Headshots are a bug
It's official, @Peanits said it.
There actually isn't any head hitbox to headshot, that's just a side effect of the very early dedicated servers test. We haven't done a pass on gameplay just yet so everything is designed to work on a peer to peer connection, and as a result, sometimes you'll have strange situations like a huntress hatchet applying damage twice before disappearing. It'll be fixed before dedicated servers go live.
How do you feel about it?
This has been known for a while. Peanits has said it multiple times since the absurd rumor that "headshots" were a thing started.
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I don't know why it wouldn't be a feature, very illogical. I'm quite sure hatchets in your head would be lethal. Reward good players more please.
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To be honest I thought they were testing a possible nerf to iridescent heads or a new ultra-rare Huntress addon and forgot to take the headshot thing out. I don't really care either way.
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Features that should have been...
Dead by Daylight is a very strange game. Nowadays, I don't know if that's a good thing.
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Thank goodness. Wouldn't want to see killers get rewarded for skill now would we.
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Headshots on the huntress are actually much more common than you might think. Any time you hit a Survivor over a low wall, chances are you're getting a headshot. It's not exactly hard to do especially when you consider the size of your hatchet's hitbox, and it would be a pretty massive buff to an already very good Killer.
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But if the hitboxes would be so that the hatchet would actually have to hit the head it would be much different, then hitting people in their head with hatchets won't be as common as it currently is. Hitboxes for hatchets have always been odd.
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I would prefer to leave FPS style game play out of this. If you allow head shots, give survivors a jump button - crouching and animation locks just make head shots more likely.
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Not a good buff considering how inconsistent hatchets are.
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It's not very good killer because of looping. Many loops don't allow throwing over and 110% speed killer gets looped even longer.
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It's not necessarily a FPS game feature. It makes sense that, when the hitboxes are finally accurate, a hatchet in the head is lethal enough to down the survivor. Good play should be rewarded. I bet it would be quite hard to hit a hatchet in the actual head when the hatchet hitboxes make sense, so it's not likely you'll get hit by a hatchet in the head every match. And if you do so, then you have to question yourself perhaps. And why would you want to jump as a survivor? It would literally add nothing to the game, other than another way to t-bag?
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"Headshots are hard to hit and its fair that they cause insta down"
"Legion is the weakest killer and dont need nerf"
"MoM its soo op they should remove it"
"Momento mori is not op just git gud dud"
"This game its too survivor sided killers need buffs"
Stay tunned for others quotes from baby killers
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Baby killers? Most of the things you quoted are actually true which, if you were a good killer, you would know too. Sounds as if you are the baby killer here...