him around the area where the gens we need are, so no one fixes and if they get downed, then the hook is near and the killer doesn't have to choose between camping or going to the gens.

  • toonrjj
    toonrjj Member Posts: 4

    Few things that annoy me, Not working together. Disconnecting just because they have been caught once which isn’t the end of the world.

    And not actually in game but the delay on people confirming they are ready to start the game in the lobby annoys me the most.