Removing RNG from some killers ( and some buffs for them)
The Trapper
- Escaping a bear trap is now a fixed channel, add-ons that affect it will be changed.
- The Trapper can reset traps without needing to pick them up.
- Disarming a bear trap gives the survivor a moderately hard skill-check.
- Survivors cannot sabotage bear traps.
- The Trapper spawn with all bear traps.
The Pig
- Removed the chance of getting rid of a RBT on the first Jigsaw Box.
- Slightly increase movement speed while crouched.
- Slight increase the camera POV while crouched.
- The add-on "Rule Set No. 2" becomes base kit.
The nightmare
- In order for survivors to get out of the Dream World, they need to hit special "Dream skill-checks" while working on an generator. There are three Dream skill-checks available on a single generator: at 15% , at 30% and at 45%. Missing all the skillchecks will cause a temporary removal of them (120 seconds). Survivors can still wake up each other.
- Add-ons changes. Wool Shirt : slightly decreases the first Dream skill-check available progress ( adds 5%. Stacks.) Green Dress : considerably decreases the first Dream skill-check available progress ( adds 12%. Does not stack). Blue Dress : moderately decreases the first and second Dream skill-checks available progress ( adds 8%. Stacks).
- Remove every action speed while on dream transition.
Edit 1 : accidentally posted the discussion without it being ready.
Edit 2 : added all the Nightmare changes.
First Jigsaw Box? Good. Second? Excessive, IMO. Plus, how would it work with Amanda's Letter, which gives you only two boxes?
I also think that either the first Jigsaw Box failure buff or the RSN2 basekit buff should go through, but not both.
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@TAG You are right, I will change it.
Any of the buffs here would change the add-ons, I am just too lazy to write it.
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I love it! especcially the trapper and nightmare ones!
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Freddy's suggestions are not all thought well.
>: In order for survivors to get out of the Dream World, they need to hit special "Dream skill-checks" while working on an generator. There are three Dream skill-checks available on a single generator: at 15% , at 30% and at 45%. Missing all the skillchecks will cause a temporary removal of them (120 seconds). Survivors can still wake up each other. >
15% of generator in Dream World is 24 sec
30% - 48 sec
45 % - 72 sec
If those skill check are normal size - 2nd and 3rd are useless.
If those skill check are Overcharge size (which makes more sense) - 24 seconds between them is pretty long.
While I agree that some of the wakes are dumb. 2 ppl in Dream, one dying, second running around. Second heals dying one - miraculously healed one out of Dream.
Self-care space spam - bam, out of Dream.
Healing skill check failures should not break Dream state, as well as Adrenaline, healing from dying state should not break Dream state.
There should be 2 actions that break Dream state:
- Non-sleeping survivor wakes you up.
- You fail generator skill check. Thus Dress add-ons will be useful as they are now.
>: Remove every action speed while on dream transition>
This could be very powerful buff for Freddy, since you can interrupt ppl from any activity instead of watching them cleanse your totem at your nose helplessly.
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The numbers are raw, I opened this discussion to see if people disagree, agree or think some of them need tweaks. Self-care or any healing action would have no effect at waking up, meaning either you wait a teammate come to you or work on a gen at 50% decreased speed.
But please,tell me what in your vision would be a better percentage for the Dream skill-checks, I'd like to hear others' opinions.
Thank you for your response.
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I apologize, but what is "RNG"?
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@Creator RNG - Random Number Generator.
I think that 12 seconds basetime between generator skill checks will be reasonable time. Also first skill check should be tremendously difficult, second - considerably difficult, third - moderately difficult. Dress add-ons should increase time between skill checks by 2, 3, 4 seconds accordingly. Progress on skill checks should be saved if you for some reason stopped working on gen, i.e. if you failed 1st skill check, worked for 5 seconds more and ran off, on next gen you will have 2nd skill check after 7 seconds of repairs. 120 seconds will probably too long penalty taking in account Freddy sees you. Around 30 seconds will be more then enough for a penalty. It is basically 42 seconds till next skill check which is a lot against Killer who can see you.
While healing and self-healing skill checks stays same as normal.
Yes, as I said above - healing, self-healing skill checks should not wake you up, beeing healed from dying state and Adrenaline as well.
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that freddy buff is absolutely absurd. can't wait for him to replace nurse
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Yeah it's bad because as is the king of nightmares isn't all that scary he should have been top from the start but then again my perk builds would ensure a 4k as I would always know where everyone is lol