Playing Survivor in Red Ranks is Not Fun Anymore

let us discuss playing survivor in red ranks. Since the last rank reset and recent piping system changes, it seems that the nurse is the only killer that is able to rank up.
I have been playing in red ranks for a few days now and the nurse is the only killer that I play against (and once in a blue moon I see a spirit or hillbilly). 2 days ago I played for 8 hours straight and I have seen only 3 hillbillies, 7 spirits and the rest were nurses.
I wouldn't mind playing against the nurse if she is not fundamentally broken. She bypasses all the survivors' defenses and makes you feel helpless. You can juke her for a little bit by breaking line of sight (even though a good nurse will read you like an open book) but eventually she will catch up and you will be forced to run in the open, and this is when you die.
The bottom line is, I have lost the motivation to play survivor in red ranks because I am only facing a killer that is broken and has no reliable counter play.
- Survivors: do you have the same issue? or do you have a different experience in red ranks?
- Killers who play the nurse: do you play the nurse because she is the only viable killer in red ranks? or do you have a different reason?
Forgive my spelling/grammar mistakes, English is not my first language.
Playing the killer in red ranks was never fun.
Post edited by Ihatelife on24 -
Thats why im keeping my rank around 5-8
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I think high ranks are similar for most games, out of all the matches you play you usually see some sort of meta that gets used often.
For DBD this is playing high mobility killers (Nurse, Hillbilly) in higher ranks.
The solution that most players use is to make an alt account that you can mess around on.
Personally I stay around the purple ranks, I use strange builds/no perks to stay around those ranks.
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Survivors don't want killers to be buffed so people play the only one that is viable at that rank.
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I play Spirit pretty successfully at higher ranks. As a killer, you typically just don't have time to get anything done with killers outside of Nurse, Billy, or Spirit. You need to be able to end chases quickly (like within 1, maybe 2 loops) and also be able to haul *** across the map immediately after the hook. It's a math problem and a path of least resistance thing. Dealing with pallets takes time. Walking at base speed takes time. Yeah, I can deal with some squads as Freddy at higher ranks, but it will be 3x harder, if possible.
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there are only 4 killers which are viable at high ranks so u would see them often if all the killers were viable then we would see more variety
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try playing killer, you will have a ton of fun in red ranks!
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When I play killer at red ranks I play whatever the hell I want I always end up with a 3 or 4k the true meta here is to actually try having fun
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to be honest i feel like i see barely any nurses in red ranks, and i prefer the higher ranks for survivor as at least my team mates don't suck
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In red ranks everyone (Killers and survivors) uses the same sh*t over and over and it's kinda boring if you ask me.
Why? because:
-2/3 killers out of 15 are viable in red ranks
-5/6 survivors' perks out of 65 are viable in red ranks
-7/8 killers' perks out of 57 are viable in red ranks
It's time to buff some useless Killer / perk.
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Play on console then. There are billies but you will hardly see a nurse. Especially a good one.
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I wish I could play killer; the game is not so popular in my region and the queue times are insanely long. If I play killer all the survivors will have ping above 150 ms which would not be fair. I would not feel satisfied even if I win. In addition, my internet is not great :(
I understand that playing killer is a lot more stressful than playing survivor and playing against a squad of coordinated SWF makes the job 3x harder but you still have a chance of wining. Both sides should have fun by having equal chances of wining. Playing against a killer that breaks the mechanics of the game removes all the fun you could have as a survivor.
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I am not here to argue which role is more fun to play. Playing killer is stressful, I understand that. My complain in this post is that once you rank up as a survivor, you will play against the nurse over and over which is boring and frustrating in the same time.
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do you play the nurse because she is the only viable killer in red ranks? or do you have a different reason?
There you got it.
Nurse is not broken.
She is viable.
Viable Killer: killer skill > survivor skill = killer win
Viable Killer: killer skill < survivor skill = survivors win
No viable Killer: killer skill > survivor skill = killer can still lose
No viable Killer: killer skill < survivor skill = killer lose
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sorry for your region/internet
not trying to say playing survivor is more fun, 50% of the time it is a pathetic experience in solo, at least for me
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Sadly this is how the devs intended the killers to work, They said themselves that they don't make killers to be viable and because of that we end up with a very small portion of the killers being viable at red ranks.
Let's hope they get the wake up call they need and buff the weaker killers to give the game some much needed variety.
