Is BHVR getting ready to sell to Epic Games Store?

after taking the recent survey i got to thinking about the questions further. i get the feeling that BHVR is thinking about selling to Epic Games store or becoming Exclusive to them. i think it be a bad move and they would lose a lot of support. but what do you guys think?
God lets hope not, this will kill the game faster than F13 died
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Why do you even think about that?
Like what kind of question gave you that impression lol
It is a stupid move and I don't even give it a chance. It is gonna remain on steam.
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Considering DBD has been out on Steam for almost 3 years I wouldn't count on it
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how long was Rocket League out on steam? as it happened to Rocket League.
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Its still on steam
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the Battle pass type question, Tournament modes, Leaderboards, all pushing more towards a competitive scene, for example like with Rocket league lots seem to think they will offer the game for free on Epic Games store and just stick to the battle pass loot boxes as form of income. we already know Epic Games is approaching game companies that have high reviews on steam and player base to try to get them on board.
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I think that would be an advertising mistake. I thought about them moving it completely off steam so they wouldn't have to pay a cut.. but the reality is.. They would need to spend far more to advertise their game to the masses, if they wanted it to grow.
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it is still on steam for the time being.
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BHVR already wants to work on this game for another 5 more years, so I don’t think you need to worry about them selling DBD to a cash grab company. They asked those questions on the survey to get the community’s opinion.
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they could still sign an exclusivity deal with them.
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"On a scale of 10/10 to 20/10, how stoked would you be if we became Epic exclusive?"
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BHVR makes enough as a company from this game and it’s store, I don’t think they need to sign a deal with a sell out brand
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Selling their game on Epic Store and let us play with whatever players end up buying it there wouldn't be too bad, to be honest. Especially if they continue selling DbD on Steam.
But doing like Rocket League and just disbanding steam altogether..? Doubt it.
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They're not coming here to say no SO THEY MUST BE DOING THAT! ☠️
/sarcasm btw.
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the only good thing about epic store is bringing playstation exclusives to pc
other then that, they should stop trying to buy companies to sell their inferior platform
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The Epic Games store has a variety of issues.
Particularly, in terms of saves, and syncing across different PC’s.
Let’s say for example, I play and I have a level fourty five character that I got from thirty. If I don’t manually back up said save, I lose that progress.
And if I tried to login in on a different PC? I wouldn’t have any of my progress.
Epic Games store is horrendous. It’s only propelled via the success of Fortnite, but much like that- it’s not going to last. Steam is much better.
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Really stop fearmongering or worrying about DbD becoming Epic Store exclusive. There is no reason to believe it's happening or considered. And it would be a horrible risky move for them. Do you really think they would risk abandoning their current Steam playerbase?
No the only thing I could see is them starting to sell the game on other stores as well, if possible. But that's nothing to worry about as long it stays on steam.
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Just NEVER know what BHVR will do.
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yea it seems lots of game companies/developers have been taking the cash and running to Epic we really have no clue what BHVR will do but it seems possible that it could happen.
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I do not consider it fear mongering just curious what others have for opinions on this. as well on what they think about this prospect.
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All stuff they promised or commented about way before the Epic Games store even existed, except for the Battle Pass thing.
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Update: In a statement to USGamer, Epic clarified that "we are continuing to sell Rocket League on Steam, and have not announced plans to stop selling the game there. Rocket League remains available for new purchasers on Steam, and long-term plans will be announced in the future." Epic also told the site that, going forward, players "will still be able to play Rocket League on Steam with all of the content they've previously purchased, same as always."
bhvr not leaving steam lol.
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Unless Steam changes it business model, more developers will continue moving to Epic. Epic only takes about 10% of the profits made from game sales. Companies that don't need the advertising/are going to do well enough already have zero incentive to stay on Steam.
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Just learned EasyAntiCheat was bought by Epic late last year.
I never learned about business, so idk if that is a factor to consider...
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@EqMonkVeeshan maybe they are developing a new game?
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yea death garden would be the perfect place for them to release on Epic Game store!
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I hope not, i am a console player but i simply cant handle epic securing exclusives on their limited platform
if this game becomes an epic exclusive i will be really mad