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Thats why im rank 10-5 since all are nurses a nd billy i hope they do something about it
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Red ranks were always miserable. No reason to be there other than pride and ego.
And the devs made it harder to rank up...
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Nurse is not broken. But she's the only killer who can't be looped around pallets.
What tells us that?
Looping needs to be reworked. But since the devs play on rank 17, they don't seem to understand what the flaw with looping is.
And they don't listen...
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I agree. I would love to see less looping and more LoS breaking. I enjoy stealth builds, and they're not really viable right now.
I pre-ordered this game mainly because I was excited about the idea of a "hide and seek" type game with horror tropes thrown in. But, over the years it's become far less that and far more like playing tag.
I don't want to run in a loop. I want to hide and dodge the killer while doing my objectives. But, I also want to be able to pip for playing well, and unfortunately that play style doesn't work well in the current ranking system.
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What a shocker! You only face killers that are good in the red ranks?!
If only the less viable killers were to be buffed up to the same level of viability.
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Nurse Hillbilly and Spirit are only playable killers in red rank. I main Clown but that is sad tru .
Surv hate play in Red Ranks because camp, tunnel or only Nurse but they dont want be nerfed.
Killer hate play in Red Ranks because t-bag, gen rush, toxic and play only Nurse. If you see other killer in rank 1 - there's 75% chance he camp you because this is only way to win. There is no balance. Surv rank 1 are 99% pathetic and think they need buffs... killer need buffs still. Killer is not playable, we waited long but still rush exists... That's reason DBD in 2019 is 40% comunity lower.
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80% survival rate at rank 1. The Nurse is the most played killer at rank 1, so how come the survival rate is still absurdly high, if indeed she's as "broken" as you claim?
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And people thought No Mither was a silly perk. Who's usin' it now? >:}
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Juking takes skill.
Looping doesn't.
Survivor mains wanted more chases, because chases are fun. Devs gave in and now looping is a feature.
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It's because the devs refuse to buff the rest the killers to rank 1 viable so we're forced to use the same ones over and over.
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Red Ranks are just a shi*storm full of camping, tunneling, BM, and toxicity coming from both sides.
I guess playing like an ######### is fun? When I'm at Rank 1, I feel like I'm forced to play with meta perks only if I'm gonna try to have atleast some fun and chance against those sweaty Killers / Survivors.
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@FeelsVeryBadMan Yet the survival rate at rank 1 and 2 is high. 60% for rank 2 and 80% for rank 1 (though the rank 1 survival rate is due to the way rank 1 works and the way they acquired the data). So I understand having to run meta perks on killer to have a chance, but survivor, not so much.
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Dunno about you but data collected from 5 days of gametime doesn't seem very relevant to me.
I think due to the tryharding nature of most players in Red Ranks, both sides play with mostly just meta perks to actually have a chance in the game. And, not to mention, surviving =/= fun. I *COULD* escape every game through the hatch because I got lucky or the Killer had pity, but that doesn't mean I had fun that game.
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@FeelsVeryBadMan Why is 5 days not enough? Keep in mind that if the time frame is too wide, you'll catch people who're still settling into their proper ranks after the previous rank reset.
I get surviving isn't the same as fun, but if survivors escape more often than not, this means you can run sub-par (fun) builds and still win (escape).
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I don't know. I think 5 days is just not really enough to prove something. I think it's enough to gather some data, but I don't think it's very relevant. I would personally prefer if they dedicated like atleast 2 weeks. 5 days for me is simply too short.
About the fun part, I think everyone has their own fun in their own way. I just simply think that "fun" doesn't exist in Red Ranks. Sometimes it does, but it's pretty rare. Well, atleast for me.
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It isn't really any better for killers. It's just gen rush and loop, loop, loop.
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@FeelsVeryBadMan Two weeks means two weeks after the last rank reset. I'd rather have five days, a week tops, before any ranking changes or rank reset, which is what we got. It's the "purest" data, when everyone has settled into their ranks and we can accurately gauge the game's balance.
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I was a rank 1 survivor from September 2018 till December 2018, when has playing at the red ranks ever been fun?
What's fun about long queue times, playing against the same killers (and the same players), op add ons such as Iridescent Head, with no reward for being at rank 1?
EDIT: Also with the five day thing, I work two jobs, I only started to playing this current season a few days ago. There probably other people like me in a similar situation.